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Posts posted by Chorlini

  1. On 1-9-2016 at 3:59 AM, Shyheels said:

    No kidding. One of my favourite writers, Norman MacLean, didn't publish his first, and only, novel - the achingly beautiful A River Runs Through It - until he was in his mid-seventies. And then died shortly afterwards!

    Sometimes that's all they have in them. Better to have one or two really good works then a one or two really good works followed by a steady decline. Dune comes to mind. Awesome book that touches about many core themes. The books that followed....., not so much.

  2. On 7-5-2016 at 9:03 PM, spikesmike said:


    My passport is now up to date. I am planning a trip to England - Germany - and Spain in September 2016. During this trip, I plan to contact

    the British police or some organization to bring Cos up on fraud charges. He took me for over $ 1,100.00 on an order I placed with him

    over a year ago. I will spend 10 times that amount to get justice for myself.  Note: What is the BBB ?


    I'm impressed with your desire for justice. Vengeance! Remember that nothing says 'don't mess with me!' then a severed head on a stick.

    Seriously though, has it worked out? Or is it working out?

  3. Then again, the ridiculous price of Louboutin heels aside, chances are they won't fit on most men. They only go up to what size? EU42 on the small side? And if people think a man trying on heels in stores is weird, a man trying on heels in stores that are way too small for him will only make it look sad.

    • Like 2
  4. Maybe if men in heels were one of those minority/causes that Hollywood loves to embrace, then they would cast such a character. In this case..... not bloody likely as there are no action groups taking up the cause. Also, where's the drama in casting a regular guy in heels? A character who goes gay including all out flaming guy in drag, that's built in soap opera drama. A regular guy in heels doing regular things with an accepting girlfriend? That's snooze city.

    I would rather have it TV shows would never show men in heels as they will probably present it in such a context that it will reinforce all the negative/weird stereotypes society already has about men in heels.

  5. I'm reminded of that show Hotter Then My Daughter, where they show a LOT of middle aged to older women are in serious denial that they can still wear the same (usually slutty) clothes that they did when they're young. They say age is nothing but a number but that is also serious denial. The sad fact is that while in our minds we still think of ourselves as the persons that we used to be when we were younger, the outside world is less forgiving. And there is nothing sadder looking then a man or a woman who still tries to look like a hot teen or tween. If you have good genetics or a healthy lifestyle nature will allow you to get away with it for a little longer then most, but when your face starts to look old it doesn't matter how lean, mean and trim your body is, it's just not going to mesh.

    So I'm all in favor of dressing more age appropriately. Which in the minds of most people seems to be to give up and start wearing comfortable yet ugly as f*** clothing. But classy can be sexy in its own right too.

    • Like 2
  6. For sale a pair of size UK11 fuchsia Leatherworks heels, with 6" heels! A narrow size UK11 so be warned. You can't get these any more, for even though you can still get Leatherworks style shoes via Skyscrapers.co.uk, the option to go 6" disappeared with the bankruptcy. So €80 excluding shipping, which is €25 signed and insured to the US and less inside the EU.




  7. For sale a pair of size UK11 Leatherworks sandals, bought via German reseller Laszivo as Leatherworks rarely sold directly to customers. Usually with not so good results as good customer handling was not their strongest asset. €40 excluding shipping, which is about €25 signed and insured to the US, so less inside the EU.





  8. For sale a pair of size UK12 Leatherworks black patent pumps, from before they went bankrupt. I've always liked Leatherworks heels because they offered a 5.5" heel at a decent price which was surprisingly easy to walk in. I'm selling them as they are a size too big for me and I'm clearing out the closets. €50 excluding shipping, which if memory serves me right is €25 signed and insured to the US. So less if inside the EU.




  9. I'm selling off a lot of shoes because at some point enough is enough. I will either not wear them because of size or because they no longer thrill me. But in addition to selling I must have thrown away at least 3x as much, more then 30+ pairs. I would like to see the faces though of those who have to collect from the used clothing bins that I used.

  10. 5 hours ago, Thighbootguy said:

    I have no experience with either style (5 1/2" is my limit) but before you start wearing either style, first locate the closest Emergency Room. :penitent:

    Shoes aren't supposed to hurt, they're supposed to look good.

    Methinks with these kind of heels comfort is not part of the equation. You wear them because they look good. The fact that you have to endure the pain may be even part of the equation.

  11. I'm amazed there's so little response. She posted quite a lot here, many of them pictures, the average posting usually getting more thanks then there's been reactions to her death.

  12. It's basically one big crapshoot. You can never trust the conversion charts any of the manufacturers use. Why should it be? Anyone can put anything online. Who's going to check? There's no international body of shoe size regulation to enforce standards. There's only one system that really works, which is sitting down and trying shoes on for size. This works in retail, it works for designer heels as those tend to be available in physical stores as well. But for shoes like this you basically have to order a pair online to see if they will fit. And hope they will have a good return policy if they don't.

  13. A word of caution though, Italia Boutique offers different shoes then Italianheels. Both in sizing and style. Other then being made in Italy they have little in common.

    As for a winning strategy to win Ebay bids I concur that you should first determine how much you are willing to spend at max and stick to that. Once you know that I use Gixen as a sniping tool to place my bid at the last possible moment, last second if possible. I use a sniping tool for two reasons, because its easier then having to be at the ready at sometimes odd times, and because sometimes internet can be wonky, or my browser can be wonky and it sucks to lose an auction because your laptop has been put into sleep mode way too often, has too much active programs slowing it down or because your browser will chose that exact moment to crap out. Murphy's law! Also placing an early bid is pointless in my POV. It means little as the heavy hitters will only come in at the last possible moment giving you a false sense of security and it will only serve to stir up the chumps to push up the price beforehand. The point is not to have the highest bid for most of the auction period, it's to have the highest bid at the end.

  14. I'm not sure feminine design is a plus in electronic devices, as it seems to be all style, no content. Give me some good old school utilitarian design when it comes to electronics any day.

    As for the OP, Uggs and flipflops. There are other uglies but these two definitely are the kind of winners that are not.

  15. For sale a pair of Leathworks boots in patent black. I think these were made before they went bankrupt and are unmarked for a reseller, but the style is definitely Leatherworks. Awesome boots, and despite the 5.5" heel surprisingly easy to walk in. I'm selling them as they are a size too big for me and I'm clearing out the closets. €75 excluding shipping, which if memory serves me right is €25 signed and insured to the US. So less if inside the EU.



  16. For sale a pair of 5" gold heels from Italianheels. Brand new, unworn, because they didn't fit me and because they were custom I couldn't exchange them. Which is a shame because Italianheels makes gorgeous shoes with nice soft leather. €100 excluding shipping. Will ship anywhere using signed and insured shipping. Which is around €25 if to the US if memory serves me right.





  17. I suspect this plays no small part why so many people distrust the media. When the media keeps on telling you A and you see B happening around you a disconnect starts to happen. And uncritical journalists barely doing any fact checking parroting what everybody keeps saying makes a hell of a lot more sense then secret shady kabals controlling the media as so many people seem/want to belief. Occam's Razor, the simplest most plausible solution.

  18. 20 hours ago, Shyheels said:

    I am just wondering where and how they come up with any figures at all. How many people do you suppose actually report that they cannot show up for work because of having worn high heels? How often do you suppose heels crop up on HR and company medical reports? Two hundred and sixty million pounds worth?

     I suspect the 'experts' are, iff their bat, extrapolating a certain percentage of lower back complaints and deciding that these can be sheeted home to high heels.

    A very good point. There is a lot of statistical research being presented and accepted as fact without the media doing any in depth examination into the validity of the socalled research and what kinds of extrapolations were made. I suspect that the more anyone who is critical of a research piece gets shouted down and being called names, the more likely the basis of said research is actually a load of unfounded bullshit.

  19. 20 hours ago, Shyheels said:

    I read in a newspaper article the other day that health problems caused by wearing high heels cost British businesses £260 million a year - this was from evidence presented to the parliamentary commission into wearing heels in the workplace. (Yes, with all that is going on in Britain and the world, our politicians have nothing better to do) One wonders - indeed, marvels - at the capacity of "experts" to snatch BS figures out of thin air and have them solemnly accepted and recorded as "fact".

    Here truly is an instance of Mark Twain's "lies, damned lies and statistics".

    Wasn't it Winston Churchill who said: 'I only believe the statistics I falsified myself'?

    The problem with statistics is probably not so much the numbers, but how you interpret them. We all suffer from confirmation bias and are prone to accept those numbers which support our viewpoint. They say British business suffers X amount of losses due to high heel related health problems, I pose that maybe part of those problems, if not the core is not so much high heels, but crappy high heels. Because if most women wear the wrong size bras and suffer from back pain issues, then is it too much of a leap of faith that it may be a huge health problem that millions of women are squeezing their feet into shitty Chinese shoes whose only goal is to be made as cheaply as possible?

    Also, as with every claim and number being made in the political realm, follow the money. As a Dutch saying says, whose bread one eats, whose words one will speak.

    • Like 1
  20. 19 hours ago, Ynotme said:

    It's always the same thing the average guy that where heels for these things all say that they hurt and give up 

    I think if they started on small heels like young girls and us guys early on they could get used to the high ones.

    Thing is, I can excuse those men because they haven never worn heels before, it's not something that men in general do, in which case they can be quite uncomfortable. But there are more and more women who have never worn heels before either. So there is a growing number of women who don't know how to wear heels, don't know how to learn how to walk in heels, just don't have the patience to learn or have made their mind made up already and who now bitterly complain about these patriarchal torture devices. And there's an never ending brigade of SJW's willing to take up their cause.


    19 hours ago, Ynotme said:

    I think women should be given the choice of heels or not but don't complain that everyone needs to be in flat shoes some of us might like to be in heels  

    just what I think 

    There are plenty of low heeled options. And platforms can help you cheat on heel height considerably. And if push comes to shove a woman could wear ballerina flats and still look graceful. The point of formal wear is that it makes men look stylish and women graceful. Something which no woman ever does in sneakers or flipflops..

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