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Posts posted by Steve63130

  1. Shafted,


    I think you are perhaps too skeptical in this situation. Sure, with little else to go by, it might sound creepy to follow women just to compliment them, but if it's a casual encounter after entering the store, no big deal. Sounds to me like Onhertoes handled it ok. Bluejay and I compliment women we don't know all the time, and most of them love it when we do it. But it's not like we're hitting on them. It's just a friendly smile and a compliment and that's all, unless they want to engage in further discussion.



  2. HappyinHeels,


    Good to see your post! No two people have exactly the same taste, and Bluejay and I are no exceptions. But we have a lot of respect for each other and each of us is glad when the other person gets a pair of heels he likes. So there's no competition, just joy! We're glad to have the friendship and we both love shoes and shoe shopping. The same goes with you, HiH. Our tastes are very different, but I was exceedingly glad you found some styles you liked when you and I went shoe shopping together last summer.



  3. You're welcome, Bluejay! I know you've had a busy week, so I thought I'd take the time to write up a post about our outings. We met several very nice people, got a few compliments, and enjoyed the freedom of wearing heels out in public. It was a memorable weekend and I look forward to getting together with you again next time.


    The pic of you in the red DSW t-shirt doesn't show the design very well. I didn't think to ask you to open your jacket to show it off better. Maybe you can post a photo of it when you get time. It's a cool shirt. You also bought a book that others may be interested in. Maybe you can get a photo of that also.



  4. This past weekend my wife flew to Ithaca, NY, to attend an event and had to meet someone in Buffalo after that. She got a ride to Buffalo with a colleague. My job was to drive to Buffalo and retrieve her. So I contacted Bluejay and arranged to get together with him again. I hadn't seen him since the summer. We got together Saturday night and went to the outlet stores in Niagara Falls. He wore white skinny pants and Uggs Tawnie sandals in sapphire blue. I wore bootcut denim jeans and my Clarks Octavia clogs (photos below).
    Our first stop was Payless. They have a big selection of heels in sizes 11, 12, and 13, and we tried on a few. I didn't see anything I couldn't live without, but Bluejay was taken with their Karbon cut-out zippered pump (sandal) in navy (photo) and wore them around the store for a few minutes. He said they were comfortable and easier to walk in that he expected. The heel is 5 inches and the platform is around an inch. But he talked to Evelyn, the sales associate, for a while and decided to wait until they were on sale or he had a coupon, so we left without buying anything.
    Next we stopped at Naturalizer. I tried on a nice heeled bootie in size 11, but I really needed a 12, which they didn't have. Bluejay didn't see anything there. Mike, the SA that Bluejay knows, wasn't working that night, so we left and went next door to Nine West. There were a few customers in the store, but there must have been 6-8 SAs, all women, and very friendly and helpful, but I couldn't help wonder how the store could be profitable with so much staff. I only saw one shoe in size 12, and that was a leopard design pump, which didn't do anything for me. Bluejay didn't find anything there either. But at all three stores he engaged the sales associates in conversation and asked them if they could guess the brand of sandals he was wearing. Nobody guessed Uggs and all were surprised, because the common knowledge is that Uggs only makes wool-lined boots.
    From there we went to Applebee's for dinner and then went back to my motel room. We had each brought a suitcase of our favorite shoes to share, so we spent some time at "show and tell" which was very interesting. Our taste in shoes is very different. He loves everything, and the flashier and more bling it has, the better. He also loves and wears stilettos a lot, which I don't do much. I am more reserved, with blacks and browns, and with thicker and shorter heels. We had fun trying on each other's favorites, though, and talking about them. Finally it got late and Bluejay went home.
    On Sunday Bluejay came over after church and brought over a box of leggings. He loves leggings and has a couple of dozen in many colors and fabrics. I own zero and have never had an interest in them, but he got me to try on several of them, and I admit they felt good and I think I looked good wearing them with my Aerosoles "Platonic" heeled sandals (the ones in my avatar) that I was wearing. So I may have to reconsider leggings in my future.
    We went from there over to Kay's Jewelers, where Maria, a friend of Bluejay's works. I met her in the summer when I was there, and it was nice to meet her again. Bluejay wore the same Uggs Tawnie sandals in Raspberry Sorbet (photo), with a matching pink pedicure, and black leggings. I wore my jeans and the Aerosoles Platonic avatar sandals without hosiery, and showed off my battleship gray pedi (photo). We chatted with Maria for a while and left to go to Macy's. Dana, one of Bluejay's friends there was not working. We got the word that she went home ill. But we did meet Rania, who spoke to us for a while and she liked Bluejay's Uggs, too. We looked around the shoe department, but it was pretty small, and we didn't find anything, so we didn't stay too long.
    We went over to DSW after that, and enjoyed walking around looking at the various styles. Bluejay found a pair of brown and black Tahari loafer pumps he fell in love with (2 photos), and we chatted with Kayla, one of the sales associates, about (what else?) Bluejay's Ugg sandals! One of the photos shows him carrying them because he didn't dare set them down for fear that somebody would walk off in them! We had a nice time there, but it was getting to be late afternoon, so we left. Bluejay said he had a coupon and would be going back to get those heels this week and he did.
    We had a delightful time shoe shopping. It's always great touring with a native who knows his way around the city. Thanks for the hospitality, Bluejay! You're an inspiration!









  5. Bubba is exactly right. Go find a counselor and lay out the entire story with all the details. Counselors can help you turn your life around and find that "open door" alluded to above. You can be successful, but you need help. It is not a sign of weakness that you need help; it's a sign of strength is having the courage to get it!


    Good luck,



  6. Freestyle75 said it better than I could. Get over it and move on. Men's clothes for the job; anything you want on your own time. If you feel entrepreneurial, start your own company and be the boss. Then you can wear whatever you want as long as it doesn't scare customers away! Good luck!



  7. Just when I thought I'd seen every holiday catalog imaginable, my wife got another one I'd never seen before - Wine Enthusiast. She pointed out to me that on page 21 there were four wind glasses with rather unusual decorations, as you can see in the photo below. For the price of $33 each, I told her I'd rather save the money and get the real shoes! She laughed and said she figured as much! LOL


    They also had a cork holder in the shape of a stiletto, wine bottle totes, and cocktail charms with dangling heels that you can use to mark your glass at a party.




  8. Good find, Kneehighs! Thanks for bringing the article to our attention. It ought to be standard required reading for anybody looking at us heelers in disdain. "Odd" is in the eye of the beholder. What's odd to us now was socially accepted convention in the past. It applies not only to children's clothing, the subject of the article, but to men wearing high heels, stockings, tights, skirts, powedered wigs, satin, jewelry, cosmetics, brightly colored fabrics, and lace, all of which were once worn proudly by men.



  9. Most experienced SAs are savvy enough to see right through lame excuses, so don't bother with them. In fact, you don't need an excuse at all. It's your money and if they have what you want, you can buy it without an excuse. You don't have to fill out an application form and explain why. All they need is your cash.



  10. Ash,


    It's been a good thread, but we understand your reason for terminating it. As long as you still have an interest in heels, though, stick around and post when you have something to say or show us. We'd hate to see you leave this forum. You've generated a lot of interesting posts since you've been here, and you and I never would have met in person last summer if you had left.



  11. Why would strappy sandals be ruined by getting them wet? If they're leather, it got wet when it was on the cattle many times, I'm sure. Just let them dry naturally at room temperature. If they're not leather, but vinyl or plastic, water probably won't affect it. If they're fabric, well, I would hope they don't get stained, but it's possible, I guess. The glues that are used are waterproof for the most part, but insoles could curl. Probably not from a single wetting, though.


    I've gotten shoes of all sorts wet many times over the years, and I have yet to ruin a pair. It just doesn't happen.



  12. Great story, Dave! I'm glad you recognized where the demons were and dealt with them appropriately.


    I'm a bit surprised, because when we've been together in the past you wore some awesome heeled platform sandals that were very obvious and you were quite open and confident. But being around colleagues and friends that don't necessarily share your passion for heels is different, I guess. Anyway, congrats! This is another milestone for you and I appreciate your posting about it. Thanks for sharing.


    Hope to see you again some time soon.



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