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Posts posted by Chorlini

  1. The nail in the coffin came when Daniel tried to explain further.

    “It’s just because it’s not normal,” he said – before immediately regretting his choice of words. “No no that’s wrong, I mean it’s- that’s not- I shouldn’t have said that, not normal, it’s not common.”


    I found this the most interesting part. Proving that even people who claim to be at the receiving end of prejudice are not above it themselves. Both interesting and sad at the same time.

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  2. 17 hours ago, mwhh said:

    Like walking on hockey pucks!

    That about covers my reaction as well. I'm not a big fan of platforms to begin with and this look doesn't make them look any prettier.

    16 hours ago, pumpcat said:

    They are quite easy to walk in, and just for the record, they are $800. But I got mine for 90% off. This chick knows where to get good deals.

    $800? That is insane! And not just because of the platforms, I would say that about any pair of shoes. Designer shoe prices are crazy, but the fact that people are willing to pay them is even more crazy.

  3. No wonder they're comfortable for your feet. Eliminate the extra height from the platform and you're only walking a 4" heel shoe. My grandmother could still walk in those. There's two reasons why I dislike platforms, first, they're ugly as hell, giving the wearer the look of having club feet. And secondly, eliminate the platforms and 99% of the time you're left with a 4" heeled shoe. Too low for my taste. It allowed people to pretend that they wore 'killer heels' when actually what they really wore were granny heels.


    Anyway, if you want the same comfort without platforms and I assume the same 5" height it will be tough. The extra height will change the arch and thus the comfort level. Plus the rarity of what you want will mean you will have to settle for what's available rather then have your pick.

  4. That was my first instinct as well. Then I read the ordnance and it dawned upon me, this is just legal bullshit to save Carmel from litigation in case someone slips wearing high heels. As you can easily get a permit as long as you agree to relieve the city from all future liabilities.

  5. Well, you had to be above the peasants back then. Hell, as king you probably had to be above the rest of the nobility as well. Can't have some snotty duke be taller then the king at the ball. Do not underestimate symbolism like that, The amount of symbolic language displayed in an official painting like that of Charles II is probably far greater then we realize as we no longer understand most of it. 

    And there's probably also an element of 'look at me, I'm so incredibly loaded and so much better then you that I can afford to wear useless shoes like these all day. Now kneel before Zod, you peasant!'

  6. 4 hours ago, Thighbootguy said:

    I'm glad to see some of the "Out" boots are out, but I have never understood the concept of the "In" peep toe thigh boots. 

    Me neither. I always thought the whole point of boots was to keep your feet and legs warm. Having open parts in them other then the top kinda defeats that purpose. Maybe if you plan to walk down the red carpet in a revealing dress, but I doubt many women are planning to do that.

  7. Whenever I see a math formula my eyes pretty much start to glaze over. Me and math didn't get along in high school. Basic calculations, I have no problems with that, anything with a formula though and my brain pretty much has a blue screen of death error.

    One thing I don't get is the correlation between price and heel height. Some of the easiest to walk in 5.5" heels are those of Pleasers, and they cost a hell of a lot less then the expensive brands. Hell, I've yet to even find a designer brand that even offers 5.5" heels (without platforms).

  8. 9 hours ago, HappyinHeels said:


    Read your post and self-analysis of your personality. While Type-A is certainly needed to assert oneself in this world you do run the risk of perhaps missing out on a potentially great companion or deal or connection. Certainly demanding and expecting the same degree of equality is transparent enough but the actual application of personality projection the way you described it is usually a bit more bumpy. Most of life involves some measure of compromise. That does NOT mean you can't be who you want to be but if you hope to share yourself with anyone or interact with the world then some give and take is absolutely essential. As Steve63130 knows I have a passion for very high heels and also work other things into the outfit like him I  also keep everything in perspective. Show me someone who has never compromised EVER and I'll show you a robot. HappyinHeels

    On the other hand, how great a companion, or how good can the connection be if she can't accept an important part of who you are?

    LuvsStiletto's approach basically says, there are plenty of fish in the sea, if you don't like it, tough like, I'll find somebody who will. He approaches it from a viewpoint of abundance. Yours, if I interpret it correctly, seems to approach it from a viewpoint of scarcity. That if you find somebody who you are compatible with in many ways you should hold on to her and if need be compromise, because ultimately such a person is rare.

    I never understood the attitude of some of you who talk about getting permission from their wives/girlfriend. I get it that its hard to introduce heels into the relationship. I get it that its even harder the longer you wait. Or if there are kids involved. But as LuvStiletto said, reverse things around the other way. How weird and creepy does it sound if a wife/girlfriend has to ask her husband/boyfriend for permission to do anything basically? We'd call social workers, maybe even the police if we heard a woman tell such a thing. And yet for men it seems to have become the norm. Oh no, can't do that, the wife would kill me!

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  9. How does one pay for stuff on Aliexpress? They don't have paypal, I do not have a credit card and when I check the FAQ for alternative payment options those pages all lead to 404 missing pages.

  10. I need some help fixing a broken ankle strap. It's one of those really thin ones. The leather has broken around a hole that saw most of the action. The only thing that's keeping it from falling off is the stitching. I can't remove the strap from the shoe as its physically attached to the shoe, so unless I can fix this the shoe becomes useless to me. Which would make me a sad panda as its one of my favorites. Does anyone know of a way to fix it? I'm thinking maybe glueing it together again using two small strips of leather. Any suggestions are welcome, it doesn't have to look pretty. As long as it gets the job done and I can wear them for a little longer. Thanks in advance!




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