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Posts posted by shyguy

  1. It would appear to me that evans do generously sized shoes.

    I'd agree with that, my wife usually wears a UK7 but when she gets them from Evans they will fit me and I am UK8. Unfortunately she has now realised she can wear a 6UK from Evans which are just a little short for me.

    I think mainly it's the extra width from evans which makes the difference though.

  2. Name: Age:39 Gender:Male Location:SE England Occupation:Engineer Height:5' 5" Weight:Way Over Shoe size:8 UK What's your favourite heel style:Stiletto What's your favourite shoe style:court (pumps) and boots Do you wear your heels outside:Rarely What is: (a) Your favourite heel height:3.5 " (8) Your highest heel height:4.5" How often do you wear: (a) Your favourite heel height:As often as I can indoors (:unsure: Your highest heel height:When the mood takes me. Do you wear socks, hose, stockings or bare feet with your shoes:Bare feet Anything else you wish to add: I guess it's about time I filled this in, but no name as I keep this part of me anonymous as much as possible.

  3. I can see the point being made about the presentation of most of the legs competition entries, and did have the same thoughts RE: emulating women in a legs competiton. My wife suggested a skirt as I never wear them, or have a desire to wear skirts. For the competition as a bit of fun though, my wife said my legs would look better in a skirt (she hates the idea of me being in anything feminine even shoes with heels so figure this one for yourself) so for fun I wore one. My first pic was in shorts, my last one will probably be too, and I haven't shaved or worn tights etc. but those who did for this competition, good for them if that's what they want to do. My wife also made the point that was made in this thread, saying " Is it about showing off the legs or the rest of their wardrobe of womens clothes? I thought this was for men in to show their legs in high heels?" Yes this kind of thing concerns her that if the men here wear heels then go on to skirts, shaving, etc. etc. then will I be following their example? So I can see how this might look to others but still say why not? Everyone is unique, and this site has always catered to all tastes for people who love heels, before, but lately I do see a bit of a change in attitude, and it's maybe not for the best.

  4. I expect that they were probably in the shop for days filming reactions until they got the one they wanted.

    My thoughts exactly, how many people took no notice, before they found the handful who gave the reactions they needed to make a prank tv show?

    As we've seen from the stories on this forum, most people are either not interested what anyone else is doing/ wearing or just don't care enough to react.

    Also take into account how over the top the guy has to play it to get noticed even by the ones who do.

  5. I find this kind of duality a bit confusing. On the one hand as men wearing high heels we are crusading for fashion freedom. Then someone posts asking for people to sign a petition to stop people having the freedom of choice of what they wear on their feet as they don't like crocs. If we are expecting others to respect our choice, lets not go on crusades against others personal choices hmmm?

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