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Posts posted by Steve63130

  1. Jwhite,


    Are you just starting out wearing 6" heels or have you worn 6" heels a lot so you can walk gracefully and have the confidence to look good? If you're new to 6" heels, you probably need to plan to spend a lot of time practicing walking in them. Otherwise a fall or fail is likely in your future, and you could experience pain and discomfort as well. You need to build up to that height gradually. Just sayin' - good luck with the new boots!



  2. Those of us who are passionate and fixated on high heels, or women's shoes in general, view the world as if everyone else were that way also. The truth is that we are a small minority, and most people don't notice shoes or care about them in a fashion sense. We just think the whole world is watching us, but they're not. Oh, sure, some notice, but most are too polite to say anything. When I go out, I just don't even pay attention anymore to who is looking or not. I just wear with confidence, don't think about watching to see if others notice, and go about my day. You should, too! Have fun!



  3. They were found again....And I'm too scared to talk about it...I feel like I'm cornered...

    You are your own worst enemy, I'm afraid to say. If your parents love you, then a good conversation, no matter how awkward it sounds, will clear up a lot of misconceptions on both sides. Guys are extremely insecure about wearing feminine clothing and shoes, but the truth is that many women admire men who have the courage to go against the flow and wear what they want to. You won't ever "outgrow" the high heel gene, so you need to learn how to nurture it and enjoy it. Communicating with your parents is the first step in finding out how they feel, why, and how you can live within their home and make the best of your situation. If they don't approve of your heeling at all, then it's way past time to move out and live on your own, or plan do so as soon as you can. Good luck.



  4. Would love to go on a long walk in some heels one day.+

    Well, do it! The only thing stopping you is yourself. Once you get up the nerve to do it, you will suddenly realize how easy it was and kick yourself for not doing it sooner. Guys are so insecure about wearing anything feminine, but the reality is just the opposite. Many women really admire a guy with the courage and confidence to wear what he wants. Now you can't just put on heels and go for a walk. You need to practice, practice and practice some more so you can walk with grace and dignity. If you trip, fall, act awkward or clumsy, you will attract more negative attention than you want, but if you can master the art of walking in heels, you'll be the envy of most gals you meet. The other key is the outfit. Heels and baggy men's clothes don't go together. Get some form-fitting clothes that compliment the heels and put together an outfit that looks like you put some thought into it. Ask for advice from saleswomen in places you shop at. You're not the first guy to want to wear women's clothes. They've seen it all. Just tell them the truth, that the outfit is for you. Bring in the heels you want to wear and show them. They'll help you. They want to make a sale and they don't care if you're a guy. If they're not helpful, go to another store. Above all, have fun!



  5. It's a mixed bag. Just like with women, some guys like stockings and others don't. I generally do (I have the nylon gene) and in fact I own a business selling hosiery to men. Men wear hosiery for lots of reasons. We just make them in men's sizes and make them anatomically comfortable and convenient. Nylon hosiery makes women's shoes fit and feel better, in general, although some styles of sandals might be better barefoot. Hosiery is better for foot hygiene, as it lets your foot skin breath instead of keeping it damp, which can nurture fungus and bacteria and subsequent foot odor. And if you are showing off your legs, nylon hosiery gives your skin an even color and hides blemishes, scars, and (in black) even leg hair. Not all guys like hosiery; not all women do either. Pantyhose have been on the decline since 1992, when business fashion began to be relaxed.



  6. Glad to hear your new shoes are delivered and ready for pick-up. I'm sure you've been waiting a long time. It always seems to me like a long time between ordering and delivery. Show us pics when you get them!



  7. Clarks makes wonderful shoes. I have many pairs of clogs and a few sandals of theirs, plus a pair of boots similar to those, but with a 3" heel and no decorative buckle. They are extremely comfortable, I wear them everywhere in winter, and nobody has ever made a comment to me about them.


    Enjoy them!



  8. W6ISH,


    I suspect a lot of us, if not most of us, have favorite styles. Mine is a sandal or clog with 3" block heels. Some people favor stiletto pumps, boots, or sandals. Others like wedge sneakers or loafer pumps. While I do have other types of shoes in my collection, my favorite styles predominate. So no surprise that your collection is mostly what you like best. Sounds good to me!



  9. A couple of weeks ago, Bluejay mentioned to me that he found two pair of sandals he really liked, called "Terrace" by White Mountain, one in cognac (really a tan - I would never drink cognac this color - yuck!), and one in black. I checked on 6pm.com and saw them on clearance for $19.99. How big a risk could that be? So I ordered a pair in cognac and they arrived within 3 days (good service!). I put them on and they fit like a glove, very snug, and very secure. They have a tapered by broad heel for excellent stability. The heel height is 3.5 inches. I wrote a review just before last weekend, and didn't see it published until this week. It's here:




    But since this web page will disappear when the shoes are sold out, here is what it says:


    Outstanding! Review by Steve

    A friend of mine recommended these to me and since I love clog-style sandals, I bought a pair in size 11 in Cognac. They fit like a glove, very snugly, stay on my feet very well, and have plenty of padding for all day wearing. I typically walk a half mile to work and back each day, and it's really fun wearing these very comfortable sandals. No fatigue at the end of the day, either. The heel measures about 3.5 inches, the shoe is very stable for walking or standing, and they have become my very favorite shoes for every day wear out and about, with bootcut jeans. I love them so much I bought a second pair in black! Thanks for making them in larger sizes for fashion forward people!

    (Posted on 8/29/14)



    Thanks for recommending these sandals, Bluejay. They're my new favorite! Only a couple of more months of sandal wearing left, but I intend to enjoy doing so!





  10. A lot of our customers report that wearing thin nylon hose (tights, trouser socks, pantyhose, thigh highs, knee highs, etc.) allow the feet to be insulated from the shoe so that the moisture from the skin has someplace to migrate to without soaking the adjacent shoe material. Cotton is a natural fiber and absorbs moisture. It stays wet and clammy. Outdoorsmen avoid it like the plague because it can lead to hypothermia. Synthetic fibers like nylon and polypropylene don't absorb and hold moisture. Our customers report that their feet stay dryer and more comfortable. Foot odor, usually a result of dead and decaying bacteria, is much reduced, too, because bacteria need a humid environment to proliferate. A couple of years ago I developed a toenail fungus, which also thrives in humid environments. I started wearing sandals and the fungus went away, foot odor disappeared, and life is good again. Try nylon hosiery and see if you like it better than barefoot. Dry feet are happy feet. Check out www.activskin.com  [Full disclosure: it's my company and while I don't like to advertise here on this forum, if it helps guys here, it should be ok to mention it once.]



  11. Lvemadomina,


    I'm really impressed with the amount of caring and excellent advice you received here so far. You have a lot of concerned brothers and sisters, so do what you think is best for your future and show love and respect to your parents. Do let us know how it goes.


    Good luck!



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