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MackyHeels last won the day on May 8 2018

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    Love Shopping for clothes Online and browse in stores in my spare time. Wearing clothes that woman would die for with envy.

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  1. Talking to female acquaintance about my feminine fashion leggings i was wearing on purpose to be seen by her today. Days ago she encourages me to purchase her same type of leggings she was wearing, telling me it would look great on me. I told her i have some older ones yet she didn't believe me. So i decided to wear them today in case i ran into the married female acquaintance. She gave me thumbs up with a smile from a distance, so i had to walk towards her to chat showing off my leggings comparing the differences to her new ones. She was happy and wished to be wearing same leggings. Her laughing out loud saying she and me would be wearing exact same ones only last minute decided to wear her other ones leaving the house. Her replies and comments to me was i told you so, the colour stands out really well, looks great. She began to talk about other leggings she wanted to purchase but found them sheer showing her underwear beneath deciding not to buy them, as i stood silent while she closely observing my reaction. At the time i spoke very little almost stoic, finding it all to awkward to discuss wearing female fashions in public with her. Don't know if i'm in shock or waiting for the other shoe to drop with this wonderful married female acquaintance. Just want to know if anyone discussed with strangers, a woman in particular about their style and certain female clothes or heels that you as a male can wear? Find the discussion to surreal to be talking to a woman about female styles that look good on me to be wearing. Often then not majority of women have a belief male should never think or speak of or even wear any female styles be it heels or clothes made for woman. Just find the discussion very new to be able to talk freely about style or fashion, like we are two girlfriends, sipping on hot coco in our PJ's sitting by a with warm fireplace on Christmas day, with another woman and her being so comfortable or encouraging me to wear it. Never have i dreamed a woman can feel comfortable seeing a male like me wear her style clothes yet encourages me further to purchase such fashions while in society norms being taboo for me to wear. Feelings of doubt creep in that this acquaintance will shift her beliefs upon me laughing what i wear as entertainment not believing what she was saying to me as truth. Lying to me as some sick joke playing a game on how far i would go to dress up as a woman. So i lack any faith in the woman i seldom see encouraging me to wear her type of clothes. Often fear sets in closing myself off to her any woman believing there cool with me wearing female styles. Feeling of being made as experiment like some little boy that teen girls will make him into a little girl finding it as a fun game rather than real truth finding it disturbing for male to able to wear other genders style.
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