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Posts posted by Chorlini

  1. Through trial and error I've learned that a size 9UK/43EU fits me the best. Which is almost the same as my menswear shoes. It is odd though that this fits me as in heels I usually order size 11Uk. Even odder enough is that the UK also has a size 9UK/42EU so I have to be weary as those won't fit me. Even odder is that I can easily fit into a size 8UK/41EU strappy sandal. Go figure! It's really made me confused as to what really fits me really well.Although with strappy sandals its now given me a lot more options then I used to have. :)


    I prefer to browse for ballet flats on the British Ebay, as I don't like what's on offer in the Netherlands (anything over 42EU either non existant or absolute shit) or the German Ebay (looks boring). My favorite brand is Newlook, whose current ballet flat lineup I find quite comfortable to walk in. And they cost about 8 pounds in their online shop. Long term wear you probably get what you pay for but I don't plan to run marathons or go on extensive shopping sprees with them. They're more for casual wear around the home. The ones I really want are the New Look softer ballet flats that they used to have. I got a few off Ebay and those were the most comfortable of them all. Just not the right color. Which is black. If I find one on Ebay I MUST have them! Oddly enough unlike their current lineup those were 9UK/42EU, but those I could fit into. Probably because they were so soft, allowing for a snug yet comfortable fit.

  2. But at what point does it become creepy following though? I mean I can understand it if you're in a store and you sort of bump into eachother, but to go actually into a store after a women to talk to her? I can see why some people would take that as creepy. What would be the 'acceptable' amount of following? :wink:


    Personally the point is sort of moot though, as I see so few women in heels and even fewer who knew how to wear them well. If I saw five of them in the past five years that was probably a lot. 

  3. Thing is, you make up a list of what you want to have/get, you intend to stick with it and boom, somewhere you see something new that catches your fancy and you end up desiring that too. We shouldn't feel that bad though, the system is designed to make us feel that way. That's why we have fashion, that's why designers of basically EVERYTHING come up with new features, new variations, new things. It's all designed to make us want more things. 

  4. Hey, Chor, there's an easy way - go to gmail or yahoo and sign up for a new email address to use for logging on to that web site. It's free and then you can see if you want to stick around on that web site or leave it forever. You can dump the new email address or keep it for a spare for such occasions in the future. Your privacy remains intact AND you find out what's on that mystery web site.




    True. And I have an email account just for that. Also, all my supermarket discount cards are made out to names like Louis B Bare or I.C. Weener. Thing is though, I have do my groceries to eat, I don´t really have to become a member of that site. If they want to be snotty in letting browse their site in the first place then I can take my business elsewhere. Considering that there is a 99.9% chance that they won´t have the kind of fetishy heels that I like, why bother when it's probably the same platforms and low heeled stuff I can get everywhere else? 

  5. Im under the belief that it will, at the cost of MILLIONS of lives. One side wishes to push the other until something is going to give. Thus, I feel, EVERYONES liberty AND the functionality of their lives is in question.


    Its quite unfortunate that all too many people are so narrow minded to the point they wish to point out one group and not look at their own. The vision you wish to see of people waking up wont happen in your lifetime my friend. We will see utter chaos instead. Its the path they have chosen and wont deviate from it.


    While Hoverfly feels right-wingers are ' funny ', what reality says is those same individuals are the ones whom are more capable to survive then basket weavers and hippies. They dont ' need a village '. All they need is a Colt and a few days provisions to restart their lives.


    So, with the ' funny ' comment, it starts to boil down to *trust*. Whom can one trust? Those whom *think* they are better then everyone else and mock others OR those whom say ' live your life as you choose '? 


    Thus I feel all the left wingers can go away. To those whom are productive in their lives, leftists really arent needed and become boat anchors at best.


    I grow my own food and not a single one of those pieces of trash ( leftists ) will be ' entitled ' to a single morsel when the days of shortages come. Its how they want things to be. If they dont starve, dissentairy and their own kind will prey upon each other. Look at Chicago as a perfect example of their core.



    I dont have to feed ( provide food ) to the narrow minded of their ilk. Many others feel the same as I. They ( leftists ) will never understand exactly ' why ' and they feel they should be as they are, everyone else is ' funny ' or ' underneath ' them.


    Leftists dont understand how their agenda has further promoted the deepest divide this Nation has seen since the Civil War.


    Civil War 2 is right around the corner.




    It wont. Its one thing to offer someone something, its another to PUSH or FORCE it onto someone. You cannot FORCE someone to tolerate or accept anything. If anything, it was a negative impact on the whole thing of ' men in heels ' and all the progress that has been made was just tossed away in the headlines.


    Now, there is going to be a stipulation of ' transexual ' of any man seen in heels due to the associations made in that parade. Any credibility that was established.. it just took a huge step backwards.


    Im not religious. Nobody can tell me theres a ' God ' and I will HAVE to believe/follow such a thought. If it was written into law that I ' Had ' to follow a ' God ' I would be in jail for non compliance.


    THAT is the main problem with people today. If we were allowed to have the liberties of non-indoctrination in Government, Schools and other ' Social ' means, Humanity would be a whole lot better. People are at their best when they make decisions for themselves and arent told what to do.


    And this is why right wingers are funny. Thinking there is some left wing persecution agenda when just one look at the shifting politcal agendas all over the Western world show that since the 80's all the major political parties, including the left wing parties have been moving to the right in their economic policies. In the US the Democrats are already more rightwing in most of their policies then the Republicans were in the 80's. And don't get me started on the so-called left-wing parties here in the Netherlands, especially the so-called ruling socialist party, who is about as socialist as my left foot.


    That is not to say that left-wingers aren't nutters either. Never let it be said that the Political Correctness Thought Police has even a single shred of a sense of humor, as was again proven by the recent Black Pete discussion over here. Humorless ivory tower farts who push through their agenda because some people might take offense and totally ignore the offense they cause to the majority. 


    The real pressing issue most of us face today is not gay marriage, or drag queens in a parade, it´s how more and more people have difficulties to make ends meet. Wages have not kept up with rising productivity and rising costs. Unless he actually lives on one no man is an island onto himself and we either stand together or we fall. We only have to look at STILL have it all taken away anyway once a gang with multiple guns comes along. Only difference with the government is that the latter will take some of it for the good of all while the men with guns will take ALL of it for their own good.

  6. I agree. The man usually replies immediately. I bought two pairs when Leatherworks was still alive.


    But in my opinion a huge 'contra' is that they arn't able / willing to realise special wishes like adjusting measurements or doing a leather lining.


    Wouldn't that usually require them being being manufacturers themselves? I dunno but I think it's kinda hard to offer (and promise) special wishes when what you're really only doing is being the middle man placing an order with a third party manufacturer and then reselling them to the customer. And not one of the easiest manufacturers I might add since a lot of people could tell horrorstories of having to deal with Leatherworks themselves. And Leatherworks always impressed me as the kind of manufacturer where you could order in any color you wanted, as long as it was black. :wink:

  7. Sorry for the way you feel about that site. I put in my info and i have to say they get some great shoes and deals on there. I have not had any spam or anything except when they email me to let me know they have new items like shoes. They saee out very fast most of the time.


    That might perfectly be true. But the fact remains I can't browse their site without signing up first and since personal privacy is being assaulted on all sides, especially online, I'm not going to fork another piece of my personal privacy over so yet another company can exploit them, without even knowing if its worth it. And A: they WILL exploit them, otherwise they wouldn't be asking for them (like selling them to other data mining companies instead of sending you personal spam). That's why EVERY company wants them in the first place, and B: it might very well be that they have great shoes on offer, but what constitutes great shoes is very much a subjective thing. And one man's treasure is all too often one man's piece of garbage. And the reverse. Which brings me back to the starting point, it's hard to judge if there is treasure or garbage inside without being able to browse that site first.


    So until then, thanks, but no thanks.

  8. Sorry, I can't see anything without becoming a member. Therefore I won't be viewing the site nor buying anything.


    When we go into a shop, they don't ask us for our name and address before they allow us through the door do they?


    Indeed! What moron came up with this? 


    Maybe if they had something I really wanted I might become a member, but since I can't browse their site how on Earth would I be able to know? So until then I will quote Eric Cartman 'Screw you guys, I'm going home!'

  9. Giving Skyscrapers a shot, will post a review soon after my boots show up :)


    Well, I can say they have never ripped me off and always responded to my mails. Wouldn't have mind though to have known that they had changed suppliers from their Leatherworks replacement (which I quite liked and now suspect was Burlesque Blue) back to Leatherworks (sort off). 

  10. But you can use the box for storage reasons, too or was the box used for shipping only?


    I ordered a pair of boots and I would need to order a large box (especially for boots) elsewhere when FF doesn't send the boots in a suitable box.


    (I'm asking here because they don't reply do my messages...)


    It's a normal standard shoe box. Both suitable for shipping while wrapped in packing paper or that abominable plastic you see more and more, and of course for regular storage. The only difference with a shoe box from a regular high street shoe store is that is in plain white. 


    I'm surprised though that they are not responding. Not a good sign usually.

  11. If sniping was outlawed then Ebay would be a lot fairer for everyone. Firstly, people would be bidding against each other, exactly like a real auction. Secondly, the seller would probably get a much more realistic price for their item. I just sold something which cost me about £200 a few years ago which was sold in as new condition for only £5.00! The buyer got a bargain and I barely made my listing fees. No wonder most people sell with a "Buy It Now" price only.


    Of course the question then becomes, at what point do you cut off future bidding. Let's just say eBay wouldn't allow any more bids in the final 5 minutes, that would just mean sniping would take place at 5:01 instead of 0:01. Basically the only way to eliminate sniping is to eliminate timed bidding altogether and to let auctions run as long as the seller wants them to take place. At which point he might chose to pick a current high or hold out for more. 


    As for your loss, couldn't you have set a reserve or a starting bid higher then zero?

  12. They are nice but i cant do ballet heels, but for those that can.... you may have to be quick, apparently its a 'one off'  production run...might be a bit of marketing spiel, after all if you sell out and there is a demand  you are going to make more aren't you....


    Wish they would make then in a 5inch high heels sneaker style

    i dont like these - but also a limited run....




    Oh, equally nice! 


    Then again, I can't really walk in ballet heels so it would just be for the idea of having them. And I got way too many shoes already.

  13. Trend Alert for Women:  Menswear heels at Payless.  Wow:




    I dare them to add a womenswear line to the mens section.  :P


    Those menswear heels really remind of the kind of shoes elderly women wear who still wear some kind of heels. Not exactly a look I would like to emulate if was a young and smart woman. 

  14. We have the NSA literally eavesdropping on the entire internet. There's one scandal after the other coming out of the NSA also and the British GCHQ wiretapping foreign telephone networks and even government leaders. There are criminal gangs phishing for our personal data so they can steal every cent we have. We need like six kinds of anti-spy and anti malware just to log on the internet to safeguard us from snooping companies alone, let alone the hackers. It's literally safer to enjoy a streethooker bareback then to go online without anti-virus and a firewall. Just visiting a web shop will probably have at least three kinds of ad services (if not more) trying to track you, trying to see what you're interested in (if you got firefox, install ghostery to see who's tracking you). Supermarkets give you discount cards, just so they can track your shopping behavior as well . And then we have a gazillion kinds of social media were people throw all caution to the wind and post whatever last bit of privacy they still had for the world to see. 


    And I'm supposed to get worked up of a guy shooting pics of nice looking girls? I really, really don't want to come off as sounding harsh but we live in a world where privacy is a non-existing concept. Privacy is like that quiet guy who was nice to everybody but whom nobody noticed when he started to go missing, only to be found three months dead rotting in his own appartment with his face half eaten off by his cat. Not even George Orwell could have imagined the world we live in and the general disregard for personal privacy that everyone has. Least of all we ourselves.


    In the grand scheme of things we should all be so lucky that when a perv start taking pictures of us to fap off too is the biggest privacy issue we will ever face. As it stands it's probably the least of our privacy problems.


    Again, sorry if I sounded harsh. 

  15. Nor me.


    Just someone trying to make out that a woman dressing like a man is cool. The reality (as most will agree) is that the only women who dress like men are either lesbians or chavs.


    I was going to make a similar remark. 

  16. Indeed. I'm not a big fan of sniping myself. Why can't people just put in their maximum bid and be done with it?


    Ideally everybody would put in their bid and nobody would know how high everyone else's bid was. Of course the system is set up to maximize profit for the seller (understandably so). It wouldn't be half so bad if there weren't always some jojo's who keep on bidding, driving the price up, days before the biddings end. Sniping I can understand and respect. People snipe to get the best possible bargain before a competitor can react with a higher offer. Constantly bidding at the start however only serves to make the item more expensive. And even if you do become the highest bidder, it's still no guarantee that you won't get sniped. 


    I always like to check the bidding history of an item to see who had the upper hand, whose maximum bids out triumphed and if the guy who made the initial bid won. Based on what I saw this is usually almost never, unless they made a higher initial bid then the others expected. All to often its some sniper who got away with it. Proving again that when two dogs fight over a bone, a third dog will be the one who gets away with it.


    This won't help you for the lost auction, but you can use a "sniper" program to place a last second bid. There are some pay versions and at least one free one, Gixen. I  have used Gixen and it definitely works.


    It works! I won! Just by the maximum amount I was willing to pay.

  17. "All indicated prices are exclusive of post and packing: We will add 55 Euros for shipping to USA and 40 Euros within Europe (France 15 Euros). We now ship Fedex to provide You with a faster and fully trackable service."


    40$ for shipping on a pair of boots?


    What I dont like about that site.. They dont list the shaft lengths of their boots. On taller boots, for ' over the knee ' I need a boot with a 23-24inch shaft ( without the heel ).


    It took me €20 to ship a pair of boots to Italy. And that was signed postage. Mind you, they were knee highs, not thigh highs, but I doubt it would cost that much more. 


    As for the OP, I generally prefer knee highs, as they're more practical. Thigh highs look sexier though. Crotch highs not my thing. I have one pair where because of the large footsize the shaft is too long for my legs.


    Ankle highs, knee highs and OTK's seem to be the most common boots out there, based on what I see. I can't remember ever seeing a thigh high out there in daily life and I get the impression that for most people they're more associated with dominatrixes and bedroom wear than actual daily wear. 

  18. Hello all!


    Couple of weeks (well over 2 months now) i've ordered pair of domina 101 from howcool.com. They haven't arrived since then. I contacted twice them now saying they are sorry but they still didn't recieve my special order (which could take up to 8 weeks to be ready to be shipped). I don't know what can i do now, any suggestion?


    I once ordered some Dagger boots from Bananashoes. Also took forever to arrive, and everytime I emailed them it was soon, next week, any time. I'm inclined to believe them though as any chain is only as strong as the weakest link, and if the supplier is not forthcoming, there's not a whole lot the reseller can do. The fact that I easily got my money back when I canceled the order certainly helped me to believe them. Ironically, within a month of canceling the order the boots did arrive. Go figure!

  19.  I came very close to an identical pair on ebay (made by saint of fashion) but lost out due to flat battery on mifi device :-(  


    I too have lost bids in similar ways. :sad: Like having the computer crash just minutes before ending. And when that happens you should not try to boot up a laptop which has been used on and off in slumber mode for a week. To say after that time it becomes slow and sluggish is an understatement, and not very helpful (nor good for your blood pressure) when you're trying to place a last second bid. 

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