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Posts posted by KneeBooted

  1. Well talk about me being indecisive! After @jeremy1986 made the comment about the new “skinny” jeans looking more loose, I shuffled myself back on over to American Eagle and exchanged them for jeggings instead. As it turns out, they are more of a snug fit, as well as comfortable!

    I got the same color light pair, but the darker pair aren’t as dark as the skinny jeans I had originally picked up.

    Anyway, here are the two NEW options that lay before me. Thoughts please.




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  2. On 10/3/2018 at 10:58 AM, Rockpup said:

    Soo... Drudge Report linked to a story about men wearing heels :)


    So I read through the article, and while I definitely like the article, the thing I can’t help but notice is the focus on stilettos. I don’t disagree the points made about stilettos being femme in society, but I think block heels and even wedges still suffer the gender stereotypes and “gawks” from people who aren’t used to men in heels in general. I have only just shed my concern for wedge shoes thanks to my Converse wedges, but I still am leery about wearing edge sandals or block heels in plain view. Maybe this upcoming flight home will allow me to push my envelope and shed my fear/apprehension.

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  3. 2 hours ago, jeremy1986 said:

    Nice outfit, KB. I also like 4 and 6....  the boots-over would go well with skinny jeans (your original pictures seem more skinny than the later 2, by the way.. ???)  both the boot cut looks great over the heels too.

    travel well and do report back! 

    I looked at the pictures again this morning, and I must say the light colored jeans do look more loose than the others... I normally buy American Eagle jeans, and had been going as low as a 10, but I bought size 12 last night because I though the 10s made my love handles stick way out... I haven’t washed them or taken the tags off yet, maybe a wash will do the trick?


    But thanks for the feedback!

  4. 8 minutes ago, HappyinHeels said:


    I like the look in photos 4+6 the best. If you have TSA Pre and don't have to remove shoes then I'd go for the look that's true to your display name. The full tucked-in boot as in #6 makes a statement about fashion and confidence. We have had several days of very clear and sunny weather in Wisconsin but there is a swath of rain and unusually cool weather from Texas to Ohio. I'm sure you'll look fabulous with any of these. HappyinHeels

    Just to clarify, which photo shows as #6? Per my viewing, 4 is the jeans tucked in, 6 is the knee boots under jeans.

  5. 37 minutes ago, Steve63130 said:


    As a rule, black and navy generally do not mix well. But if the fabrics are very different, such as denim jeans with a black gabardine or twill jacket (can't really determine the fabric from your photos), it could be acceptable. Since you are flying home, however, you might want to re-think the boots if you have to take them off for TSA security. There won't be any trouble with heeled boots, but boots in general take time and effort to remove and put back on. I generally like to use something easier, such as sandals, pumps, or clogs. Just a thought.

    I love the black boots, and I have a similar pair. Fun to wear!

    Safe travels,


    The jacket is navy, which the pictures don’t do it justice in showing that.  I am not sure of the fabric, it’s just a basic blazer.

    But yeah, it’d be navy blazer, denim, and potentially black boots.

    With TSA, I have pre-check, so no need to remove shoes as long as metal detector doesn’t go crazy, which for the black boots, I wouldn’t think that would be the case.

    • Like 1
  6. Hello everyone!

    As the title suggests, I would like your opinion on deciding an outfit!

    I have very limited options out here in California at the moment since I am not fully moved out here yet.

    But, I brought a few things and tonight, decided I’d put a couple of outfit ideas together. The reason for this is that I am heading back home a week from this coming Friday, and trying to decide on my travel outfit.

    It is supposed to be cold back home in southern Indiana, and possibly rainy.

    Please feel free to reply with your vote on which outfit you think should be my “fly home” attire!

    I put a picture of the jacket and black boots together on here to show the color difference. I’ve no idea if black and navy can go together.












    So tonight I went and bought new skinny jeans because the pair I had actually didn’t fit well. But I bought two pair, light and dark.

    IF I wear my jeans tucked into boots... which looks better, light or dark? I added new photos...



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  7. 14 hours ago, alphax said:

    So I bought a pair of Leviticus boots in 11.5 for my size 12 feet, and they actually fit well!

    The leather feels really nice. 

    The shaft is a little wide around the thighs, but they’re supposed to be worn with pants or jeans on, so that’s fine.

    But the problem is the shaft is too long!  For 11.5, the shaft is beyond crotch high, and I take a 32 inch inseam on my pants.

    Still good value and quality for the price, and I am thinking about taking them down to a cobbler to take out a scoop on the crotch side.

    So would you say that they maybe run a bit large? I am a 10 and have been wanting to get a pair...

  8. Well I thought I should post an update. I am currently in Rock Springs, WY and hanging out while the car charges. It’s been an uneventful drive. The scenery has been pretty and the weather has been in the 70s, but now in Wyoming, it’s hanging out in the low-mid 40s.

    I will get into Palo Alto sometime tomorrow. I haven’t been wearing any heels on the trip because I’ve been sitting in the car the majority of the time.

    I did bring some with me, but I probably won’t break them out until tomorrow lol

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  9. Wow, so many responses in my absence!

    First off, I want to say that I welcome any and all feedback, regardless if it is providing pros or cons.

    @SF I am actually looking in the Palo Alto area. Where exactly in South Bay are you? I have no problem adding on a commute.

    @HappyinHeels I actually have been out to the Bay Area multiple times for work. Before I made the decision to accept the job offer, my wife and I took a long hard look at what finances will be like. In the beginning, it will be tight until we get established. I have looked and know that I cannot afford any reasonably comparable home to what we have now. We are exploring the manufactured housing option, as the mortgage payment combined with space rent is actually cheaper than some rentals.

    Some of the times I have been out there, I’ve had locals talk to me about how bad the housing is.

    Out of respect I hope no bashing occurs, but I work for Tesla, a company which people say has been one of the companies responsible for the housing increase.

    My wife and I have had multiple discussions as this is not actually the first job opportunity to take me to Cali. The first one was a clear no-brainer that it wouldn’t work. This go around, they met me at 90% of everything I was looking to get.

    My wife and I have both lived in the Louisville area our entire lives. It will not be easy adjusting especially with a one year old.

    But there are positive outlooks, and I know I’m not there forever. If it doesn’t work out, we can always move back.

    The way I look at it, nothing ventured, nothing gained.

    Plus I’ll probably get more heeling in thanks to the great weather!

  10. Well everyone, some exciting news for me and my immediate my family... It apppears 95% certain that I’ll be taking a promotion which will have me moving to California, specifically the Palo Alto or Fremont area, South Bay in general.

    If this last approval goes through, I’ll be starting out there October 8, woohoo!

    Haven’t made it public yet because there’s that 5% chance...

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  11. 1 hour ago, Rockpup said:

    Ok, I think I’ve posted these separate, but think the progression might be interesting, from thinnest to thickest heels, and bonus “how I normally wear heels when not sure I want to be blatant about heels”


    These are the thinnest stilettos I have. I worry about getting them stuck in sidewalks.

    Next thicker I really like. Same as the new wedges I have so I’ve been wearing my wedges a lot to get used to 4.5” heels in the real world before I wear down the heel tips.

    Thickest are very comfortable, I’ve even worn them around a Disney Park. 4” is a comfortable height, and I could probably live in these boots. Same boots in the last photo. Basically incognito mode. You can see a little heel but most people never notice.

    (edit: last two are in the wrong order)





    What brand are the last ones there

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  12. 12 hours ago, HappyinHeels said:

    It looks magnificent. Is it basically permanent? If it left for any period of time I would think it would leave an impression on the car. May be that was your intention. Not doubt you're supportive! Thanks for posting the photo. HappyinHeels

    It is what I call semi-permanent. The graphics are actually installed on top of a clear protective wrap that’s installed on the car. So none of it is actually directly on paint.

    I wanted to be supportive of my fellow EV friends but also show support for my local LGBTQ community. I realize there can be a stereotype that wearing heels insinuates that I am gay, but I feel my wife and I do a good job of proving that point to be incorrect.

    Besides, there were some queens that donned higher heels and walked better than I ever could!

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  13. So as we round the half-way point of pride month, I thought I would make a post about an awesome experience I had yesterday.

    For those that do not know, I live in the Louisville, KY area. I have watched our local pride parade before, but never actually been in it.

    This isn’t for lack of opportunity. It seems I always have friends in it who ask if I want to participate, but timing on my end as of these past few years always seems to be off. This weekend is not only Father’s Day, but my sister’s birthday is close at hand as well, and we usually travel to visit her.

    However, this year was different. I am friends with the president of a local electric vehicle(EV) group in the area, and he reached out asking for people who wanted to be in their section of the parade. I jumped at the chance, and he was thrilled because I’m the only one with a Tesla Model 3 who responded.

    Now I was in California last week at the end of the week going through an interview/presentation that might take me out to the Bay Area, but more on that later.

    Now I thought to myself that I really wanted the car to have some graphics, and show my love for the community.

    I called back to the guys who did a protective film on the car, and they put me in touch with what I now know are the best group of individuals to do the job.

    I told them what I was looking for, they sent me some samples, and I made the choice.

    They are located in Cincinnati which is about a 2 hour drive for me. So I put in a request for yesterday off, and started my drive up there. On my drive, I thought that what I wanted may not be enough... so I called and asked for more. Not only did they oblige, but they still had everything ready to go when I got there, AND they didn’t charge me any extra.

    Now I never, ever, I mean never have been a person who would ever want graphics on my car. But they did a damn good job.

    Now I should mention it was 90+ degrees and sunny yesterday, so even though my friends were egging me on to wear my skirt and boots, it was just too hot and I love being comfortable! I did however oblige with my boyfriend roll up shorts and Converse wedges!

    What do you all think of the graphics?



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  14. On 4/18/2018 at 6:28 PM, CAT said:

    Ok so here is my collection of Sorel boots.   The boots with the fur on the top are also sitting here in grey. AND  I set up my GF with all of the same ones. Can you guess which pair is the men’s? (GF does not have the mens pair lol) The ankle wedges are s styles, one leather dress pair and 1 rubber rain boot   All of these boots are super comfy!



















    I am jealous of how many pairs of Sorel you have! I am currently at two pair.

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  15. @bambam I used to wear Gap brand women's jeans, but I found that their mid-rise didn't sit well for me. I now only wear American Eagle brand jeans. The style I wear is Kick Boot, and they used to make them in khaki and denim. I use PoshMark which is a site/app like eBay but for clothing, shoes, etc only. I've never paid more than $20 for pants on there. They make the style in regular, short, long, and extra long. The extra long inseam is 36". Hope this helps!

  16. 1 hour ago, Jkrenzer said:

    Today i just got a great "love your heels" comment coming out of the tobacco shop. She then told her daughters to come over and check me out, exclaiming how impressed she was I was wearing my heels. Big discussion at breakfast as well. Gray patent snake print 5" heels must be the tipping point. Everyone just has to comment on them.





    What outfit did you wear them with?

  17. On 3/3/2018 at 5:16 PM, CAT said:

    Soooooo what are you waiting for?    I wear leggings almost every day.  At hone shopping working out running around grocery store    Usually with my Soren wedge ankle boots Michele Kors knees boots and  yes sometimes guys shoes and even gym shoes.   Mostly Lulu some Nike and Under Armour 

    So with the leggings aspect, there is one main reason, and the decision to wait came after talking with a female friend who is aware of my heeling etc. While I have not posted any pictures or updates, I am in the middle of seriously trying to reshape my body. Since January 1, as all New Year's resolutions start, I am down 18 lbs and one pants size! My goal is 30 lbs and two pants sizes. I normally would wear a 12, am a tight 10, and hope to achieve some sort of an 8 when all is said and done. Because of this, even though they make stretch leggings, I want to be at my final goal/size before buying any more pants related items. I'm already a little bummed because a bunch of jeans and pants I recently bought off PoshMark are now starting to fit on the loose/too loose end and will inevitably be resold or donated.

    So while nervousness plays a small part, the big part is my weight loss and reshaping!

  18. So I discovered the app/website called PoshMark a while back, and had found some boots and shoes I liked, but hadn't really pulled the trigger.

    But I finally had sold my Hunter rain boots on there(I decided I wanted a matte pair instead of gloss, but I'm not worried about getting them yet), and decided to get some boots!

    The first pair is Sorel Conquest Carly. They are a size 10, true to size, and super comfortable to wear over or under jeans! They're meant for snow, and although we don't really have any here, I figure it's best to be prepared!

    The next pair I purchased were some amazingly cute ankle boots from Aldo! I would be lying if I said I wasn't thrilled to get these and wear them out! However, as I learned after receiving them, PoshMark seems to size things weird. They were listed as a 10 because according to the app/site, a 40 UK is a 10 US. Well, they don't fit... more like a 9-9.5? I can get them on, but my feet hurt and I don't think any kind of stretching will help. So I am going to sell them on here and see if there are any takers. I was super disappointed...

    Last, but not least, I was browsing eBay, looking through a seller's items who I happen to know personally. She buys returned inventory, etc. from places like DSW, etc. and then sells them on eBay. I had been wanting some Sorel Joan of Arctic wedges, and she finally got a pair in my size! I purchased them last night and will hopefully have them this week!

    Sode note: between these purchases and the shoes I will have posted about in The Who Has Bought New Shoes thread, my wife told me I've hit my limit, lol! So no more purchases for a good while. But, happy wife, happy life!







    So the order is out of wack in the post above!

    pictures are ordered this way:

    Sorel Joan of Arctic



    Sorel Conquest Carly

    Sorel Conquest Carly

    Sorel Joan of Arctic

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  19. 2 hours ago, Cali said:

    The one's I want to wear to work are Nine West brown suede with a 4 inch heel.  Certain that if I wore these on the outside somebody might notice.


    These look wonderful! I have some knee high Nine West boots, and love how comfortable they are.

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