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Posts posted by Chorlini

  1. Here is examples of recent purchases - 1 at 5.25" 




    They have like a 2" platform, so effectively they're only what? 3" tops?



    Hum... How to say... Classic one, not platform and (more difficult) fetish (studs, lace, etc...)

    What i don't like to (it is difficut to explain), is:

    I can't walk with "straight" heels, i mean heels at "the end of the shoes" like that:


    The center of the heel of your fot is in front of the center of the heel of the shoe, so it's not easy to walk...


    Like that it's better (and more comfortable):


    Do I make me understand? :angel:


    Better not get any Louboutins then, the bastard basically pioneered that style. ;)


    Thing is, there is just not that much choice above 4". And count yourself lucky that you're a size 42 in that regard as well, otherwise you're restricted to buying fetish heels or expensive Italian heels only. Size 42 seems to be the upper limit some shops are willing to stock. Occasionally you find something in size 43, but those are mostly for grannies, judging by what is on offer. Italianheels has shoes in your preferred height and size, but they're on average €150 a pop. Plus getting the right size is a nightmare with Italian shoemakers. You never know if it will fit. For some odd reason Italian shoemakers seem clueless to the existence of wide feet.


    Still, €150 is a hell of a lot cheaper then Louboutin. Or almost any other designer heels brand. And some of them haven't even caught on to the existence of size 42 yet.


    I don't know if Primark has any shops in France, but they stock shoes up to size 8/42, and I see plenty of them single soled heels without platforms up to 5". Of course, they're cheap shoes so your mileage may vary. But beggars can't be choosers. Almost everything nowadays is made in China anyway. But at least with Primark €20 for shoes that did not fit is no big deal. And its easy to get a refund if you kept the receipt.

  2. Not really, a guy wearing heels isn't deliberately and permanently damaging himself.


    Doesn't matter. Most people will still say, look at that guy, what a weirdo. So a weirdo saying what a weirdo about someone else's odd behavior is ironic.


    There is tons of stuff that people do that leads to permanent damaging of the body that are considered socially acceptable. And I'm not just talking about drugs and alcohol. Ballet dancers train to the point that they're damaging their bodies as well. Professional athletes perform at such high levels that are damaging to their bodies as well. So why are we singling out this woman for her odd thing? Could it be because to us its more about the weirdness and not so much the damaging of the bodies part? Which again, coming from guys who like to wear high heels, me included, is kinda ironic?

  3. 7" heels? With a platform? Probably not. ;)

    Like all German based brands they do offer real non-platform 7" heels though. Which makes me wonder though. Why do German fetish heel brands always offer non-platform heels up to 4.5" heels and then jump straight to 7" heels with nothing in between? Is this a German thing?

  4. Unless you're physically unable due to a handicap what utter chore and burden it must be to put on a pair of heels to walk a short distance on the red carpet to your seat. Woo to those poor poor women! Its not like men are dubjected to similar rules, like wearing a suit and tie. Which causes a similar public outcry and...... Oh wait, nobody gives a shit in that case. In which case go cry me a river.

  5. I've never seen it happening. Then again I don't see a lot of women wearing high heels worth watching to be dangled either. The point is moot though as I'm rather indifferent about heel dangling anyway.

  6. I have another reason. The pains get women coward! LOL! I will enjoy heels while they miss something good!


    I prefer to apply Occam's razor. Always go for the simplest most plausible answer. I work in a university building that has more women coworkers then men. All of the women there only wear flats, or something so low heeled it might just as well be called a flat. It might be argued that if you have to stand on your feet all day you might be excused from wearing high heels all day, but then again almost all of these women work sitting behind a desk. The only time I ever see a woman in heels is from the occasional student. And even there 99.9% of the female students were flats, or something so low heeled it might just as well be called a flat.


    Based on that, by applying Occam's razor, what is more plausible, that women are cowards for being afraid of pain? Or that they just no longer know how to walk in high heels? It takes practice to walk in heels and if you're in flats all day doesn't it stand to reason you're not getting a lot of practice?

  7. From what I understand it reduces the pains and the height(Finally i`ve got the right word).








    I understand nothing!


    What the interest to wear too high if you cannot?


    And that thing? What Heels2U mean by gain?  3 inches in less? Some Platform are higher but they are better than certain low heels.


    I have no idea as to what you're saying as your English is just not that good.


    As for what Heels2U is saying, you take a 3 inch heeled shoe. You add a 1 inch or two inch platform underneath and raise the overall heel height by the same amount. The end result looks bigger, like you're wearing really high heels. But as far as your foot goes you're still wearing a 3 inch heel. That is why he calls platforms cheating.

  8. Platforms effectively reduce the real heel height to something that even a toddler can walk in whilst appearing to be what some fashionistas call a killer heel. Plenty of 5 to 6 inch heels are being sold that are no more then 4 inch in height effectively. This makes them very easy to walk in. Which played no small part in why they found widespread acceptance in stripper and porn circles a decade before they found mainstream acceptance.


    Because they are at best only 4 inches in height I'm not a big fan of platforms as that is a bit too low for my taste. And that's excluding the fact that some platforms make the foot look like its deformed or something. Platforms that are effectively bigger then 4 inches are extremely rare. They're out there, but they tend to be fetish heels mostly.

  9. In my experience high heels to most women have become shoes to wear while they sit and look pretty. When they know there's only a short distance between the car and the venue they get to sit again. Walk all day in high heels however? Don't be daft! Most women don't even know how to any more. That's the whole reason platforms became popular. So as to give the impression they're wearing high heels when actually when you think away they platforms they're just wearing low to medium heels.


    Only yesterday a woman showed me a picture of the heels her daughter had bought for a prom night. According to her they were incredibly high and impossible to wear. I just looked at the picture and though I've got shoes that are higher then that. Without platforms! Think away the platform and at best you were left with a 4 to 4.5 heeled shoe. Nothing special.

  10. The Good the Bad & the Ugly. That movie would be nothing without its glorious movie score by Ennio Morricone and Sergio Leone cut its scenes to fit the music. And while everybody knows the title theme my vote goes to the final shootout. Five glorious minutes of no conversation, wide angle shoots, close ups and that glorious music that all work together to build to that climax.





  11. I wonder why they consider it so special to walk in them? Pleaser platforms are incredibly easy to walk in. That's why they were adopted by and became known as stripper shoes, as those women tend to be on their feet for most of their working hours.

  12. Alas, too small for me. HHplace foes have its own classifieds section if you want to sell shoes. Used to have a dedicated forum for it too. Why that got nuked, beats me. It was way better then the current classified section.

  13. As much as I don't suggest guys walking about in stripper heels, some of the Pleaser and Ellie heels are remarkably comfortable. I like G by Guess, Nine West, Jessica Simpson and J Lo lines for the medium budget. I haven't gone into the high dollar lines. I usually find mine at the DSW Clearance aisles, and Nine West Outlet stores.


    So far, I haven't had much luck at Payless (and the selection id damn limited locally) or other discounters (Shoe Dept. Shoe Carnival etc.)


    Your mileage may vary

    If you think about it its logical. After all stripper heels were adopted by a profession that had look both sexy and be on their feet for most of their time.

  14. Methinks any relationship with someone whom you either can't tell your deepest desire too, or who cannot accept that part of you is doomed from the start. Because ultimately your in a relationship with the wrong person.

    So its either great discomfort now fessing up and running the risk of the relationship breaking up, or much unhappyness for the duration of the relationship with a HUGE chance of inevitable divorce. So better make sure she IS the right person because divorce is not a pretty thing.

    But if you do ignore all advice, please don't ignore this, GET PRENUBS!!! You will most likely need them.

  15. I think its a lucky throw of the dice. If you're lucky you might find a cheap pair of heels that are very comfortable and if you're unlucky you end up with your expensive dream heels that feel like they were made in hell. You may even find that when you get two pairs of the exact same shoes and brand you may end up prefering one over the other as one feels more comfortable.


    I guess that in the end shoes, even cheap ones from China, are not machine made to perfection down to the exact millimeter. Lots of handcrafting still goes on so there will always be tiny deviations and imperfections from specs that will influence wearer comfort.


    And that is excluding how well you can handle heel height.

  16. I remember back in the 80's how men wore shoes that looked quite a lot like ballet flats. A little less pointe shoe style looking, but generally everything that a ballet flat is as well, no laces other then decoration and the upper foot bare. I think they were called loafers. At least here in the Netherlands that is. Anyone remember those?


    I often wonder what the scale or conversion chart would look like if all footwear used the same universal measurements and didn't distinguish on a sex bases or age.


    A single consistent and universal for everyone? Can't have that kind of heresy, that reeks too much of common sense.


    If a label's size suddenly changes methinks most likely they probably changed manufacturers.

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