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Posts posted by Chorlini

  1. As I bought high heeled shoes over the years I discovered something that still surprises me to this day. I generally take a size US13 or US14 in courts or boots. A bit too large for my taste but things are as they are. No need to dwell on that which cannot be changed. However when I first bought some sandals in the same size, I noticed how I kept sliding downwards in a very unelegant way. Oddly enough this never happened in a Pleaser stripper shoe because they have different kinds of insoles that seem to be excellent in preventing slippage. Since I hate sliding downwards in sandals I began to avoid them like the proverbial plague. But I've always liked the way they looked, especially strappy sandals. So on a whim I ordered a pair that was two sizes smaller then my regular size, in the hope that the straps would be more narrow and thus prevent slippage. And it worked! Even odder was that they didn't pinch as I feared they would going with a smaller size. So now my first instinct when buying sandals is to always go 2 sizes smaller then with courts, maybe 3 when the choice is limited. Now I wonder, as I never seem to read about this, is this something that is uniquely me or did I just stumble onto a general principle that's as common as rain water?

  2. Methinks you're asking for the impossible. It sounds like you're looking for fetish heels, which 99% of all shoe stores avoid like the plague. And those shops that do sell fetish heels probably only sell the usual fare of Pleaser shoes. Superarch narrows it down even more as only online shops like Archenemys and 6inchheelsforever seem to have them. And I suspect that the former resells shoes made and sold by the latter. Methinks a unicorn is less rare then the kind of shop you seek. But if anyone knows of an actual shop that you can visit in the flesh that does sell unique 6inch non-platform heels, not made by the usual suspects like Pleaser or Ellie, then by all means please tell. This is one thing in which I'll gladly be proven wrong.

  3. You can get good quality without having to shell out that kind of money. I'd rather have 5 great pairs of boots for the same cost.


    Indeed! When you're paying a $1000 for a pair of shoes you're paying $200 to get quality, $300 to pay for their marketing and the rest to make Mr. Louboutin smile a very huge grin.

  4. Thanks for the info Chorlini.

    The domina styles are also really nice. Specifically the 412.

    Was contemplating that style too. But most likely will need a 14.

    How would you rate the Hottie vs the dominas?

    Depends on what you want. The Domina is higher and more fetishy, the Hottie is more daily wear friendly as it kinda looks designer heelish. Still clocks in over 5 1/4 inches though. I prefer the Domina because of the extra height and I got a leather like Domina knee boot that for me is still the most comfortable of all my boots. This might be a fluke though as the patent boot in the same size and type feels different. The one problem I have with the Hottie is that the heel is too far backwards. This seems to be in vogue as Louboutin also does this, but I prefer the heel of the shoe to be more underneath my own heel as well.

  5. fabulously fetish, burlesque blue, skyscrapers.com all sell size 14 US size shoes. Be it that they use UK sizes. Which means you should go 2 sizes smaller to a size 12 UK. 6inchheelsforever in Canada also offers size 14 US. And width selection. Which is cool as I wish this was a more common option. All fetish shoes though, as those who make more every day wear kind of shoes seem to be consider us large sizes to be too small a market or just don't care. I've purchased a lot of heeld over the years and oddly enough I found the Pleaser Domina and Dagger shoes and boots to be quite comfortable to wear. More so then shoes 2 or 3 times as expensive. So I wouldn't just diss them for being cheap Chinese made crap out of hand. Like with everything in life price is not always the best gauge to check for quality. There's no substitute for actual trial and error unfortunately.

  6. When if comes to designer heels I'm ways reminded by that fairy tale about the emperor's new clothes. They're supposed to be more daily wear then fetish heels like 6ihf or fabulously fetish. Who are quite pricey and yet compared to Louboutin they are almost bargain priced. It doesn't add up because something made for a niche market shouldn't be cheaper then something made for the general public. Personally I think designer heels are the biggest joke ever pulled on us and not even that good looking either. To each his own I guess.

  7. Indeed, and when Roger & Sarah Adams (the proprietors of Rosa) posted here a few years ago, they made it quite clear that they did not approve of any male heel wearing either. My guess is that they intentionally keep to normal female sizes to avoid any possibility of attracting custom from men with 'properly-sized' male feet.

    Highly ironic since Heelboy is a man and he started this thread. Also with women getting bigger as well a size 41 limit also disqualifies a lot of women as well.

  8. Surely It's only the womans problem if she finds that she has become hooked up with a guy who insists on wearing heels?

    I'll say this though, considering the number of 'players' out there who know how to 'pump and dump' women, I'd say hooking up with a guy who suddenly professes a like to wear heels is probably the least of your worries.

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