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Posts posted by Chorlini

  1. Methinks it was the nobility who did the peacocking, to distinguish itself from the peasants of the lower classes and to impress them and the other nobles with their wealth. So when power switched to the bourgeoisie and middle classes fashion probably changed with them. After all, with nobles losing their heads in revolutionary France, who would want to dress up as a noble of the Ancienne Regime? When the monarchy was restored in France after the exile of Napoleon, Louis XVIII did still dress up like an 18th century peacock monarch, as if he was still trying to restore the Ancienne Regime. But his regime proved unpopular and his successors quickly switched to the more drab fashions of the classes that now really mattered. 

    And now we have the reverse trend where the old nobility that has survived probably dresses more conservative then the nouveau riche of big business and celebrities.

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  2. On 4-2-2017 at 8:50 PM, Shyheels said:

    Try going into The Ritz for tea without a tie

    Most dresscodes nowadays exist to separate the wheat from the chavs. To keep out the shorts, sandals and training suit brigades. Which I think is a good thing. A little class never hurt anyone. And you can look stylish too in female attire. I don't think any dress codes that require a tie however mentions anything about men and heels though. 

    In the case of the OP I would like to have had a word with the restaurant manager though. Not to demand entry, because f*** them! But to complain to him or her about the rude behavior of his or her employees. There's a difference between telling somebody we're sorry, but we think your dress might give our customers offense. We deeply apologize and can give you directions to a restaurant that is more amenable to your style of dress. Do you need to call a taxi? No problem, we can do that if you would like. Again, our apologies. Vs. Piss off, you crossdressing wanker.

    By the way, anyone seen the comments in that Daily Mail article? Not much love and understanding there.

  3. On 4-2-2017 at 1:26 AM, curiousheels said:

    Still be a test for me to walk in I think.

    Depends on your footsize I'd say. I'm size 12,5 US and 5.5" heels is doable for me, to downright comfortable, depending on the shoe brand. Those stripper heels with their 4" effective height feel like flats to me. If you have smaller feet on the other hand 5.5" will probably pose more of a challenge.

  4. On 27-1-2017 at 8:13 PM, hh4evr1 said:

    Younger women are more willing to wear pointed toe shoes even if they aren't as comfortable, just for the look/fashion statement..

    Older women often go for comfort over style. Especially if they have worn heels for years.

    I'm sorry but from my position older women are probably way more likely to wear heels then younger women. No matter the style. Like I said the art of wearing heels seems to be almost non-existing amongst young women. At best some ankle heels with chunky low heels. Where are these young women wearing pointed toe shoes that you see? I'd love to see them.

  5. What a choice to make. 6" fuck me heels vs faux 6" platform stripper heels.

    I'd pick the Domina because I hate platforms. The platforms will be easier to walk in as they're basically 4" heels with training wheels. Although the Domina range of shoes is probably one of the most comfortable series of 6" heels you will find. There are 6" heels being made that cost 2, 3, 4 times as much that are also 2, 3, 4 times as uncomfortable to wear.

  6. Yeah, the UK has become quite the bastion of the politically correct social justice warrior brigades. I strongly suspect those were the ones that got that useless git Jeremy Corbyn elected. Twice. As he's quite the SJW himself. Even though the Labor party's traditional constituency seems to migrate more and more to UKIP. That seems to be the overall trend nowadays. As the traditional leftwing parties get hijacked more and more by the PC brigades, SJW's, LGBT and feminists their traditional voters abandon them en masse for populists rightwing parties. Donald Trump may be a twat, but if he manages to drive a stake through the heart of political correctness in America it almost seems worth it.

    As for this debate to be only about high heels, I'm not surprised. Feminism is not about equality, otherwise it would have been called Egalitarianism. It's a supremacist movement. That's why mandatory men's dress code is a non issue. Or why they come down like a ten ton hammer on anything that even remotely smells like a men's right movement. They don't want equality, they want supremacy.

  7. Question, don't they teach English in Quebec too? Usually in bilingual countries people tend to get both languages taught. Only the people who are dicks tend to refuse to learn or speak the other language.

    As for older women only wearing your prefered style of footwear, do keep in mind that nobody is born with excellent taste in fashion. It has to be learned over time what works for a person and what not. Old people have learned this over time, young people think they know that already and even better then the old farts. Experience usually tends to come from having been young and stupid and making an ass of yourself.


  8. I don't want to sound blunt, but your post reads like it was translated into English by Google Translate.

    As for the OP, yeah I too notice a disturbing lack of heels being worn by younger women, and I work at a university. Heels are practically extinct in that demographic. 1 in a 100 perhaps, in which case they're usually ugly as f*** chunky heels. The figures go up when you go to the faculty of law, as heels are basically still mandatory if you want to work for a law firm, so I was told by a law student. Millenial women don't seem to give a crap overall about high heels or being feminine. They think that Uggs and sneakers make for actual evening wear and all to often the only thing that differentiates them from men is their longer hair. If we're lucky that is. Short ugly hair or god forbid the abominable Skrillex haircut are rampant in that demographic as well.

    I'm not sure that older women are better at wearing heels though. The vast majority that I encounter wear comfy flats as well. The average Dutch woman, whatever the age, has the elegance, class and taste of a peasant. And kinda the same body build as well. Although those women that do wear heels usually tend to have developed a nice elegant overal look as well.

    As for those heels in your links, more power to ya if you like them, that's the only thing that matters in the end, but I find them butt ugly.

    • Like 1
  9. On 24-1-2017 at 11:48 PM, hh4evr1 said:

    You could go to a super market early morning or late at night when it will be less busy. But then you are likely to be watched more because there are few other people shopping.

    The busier it is the less likely people will notice. If your heels are noisy and you are on your own. Then people will know you are wearing heels. If you are in a busy supermarket it could be another shopper wearing heels, so people may not take the time to look and just keep shopping

    I always notice. Whenever I hear that clicking noise I become a regular heels seeking bloodhound. :cheeky:

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  10. I can't view the first view, it's one of those 'not available for your country' vids. Goddamn copyrights mafia!

    2nd vid I can't help escape the notion that it doesn't help the image of guys wanting to wear heels, but reinforce the idea that its a gay thing, as I'm getting a strong gay vibe from that guy.

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  11. On 5-12-2016 at 5:03 PM, Thighmax said:

    I have a few comments regarding the dangling!!!

    First of all, even though it seems as though she doesn't know she's doing it, it is incredibly sexy and I don't know if I would be able to pay attention to someone doing it.

    Second, it appears like she only uses the shoes for the look.  The shoes look like they have never been used for walking, the sole is completely unused.

    Third, I would never be able to that as I only have boots!!!

    I conclude that it does look great!!!

    I wouldn't be surprised if they are only for on camera. Once the director calls cut, they're probably off. Maybe they're required to wear heels on camera, maybe they just want to look good on camera, I'm more leaning towards the female vanity thing. In my country I've noticed that of the female news presenters who wear heels during the news they generally seem to be wearing the same pair every time. So they probably keep them in their dressing rooms.


    On 7-12-2016 at 0:33 AM, Heelster said:

    I've seen some lady lawyers recently, and none were wearing heels. Most dressed almost frumpy, with no style. Kinda bland, so I'm thinking they don't want to dress to impress (then again, I live in the sticks where fashion is forgotten.)

    At the university where I work I've noticed that the law faculty has more students wearing high heels, and higher high heels, then all the other faculties combined. Still not much but I do notice it. Take it for what its worth.


    There's a breakfast news show here in the Netherlands that has two female news presenters who alternate every two days. One of them looks picture perfect, nicely toned legs, always wears 5" Louboutins, highest I've seen on news presenters in the Netherlands, and she also does a lot of dangling. It can't be because of the director because whenever the director zooms out and we get a nice dangling shot to watch, half of the time they're obscured by a bar of scrolling news text. Still, always a good day to wake up too. The other presenter unfortunately looks like a peasant in comparison. She also wears heels, but mostly 3", maybe 3.5" ankle boots, they look so low in comparison, and you never see her dangle.

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  12. Pleaser gets a bad rep for selling Chinese made heels (read: cheap), but generally they tend to very wearable. I found them to be a lot more comfortable then more expensive brands that cost 2x or 3x times as much. Took me some time to find out my real size though.

  13. 3 hours ago, Bubba136 said:

    I've often wondered why anyone from any other country would be so concerned about events happening in any country but theirs?  Perhaps if their country had something that mattered to the rest of the world, they would not spend so much of their energy being critical of anyone else's.

    In all fairness the US is a superpower with the biggest deployable military in the world. Whatever it wants to do impacts the rest of the world. For better or for worse. We're still reaping the fallout of Dubya's desire to finish what his daddy had started. The whole Middle East, which sits next to Europe, not the US, is still utterly destabilized because of that. A million socalled refugees have walked to Europe and we will still be reaping that fallout in Europe, in demographic changes, in possible failed integration in our societies, for decades to come. So yeah, whoever the US electorate elects, we will be interested, we will be concerned and we will probably express how we feel about that. . 

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  14. Thing is, on the one hand its a good thing for both men and women to have a separate places for themselves where they can talk freely among each other, without the fear of being offensive to the other sex. On the other hand I seem to be able to read all the threads in the for the girls section anyway, and they can read ours, so I'm having a hard time seeing the point for separate sections.

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  15. Plants are living creatures too. Just because they don't make noise doesn't mean they don't react to stimuli. Because animals look cuddly and make noises we kid ourselves that eating only plants does not make us monsters. If they could plants would disagree. In the end everything eats each other in some form.

    They will have to make me give up eating meat at gun point. It's just too damn tasty. I can do without lots of things. I don't drink alcohol, I don't smoke, I don't do drugs, I try not to drink soft drinks, I avoid sweets wherever possible, but meat? NEVER!!!

    Because the universe has a perverse sense of humor a lot of the women I meet and am attracted too turn out to be vegetarian. If there's such a thing as reincarnation I'll probably return as a pig or chicken.

  16. People are making nasty falls everywhere, even without heels. Take comfort in that. I saw a girl fall down with her bike in the weekend. Lots of wet leaves on the ground while being busy on your mobile phone does not make for a good combo whilst cycling.

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  17. If you keep on repeating nonsense it becomes true in the minds of people. To most women heels are at best something only to worn at parties or events. Too painful and/or uncomfortable for daily wear. A mysogist tool according to rapid feminists. That's what everybody keeps saying therefore it must be true. Of course it doesn't help that few can walk in them right away. One has to learn how to walk in them. If one never walks in heels, or at best only once a year, yeah, then they will be uncomfortable and you will look ridiculous walking in them. Practice, ladies! It said that it takes 10.000 hours of practice to become really good at something. I'm not sure if that same number applies to walking in heels, but even if its only 10% of that number that's still a hell of a lot more then that once of a year office party.

    It doesn't help that the market is also glutted by cheap Chinese knock offs. And if the majority of women have ill fitting bras, because they chose the wrong sizes, then is it any stretch of the imagination to think that heels, which get worn a lot less, are chosen poorly in even greater numbers?

    A sad state of affairs. A women who knows how to walk well in heels is a sight of feminine grace. One that will turn heads when she walks past on the street. A woman in sneakers just looks like a badly dressed peasant.

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  18. On 11-10-2016 at 8:47 PM, kbl said:

    I'm all over this Robbie video. Any making of, or discussion about it anywhere? No mention by Graham Norton that these women are wearing them either, which is a disappointment.

    For a solo recording artists his or her band members are faceless mercenaries. Unless its a renowned artist in his or her own right nobody gives a crap about them, so why should Graham? He's got Robbie Williams in the hot seat to play with.

  19. Then why do Italian wonen still wear heels in theater numbers? Their streets are even worden then Western European.

    The decline is culturally driven, with wonen becoming more masculine.

  20. Feminists in Western culture are like the unions of old. They both achieved their goals long ago and now keep on going because to admit that they have won means admitting they are basically irrelevant. So they both keep on going with ever more stricter and ludicrous behavior and demands. Although I'm more then willing to admit that at least the unions still have some legitimacy with growing numbers of zero hour and temporary contracts.

  21. On 6-9-2016 at 6:54 PM, robbiehhw said:

    I did not know her. I suspect her postings predated me- So sad when someone dies young.

    She posted here a lot under the name of Pata. There's quite a lot of her pictures in the Your Favorite High Heel Pictures subforum.

    As for what happened to her, I suspect the Big C. Or a disease like that. 

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