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Posts posted by Chorlini

  1. I have read once that doing the grocery shopping before lunch is not a good idea, hunger helps buying more than necessary. I have verified this many times, there is a huge effect. But as for heels, I don't think it changes my customer's behaviour that much.


    So we should be glad if we can eat some samples inside the store? As it will ease the 'I want some food now!' impulse?

  2. I wonder how heels affect your choice at the grocery? They seem to lay out the candy at the checkout. If I'm wearing heels I'm much more conscious of how I look and would refuse the candy. But in boy shoes I might be more inclined to pick a sweet or two. 


    Personally I can see myself looking more at the candy when in heels, as to not have to watch other people look at me instead. Logically I know most people don't look at other people's footwear, but since I do it all the time I can't help thinking other people do it too. So suddenly that candy looks mightily enticing. 

  3. Considering that people who wear high heels have a habit of spending way too much on (overpriced) footwear I have some doubts with this theory. Unless shoes are somehow exempt from this. :wink:


    That being said, all sorts of things influence our moods and behaviors. And shops seem to know most of them WAY better then we do. Even some old forgotten mom and pop store has probably been laid out in subtle ways to make you spend more money then you intended. 

  4. I really, REALLY, don't understand the obsession with designer heels. Not only do they design ugly shoes, $3000 just because some dude put his name on it? Madness! IMHO nothing on this planet is worth that much more because somebody put their name on it. 

    What actually makes them worth $3,000 - that is a huge chunk of change that somebody has to have laying around.


    How many different sizes were available - just one?


    But I know someone will buy them.


    I'm always reminded by that PT Barnum saying, a fool and his money are soon parted. I suppose there are certain bragging rights that come from having paid $3000 for a pair of Jimmy Choo heels. That still leaves the elephant in the room of whether or not the shoes are actually worth $3000. And I suspect that anyone who pays $3000 for a pair of shoes will never admit it if they're not comfortable, or pinch or whatever. Pay $25 for a pair of shoes that are uncomfortable and its easy to take them back, or admit that they're crap. For that kind of money nobody expects perfection, its a roll of the dice anyway. Pay $3000 for a pair of shoes and you incur some major loss of face if they're uncomfortable, or too small or whatever makes them unsatisfactory. 

  5. Somehow reading this I'm reminded of a line from Hannibal Lecter in Silence of the Lambs. What do we covet? Well, we covet what we first see, often as kids. And those things can become powerful obsessions or fetishes later on in life. 

  6. Give it a couple of days and nobody will notice or e bothered.


    I agree. 


    I have to say they look masculine enough to get away with it. If it were me seeing a guy wearing them I'd think 'dude wants to be a few extra centimeters taller'. Not 'dude wants to wear women's shoes'.

  7. They probably are. But, when you get in to "supersized" woman's shoes, pickings are mighty slim, as they say down south.


    Aye, that is the sad truth indeed. :sad: At that size beggars can't be choosers. 

    I guess the only answer to your Dilemma is to go the "custom made to measure" route which is mighty expensive.


    The problem with I always have with that is while ordering a first pair of shoes from Pleaser , to get the size right, is usually not a big expense, with custom made to measure however it can be quite prohibitive. And sure, good measuring is key, but in the end we're no shoe makers so there's always the chance of measuring wrong. 






    I am not sure if it has been mentioned in this thread yet or not, however, check out http://www.shoesofprey.com.  You get to "design" your own shoes based upon a couple basic designs.  They go up to US size 15.  They are a little too pricey for me to purchase from however I find their gig to be interesting.





    To bad they have nothing over 4 inches. Well, they do, but with platforms which means the real height is still 4 inches.

  8. I had an accident as well as becoming a ' farmer ' of sorts this past year. I also moved where I lived. Its been very busy for myself.

    As someone stated, its slow over the summer. I have noticed this on the 3 other forums that I belong to ( sports/car/informational forums that is ).

    And I know plenty of other forums that have business as usual regardless of the weather. And I have seen forums that had as few postings a day as this one die, the start of a death spiral.

    Some of the ' ladies ' were men.

    If its one thing I know about ' women ' is they stick in ' packs '. They make a bond, trust.. When it was exposed that one of them was really a guy.. after all their conversations.. I might be inclined to be a bit bent myself.. resentful..

    Conversations as in private? Cause I can read the 'For the girls' subforum just as easy as this one. It's not exactly a hidden subforum if you're a male. But generally I can see your point.

    Some of the other ' women ' kind of split/left as they knew their days were limited.

    This I don't get. Limited as in having moved on or limited as in there being too many guys?

    My ' adventures in heels ' isnt an ' adventure ' anymore. Its just another simple daily facet in life. I put on pants, a shirt and a pair of shoes.. no big deal to me.

    It's not meant derisive if that's what you think. Consider it more a genre name. And I applaud every guy who does what you do and goes out there. Maybe one day I hope to join you. But I also come here hoping to find some lively discussion regarding our favorite footwear. And I don't get that discussion when most threads are of the 'adventures in heels' variety instead.

  9. Has anyone purchased from Fabulously Fetish? I'm debating between a pair of the Thelma or Regina lace ups, but in a custom measure build.

    No boots unfortunately, only courts. They look gorgeous, but I find them to be a bit narrow as even the UK12 version of the Fallon really squeezed my feet. I also got a pair of UK12 Althaia of eBay, more because of their look then past experience, and they pinched my feet less. Go figure! Still not that easy to walk in though. What I really would like is for another pair of shoes and boots from that mystery supplier of Skyscrapers. They seem to have reverted back to a Leatherworks style supplier, but those two pairs I got from that mystery supplier had a comfy super arch and was nice to walk in. Which to me rules out Fabulously Fetish. Maybe it was Burlesque Blue?

    Also, anyone familiar with this eBay seller?

  10. I wouldn't give up on this forum just yet. It's summer (in the northern hemisphere) and lots of people are on holiday or spending time outside and can't be bothered with keeping up with forums. It should get busier as the weather cools off, I expect. We're always seeing new people join us.[


    Nah, it was quiet before the summer too. Sometimes I only checked in once a week and found nothing interesting had cropped up. Sometimes I think there are only two threads still seeing signs of life, Word association game and the endless 'Adventures of X in heels' threads, which is basically one big thread anyway. Hell, if I were a mod I'd merge them all to get rid of the clutter.

    I post there occasionally. It IS very quiet over there.

    It's quiet over here too. Maybe not as much, but if you ignore the 'Adventures of X in heels' threads you have basically nothing left in 'For the Guys'.

    The biggest question though is where have all the women gone too? For every female post there seems to be like 20 guy posts. 'For Everybody' might as well be a sub forum of 'For the Guys' and their own sub forum doesn't seem to get much use either.

  11. You would thing those who suffered hatred in previous years would be mor tolerant b clearly not.

    That comes as a surprise to you? Clearly you haven't studied your history. It's full of the formerly abused who became abusers. I fully expect us to do the same to some other group once we gain public acceptance.

    The stand out thing for mr thoug is the almost universal assumption he is gay, didn't even cross there mind he could still be hetro.

    Well, almost all of the famous transvestites have been gay, British comedians aside. You only have to look at your average gay pride march to see some drag queens. So I'm not surprised that in the minds of the average person this lead to the conclusion that guy wearing women's clothes = gay. Also in my experience gay drag queens tend to be loud, flamboyant and brash as f***, whereas straight men wearing women's clothes tend to be more reserved. Maybe its because when you're gay you've already crossed a mayor threshold by coming out as gay, so going full on in drag becomes relatively minor in comparison. Whereas for us going out in heels and/or women's clothes IS the major threshold.

  12. We, the family, were up in NH a few weeks back. We stopped for gas and as I walked

    Out of the store I looked to my left and there was a car with the hood up and the family

    Around it. There was a young "girl" bent over with tight pants and black flats. I did not

    Think much of it until we all got a better look. It was a guy. I think it was a kid maybe

    In his teens. Perhaps 16 or so.

    Here is the bad part. My family kinda freaked. I don't know if the comments were for my

    Benefit.maybe it is how they feel about me. I am sure they all know but have never said


    He was dressed in all black with the tops of his white feet showing.

    If I had been alone I would have talked to him.

    As the others have said, there's a story missing here.

    Also, what's up with your formatting? Every line seems to start with a capital letter even though sentences aren't finished yet.

  13. Well, nothing wrong with knowing everything possible before you buy online. A very healthy mindset, after it's not like you can virtually try them on first for size. Can't help you though as unfortunately I'm one of those people who think platforms look daft so I don't bother to research them myself.

  14. Hi there

    I have a question concerning Leatherworks. I wasn't around very much lately, but I heard that Leatherworks is still producing shoes and boots. That guy who runs 'Sky-Scrapers' told me that Leatherworks is producing shoes for him and for another trader only. Does anyone know who the other trader is?


    I just received a new pair from Sky Scrapers and judging it by the workmanship, the leather, that tiny bulge underneath the sole it's Leatherworks alright. Good news if you like that. On the plus side I can now order in size 11 UK again instead of 11,5. The downside was that I didn't know so I had ordered in size 11,5 UK

  15. Not a platform guy myself, but if I were to get a pair I'd rather have one that openly shows a platform underneath then one that tries to hide it. At least then you look like you have some platforms underneath your feet instead of having deformed feet. As for the OP, it sucks that they're too narrow. It always sucks when shoes are too narrow even in the largest sizes. Especially Italian made heels seem prone to this failing. It must be in their national psyche, to stress (narrow) form above all else. Which is great when ordering a Ferrari, not so great when ordering large sized heels.

  16. Hi there

    I have a question concerning Leatherworks. I wasn't around very much lately, but I heard that Leatherworks is still producing shoes and boots. That guy who runs 'Sky-Scrapers' told me that Leatherworks is producing shoes for him and for another trader only. Does anyone know who the other trader is?


    He told me Sky-Scrapers had gone bankrupt and that he bought all of their stock. But that he had found somebody else to make shoes for him. Some say it's the guys from Fabulously Fetish. I've bought shoes from Sky-Scrapers from before and after the demise of Leatherworks and the latter were different. They have more of a superarch to them. The insoles were different too and the heels are more narrow. However they don't feel like Fabulously Fetish shoes though as I can actually walk in them, whereas FF shoes seem to be designed to look awesome but hard to walk in. For me at least. That was one thing that I liked about the Leatherworks 5.5" heels, not the best looking but if you had to walk in them for an evening those would be the ones I'd pick. For a while though some FF shoes were sold via the Sky-Scrapers eBay webshop.

    But that was more then a year ago. Maybe your information is more recent. If they are back in business then there are probably a lot of people who still want their money back from them. As for who the other shop is, I'm sure its not Laszivo, who used to sell Leatherworks shoes in the past. Based on their webshop they seem to have only a few pairs of Leatherworks shoes left. Old stock as it were. 99% of all web shops selling these kinds of shoes sell only Pleaser there aren't a whole lot of shops out there that would sell new Leatherworks shoes. If its true it would have to be a web shop that also sold them previously. Sky-Scrapers did it, as did Laszivo from Germany (awesome web shop with good service), La Piazza also did it, and I think Elite Heels also did as I recount Gina telling horror stories on how unreliable they were. There was one more webstore that I found but for the life of it I can't remember.

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