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Posts posted by Chorlini

  1. @ Luckyme I can fully recognize myself in what you've said. If you'd like I'm open to any private conversations. The only point that I differ is in selection of a mate. For myself I don't feel the need for her to have that fetish as well. As long as she's willing to wear high heels herself and is okay with me occasionally lounging about the house in my own heels then that's fine with me. But if that is what you want, go for it and go for it in the right way and in the right places. :rocker:

  2. I love height, but syle is important too. Anything with a platform is a no go because its fake height. A 6" heel with a 2"platform is basically a 4" heeled shoe. Plus platforms just look plain ugly to me.

  3. I'm not going to tempt fate when there's snow and ice around. I made a nasty fall a few years ago and broke my left pinky. Not being able to play guitar for four weeks was sheer hell. Took me more then a year to get complete dexterity back. So..... no!

  4. I know post quite a bit of polls (I really love posting polls and partaking in them). Anyway, I'm pretty sure you all have seen these before and I usually post them in the "for everybody" forum. But I decided to just see what the guys think about these and which one would be your next purchase if you did not own any of the attached pairs.

    I currently do not have any of these and would love to buy them all, but at the moment I cannot.


    So have you decided, Jabble?

    In case you haven't, I normally take a size 14US with the Domina style, except for the 108 and 119, which I had to get 2 sizes smaller or else I slid out completely.

  5. I don't know when it started. My mother certainly almost never wore heels other then for social events. I know that when I began to look at nudie pictures I always prefered the ones where the girls wore heels. It kinda progresed from there. I never had the chance of wearing my mother's heels because my feet were already too big. When I finally scraped together the courage to buy some heels they were always too small to wear comfortably. The turnaround came when I went on my own to Amsterdam to go to a Black Sabbath concert. While awaiting the show to begin I visited some sex shops there and discovered they carried large sized heels. After that I was hooked. All I can say nowadays is god bless internet shopping!

  6. When dealing with youtube comments, and internet comments in general it's always best to keep Dirty Harry in mind. Opinions are like assholes, everybody has one. The anonimity of the internet allows people to bring out the worst in them, so take comfort from the good ones, good advice from the contructive ones and cheerfully ignore the rest.

  7. I think it's funny when a woman says she isn't attracted to the IDEA of a guy in heels. What women think they can be attracted to as an IDEA and what they are attracted to as a REALITY are often two different things.

    I agree. If women were attracted in reality to what they say they wanted nice guys would get all the girls. Alas, in reality nice guys always finish last.

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