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Posts posted by Chorlini

  1. Can't say I've ever looked at what kind of shoes men are wearing, but whenever I hear the telltale sounds of clicking heels I always watch. And thusfar it never EVER was a man. Then again sometimes the sounds that make you think wow, here comes something spectacular turn out to be a pair of disappointing flats.

  2. Sorry - I did not include the site as I did not want it to be taken as a "commercial" for Payless.  I thought most knew where the Karmen was available as it has been around for the last few years.  Both are a 3" mid-heel and quite classic. 


    Always assume your intended target audience is not as smart, savvy or just into the know as you think. First thing I was taught in a public relations training. And it must be true because by now I've come across a million threads where the original poster assumed others would get it and instead they didn't get it.


    As for the heels, 3"? Nah. Too low for my taste.

  3. I would be totally meh about this, as this has nothing to do with men wanting to wear heels, if it weren't for the feeling that I get that this applies against domestic violence against women. Which is bad. Really bad. Men who abuse women aren't men but slime. But then again there is also a shitload of domestic abuse going on against men as well. And while there are a shitload of movies and campaigns going on to make us aware against domestic abuse against women, there is nothing to make the public aware against domestic abuse against men.


    How about we leave the heels off when it comes to public awareness campaigns and instead of focusing on one gender we try to fight domestic abuse in general, no matter who the victim is?

  4. Malaysia is fast becoming a haven for expats to retire under the MM or "My Malaysia" program. It is modern and prosperous and does have a Muslim majority but it is NOT Iran. I doubt a high-heel wearing man will run afoul of the government unless he SAYS the wrong thing. Fashion freedom is one thing but complete freedom of speech is another.  HappyinHeels

    I do hope so. I'm all for encouraging people to follow their hearts, but I'd hate to encourage anyone here into something that will get them into serious trouble.

  5. Isn't Malaysia a staunchly Muslim country? And aren't those really, really, really not keen on gays and gay behavior?


    I mean, it's one thing to go against the norm in a society where the worst that can happen is a disapproving look, maybe some namecalling, it's a whole other thing to be mistaken for as a homosexual where they imprison homosexuals or do even worse things to them. What I'm trying to say is that before we encourage somebody in a different culture then ours, we should know a little bit more about that culture. This as somebody who was recently in Iran and for all the supposedly western culture that seems to be adopted with relish by a lot of Iranians, dig a little deeper with even the most liberal Iranian and you will still find a huge cultural difference

  6. Nice!


    Seeing those I'm struck by two thoughts. First, I could never hope to walk in those, hell, I can't even stand in them. 6" is my max, and even that depends on the shoe. I really cramp up the moment I even try to stand in shoes like these. Secondly, how odd is it that on eBay you can easily find 7" heels but a little lower and its next to impossible to find anything decent (meaning non-Pleaser) above 4" without one of those accursed platforms?

  7. I need some help identifying a pair of heels. Or should I say, where can I buy a pair like these in size EU41? The label says San Marina. I've tried my hands at some Google Fu but my skills were not up to the task. I am hoping you people can help me further? Thanks in advance!




  8. If the camo were effective, NOBODY would have seen him! LOL




    I guess he should have used urban camouflage patterns then instead of woodland.  :wink1:


    I don't think men in heels will take off for several reasons. Firstly high heels to most men are a sexual thing. It's something they like to see on women. Which is why porn stars/strippers wear heels. Which is why most men who wear heels do so because to them its a sexual fetish. I'm honest enough to admit that the same applies to me as well. 


    Secondly fads come and go. I remember a time in the 90's when men in drag became reasonably fashionable in the Netherlands after a famous writer came out as a crossdresser. For a while more men came out as crossdressers and then the fad faded away again. I suspect in no small part helped by a glut of gay crossdressers cementing the idea in most peoples minds that it is a gay thing. Some people have mentioned the metro style but that has mostly come and gone as well. And I think it only seemed to have worked for certain people who were famous footballers/celebs. Your average joe, not as much.


    Thirdly, ladies like their high heels too much to want to share them with us. I can't open a fashion mag with at least one article about women and their heels. Since women dominate the fashion industry and are its main customers they're NEVER going to promote men in heels. 

  9. Platforms heels make the wearer look like she (or he) has club feet. There's nothing graceful about them. The wearer is still only wearing a 4" heeled shoe, hell, I see a lot of platforms which are defacto even lower then that. And there isn't even a greater skill level required walking with platforms that would impress me as I know from personal experience that platforms are quite comfortable to walk in. There's after all a reason why platforms first took off in the stripper scene in the 90's, as those girls tend to be a lot in heeled footwear on their feet.


    Still, anything is better then Uggs pr Crocs I suppose.

  10. Personally I quite like the Domina 2020 boots. I have a pair in matt imitation leather, they were my first pair of high heel boots and they are still my favorites. I have gotten others which are of better quality, or higher heels, but I find the Domina 2020 to be more comfortable for longer wear. It might be hit and miss though, as I also have another pair of them in imitation patent and I never found them to be as comfortable. 


    They might run a bit narrow though. Its hard to tell though these days as I lost a lot of weight and I think I went down a shoesize in the process. 

  11. Why is it that every time I read about this cause here it seems to be more about being an excuse to go out in heels in public then the actual cause? Not a big fan of the cause either. What we really need is not walk a mile in her shoes but let's walk a mile in each other's shoes. Bad shit happens to both sexes and either would benefit from learning a bit from the other, not just one. 

  12. Have you taken any action to improve the quality of your products to make them worth the price even at 20% off?


    Not taking any sides here, but you do realize that his products are still cheaper at full price then the average pair designer shoes. Louboutin easily charges 2 to 3 times as much and its not like you're getting a 2 to 3 times quality increase as well. 

  13. Thing is, and I'm saying this as a guy who has no interest whatsoever in dressing up as a woman, other then wearing some heels, I don't think we should let ourselves be subjected to divide and conquer tactics from outsiders. Some of us will go further then others are comfortable with. And while I don't consider this a drag queen forum, there will always be a lot of ground in between men just wanting to wear heels and full blown drag queens with fake tits. 


    In the end, does it really hurt to have this big tent, with pictures of some men going further then others? As long as its clear this is a high heel forum, not a men in drag forum. It probably doesn't help towards outsiders like this gossip circle. But then again I don't think this forum is meant as a place where we can bring outsiders to get to know us, I think of it as a place where we can be ourselves. Where we talk and discuss amongst ourselves. And maybe ILK's real mistake is that he used it as the former.

  14. If only the industry could agree on a single world wide standard. It would make things SO much easier for everyone. Including themselves, as pissed off customers due to size confusions are one of the biggest problems of shoe retailers. They can put a man on the moon, agree on a universal standard for audio and video systems but not one size system for shoes? I couldn't care less which one, as long as they just pick one.

  15. I do not understand D.r Shoe


    Girlfriend problem is not related to that



    With days passed and pass again I realized he was right He wanted my own good. I was destroying my life my image since then I do not want to start again the same experience I have enough. I enjoyed and feel tired of that!


    People would continue to laugh of me and I would scare women and have a bad reputation



    I will take a girlfriend instead of wearing heels excitation is better for seeing a woman in heels



    I had a really good short time but I regret it was in winter instead of autumn. I wanted to wear black court shoes it is better for walking! More easy


    If you have to give up something you like because of what others expect of you I can pretty much guarantee you 100% that you will end up feeling miserable and resentful later on in life.




    I don't believe there is one male member of this forum that would ever chose heels over a girlfriend. However, I also believe if a girlfriend ever appears in the mix, the guy had better explain his heels thing to her as soon as the relationship appears to becoming more serious. Otherwise, when she does finally find out, the guy is liable to be faced with the ultimatum " it's the girl or the heels.


    I'd take heels over girlfriend in a second. If they don't like who I am, I don't like them in return. Of course being honest up front goes without saying.

  16. Personally I've never found a platform to be a challenge. Cause in the end take away the height added by the platform and you're only walking in 4 inch heels. Easiest heels to walk in as far as I'm concerned and I am no expert. You want a real challenge, get some real 5 inchers or 6 inchers without platforms. 

  17. Bizarre. I wouldn't say they were the fastest, but certainly not the worst either. Varying experiences do hint at a business that is not really professionally run though. Which was what killed off Leatherworks in the first place. Which ultimately goes to show that being a good craftsman does not automatically make a good entrepreneur. And I dare say being the latter is way more important then being the former if you want to run a successful business.

  18. Yes, that's correct. There are photos of her shaved on the internet. Easy to find.


    Unfortunately yes. Saw one recently and I had to cry. Women with short hair/skrillex haircuts/bald are a MAJOR turnoff for me and seeing Karen Gillan like that was heartbreaking. It really is true what they say, what has been seen, cannot be unseen.


    No opinions on the Christmas special? I thought it was really touching that in his final moment Eleven saw Amelia Pond again. Not River Song but Amelia. That was apparently what his dying/regenerating mind wanted to see again. 

  19. I've been selling a lot of my shoes for the past months so I can sell them. Not as many as I would like as marktplaats.nl seems to attract its fair share of nutters and flakes. Nowadays I divide my shoes into three groups, must keep them at all cost, fallen out of favors and up for sales. A pair in the 2nd group can make it back into the first group, but by placing them into the fallen out of favor group it becomes easier for me to put them up for sale later on. The more time passes between having worn them for the last time, the less emotional attachment remains. 


    Why I would sell them? Space is one big factor. I've discovered that I have a LOT of pairs which I don't actually use. Way more then I thought. Also to earn money for other purposes. Most of which is not shoe related. 

  20. As Histello has said the placement of the heels so far at the back looks daft. Also not very good for walking either. The pricing is insane, he has no big sizes, almost all the shoes look fugly as sin and the dude doesn't want other dudes to wear them. He and his shoes can go bugger off for all I care. 

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