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Posts posted by Chorlini

  1. Skyscrapers still sells Leatherworks style shoes, be it from a different UK manufacturer. I've bought two pairs and I think they're better then Leatherworks, who had quite a boring arch in their large sizes. Unfortunately they're prices have gone up and I was fortunate to snag mine at their original price. I'm not sure who makes them though.

  2. It's not surprising really. It's likee with concert tickets. Bands and promoters noticed that people were willing to pay two to three times as much from scalpers, so clearly the market was willing to pay more for their tickets, so as a result they have been raising prices ever since. Since we are willing to pay inflated prices for designers shoes what's stopping them from inflating prices even more? Clearly not us, that's for sure.

  3. 8.5 minutes of repetitive and somewhat banal girly chat that could have been condensed to no more than 2 minutes. And all about a shoe which looks to me ugly and top-heavy. Take away that 2.5" platform and you have a very ordinary round-toed court with a modest 4" heel. But I suppose people will spend a large sum to gain extra height and a red sole.


    I never understood the current obsession with platform heels and anything Louboutin in particular. And red soles for that matter.

  4. The owner of Skyscrapers told me they were istill in business, as he was still getting stock from them, and he's still selling new stuff on his ebay account. He also told me that they were quite erratic with orders. Some orders would ship quickly, others would take months. I advise buying Leatherworks shoes through a reseller like Laszivo. Because they only make you pay once they have the shoes in stock. No risky payment up front.

  5. It's due to this thread being a poll. As soon as somebody votes on it, it gets bumped up as being unread. Pretty normal behavior for this forum.

    But not very good coding though. All to often you see an interesting thread at the top only to find out somebody voted in a poll instead of actually saying something. Maybe polls should close after a few weeks? I know its common practice on other boards.

  6. As they seem to have incrementally taller heels up to size 9 or 10, after which it remains the same I can only speculate that the market for larger sizes probably isn't large enough to warrant extra investment. Something I can understand as most retail shops don't bother to stock larger sizes as well. And of course, there's still the tiny detail that they are still selling what they are supposed to do, 6 inch heels. If anything its the smaller sizes that get shafted because you think you are ordering a 6 inch heel shoe when instead at size 5 you actually get a 5 inch heel.

  7. I can certainly appreciate the feelings of the OP, and actually all the posters. It basically comes down to geometry, and marketing: for a given change in shoe size (length), what do you want to do about the height?

    - Some might argue for a constant angle. In this case, smaller sizes have shorter heels, larger sizes have higher heels.

    - Others might argure for a constant height. In this case, the angle of the foot changes.

    My guess is that constant angle might be preferred. If you put a size 6 shoe next to a size 10 shoe, both with the same angle, they'll probably look very similar. The sz 10 is obviously bigger, looking like it was scaled up, but the overall proportions will basically be the same.

    If you go this route, then you'll have height variations in the heel. I never thought about it before, but one reasons many shoes have limited shoe sizes (some as limited as sz 6-10) could be that within a narrow size range, there's not a lot of variation in the heel height. I'm too lazy to pull out my geometry formulas, but I'd guess that for a 4" heel, if you limit that to sizes 6-10, it's probably about +/- 0.5" inches for heel height variation (sz 6, maybe 3.5"; size 10, maybe 4.5"). [Actually that 1/2" looks large, now I'm thinking it's probably less.] I'm sure for most customers, that variation is acceptable.

    Now, instead of sz 6-10, imagine the size range was 5-12. That variation now is going to be much greater. Suddenly the 4" heel is feeling more like a 3.x" heel at the smallest size, and going towards 5" at the large size. That's perhaps more variation than the manufacturer wants. They can eliminate that of course by not doing simple scaling. Now, instead of having one design for all sizes, they might need need have one for say sz 5-9, and another one for 9.5-12. Now you have the extra expense, plus you have shoes that no longer look identical.

    I'm not sure there's (literally) a 'one size fits all' answer to this issue.

    Something like this perhaps?


  8. Take a look at the "sizing" link at their homepage - there's an extensive table comparing all well known size systems + foot length.

    I know. These days their selection option also lists US sizes in addition to China sizes. But it wasn't always like this. And as I've said before, my real problem is width, not length. I'm more of a US 12/13 in length but a 14 in width.

  9. Do you own 6ihf shoes? Due to the well known problem I can't speak from experience, but when I take a look at 6ihf designs, they seem to be wider and "better" shaped than other brands' heels.

    Unfortunately not as price, lack of credit card and confusion about their China size system have held me back from ordering. Mostly the first and the latter though as I don't want to spend a lot of money on a potentially poorly fitting shoe.

  10. I'm with Shafted. When I want a 6" heel I want a 6" heel. Not one sized to 7" to look similar to a smaller size because to be frank I can't walk in 7" heels. I can't even stand straight in them. Sure, my size 14US won't look as sexy but that's the price I pay for having such large feet. Some things are just not fair in life. I've got a pair of Ellie heels that are 7" instead of 6" because of the greater size and they are useless to me. Strangely enough Ellie heels only does this to their 6" heels shoes, their 5" heels stay 5" even at large sizes. I get your point though. You want that sexy extreme heel look and you just don't get it with these large sizes. I totally get that it would frustrate you. Maybe they should do both, standardized height and different heights per size. Personally my biggest problem is not height but width. Most shoes are to narrow forcing me to chose a size 14 when I'm truer to a size 12/13 but which leave that ugly gap in the back. I wish a store like 6ihf would have the option to select width as well. I know Archenemy used to have that option.

  11. HI, ok another update. I received a shipping notice from them on August 23, and I ordered on August 2. So it took approximately 20 days to manufacture. In case anyone is wondering here is the pair I ordered:


    More to come...

    It's been my experience that for a custom manufacturer they were faster then I expected. Certainly way faster then English manufacturers like Leatherworks or Fabulously Fetish who seem to take whole months.

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