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Posts posted by shyguy

  1. I find with my own daughters, that they are individuals, one likes to be feminine and girly, the other dresses in baggies and hoodies. Neither seems to mind what anyone else wears though, maybe because of my own (unknown to them) liking for womens shoes, we teach them to accept everyone for their own individuality, and not judge someone by their clothes. in my own experience though, both sexes still have to dress in a way to impress the opposite sex, but as always, the style used to impress is changing periodically. In other words, fashion dictates what most people feel will impress the opposite sex most, and attract a mate. Hence they wear what is "in style" for the time they are trying to impress.

  2. You may have already seen this, but I just got it in an email and thought it belonged here. The woman entered the room, and with a knowing smile teasing her full lips, she sank into the comfort of the plush chair in the corner. The handsome stranger turned, having sensed her approach. Locking his steely gray eyes on hers, he moved slowly toward her, his experienced gaze measuring her, hypnotizing her with his soft murmurs of assurance. He sank to his knees before her and without a word, smoothly released her from her constraining attire. With a sigh of surrender, she allowed his foreign hands to unleash her bare flesh. He expertly guided her through this tender, new territory, boldly taking her to heights she had never dared to dream of, his movements deliberate, confident in his ability to satisfy her every need. Her senses swam. She was overcome with an aching desire that had gone unfulfilled for so long. And, just as it seemed that ecstasy was within her grasp, he paused, and for one heart-stopping moment, she thought, "It's too big! - it will never fit!" Then, with a sudden rush, it slid into place as if it had been made only for her. As pleasure and contentment washed over her, she met his steady gaze, tears of gratitude shining in her eyes. And he knew it wouldn't be long before she returned. Oh, yes, this woman would want more. She would want to do it again and again and again... DON'T YA JUST LOVE SHOPPING FOR SHOES????

  3. Well, I'm waiting to see how this goes here, and how the new board holds up to spammers, and if we get the same kind of postings as before. As this is heels4men.org are we going to see even less females now? The new site has a very male oriented theme overall, so it may be offputting. In my personal opinion it also puts too much emphasis on trying to make heels for men acceptable in the front pages, and that's not my interest. Negative views aside, it's good to see some others here already and I hope it actually works out for the best.

  4. I bought my wife some crocs, in light blue, and when I saw them I hated them. Then I wore them, that's when you realise why other people wear them, they are so comfortable. I am considering getting some now. Anyone tried the Crocs Mary Janes?

  5. Some nice pics in here, making me feel less guilt about my flatties :roll: I thought I should do a quick update too, I have been wearing the ballet pumps that started this thread whilst driving, but still not filled up the fuel in them. I also just won a pair of 4" white stilettos on ebay, and will post pics soon. One other event of note, I have been wearing a pair of my wifes mules a lot in the garden, not particularly high heels but not the flat dull male ones you get. Recently a friend from work came for a barbecue at our house, and forgetting myself, I put on my wifes mules to do the barbecue. One of my daughters commented on "dads new shoes" and my wife pointed out they were hers, in front of my mate, he looked, said nothing, and carried on with the day. As we spend a lot of time at work mucking about and making jokey comments and remarks to each other, I expected this to become a topic of teasing, or at least some ribbing to take place, but nothing has been said. He was here again this weekend, and I wore them again, still nothing said. It ocurred to me though that this guy had a pair of high heeled wedge mules fall out of the back of his van one day, and he told me he had worn them to the van in the morning as his own shoes were wet. Who knows?

  6. "Hey Dave you're outta toilet paper up here ya know? It's ok, I didn't stink up the bathroom, so you don't need to bring it up now, just letting you know." Dave breathed again. "Ok, thanks for the warning" Dave climbed the stairs, slipped into his bedroom and kicked the shoes belonging to his alter ego Davina under the bed and started shifting stuff around. "Gotta go now" said Brian, "taking the other half shopping" he rolled his eyes as he said this, and Dave nodded knowingly. "I'll see myself out, I know the way" Brians usual exit line followed him down to the front door, as he left to do his Saturday morning duty to his wife. Dave pulled the sandals from under the bed, thinking to himself, "why not" he put them on, and sat admiring how they looked on his feet again. He decided that Davina would be hitting the town again tonight, but she would need some new clothes, "maybe a little less tarty this time though" he smiled to hinself at the thought of the short mini skirt and top he'd worn for the previous nights excursion. He got himself dressed and headed for the next town along, so he would avoid any of his neighbours while he shopped for Davinas new outfit....

  7. Saturday morning James got out of bed, and dressed ready for the third day at his new Saturday job in the shoe shop in the high street. He'd been nagging his parents to find out if he could buy a moped for his sixteenth birthday, still nearly 2 years away, but you have to start working parents early as any teenager knows. His parents had told him to get a paper round or Saturday job, start saving and they'd see when he was sixteen. He'd started in the shoe store two Saturdays ago, and quite enjoyed the sales atmosphere, and found he liked the people he was working with who were mostly in their 20's and treated him as an equal, even if he was only stacking the storeroom shelves, and fetching boxes of shoes for them to try on their customers. He hadn't been aware there was quite so many styles of shoe, especially for the ladies and girls. He walked into the shop, and greeted everyone who was already there with a cheery "good morning". At around 10 o'clock the manager left for the day, which Sally told him wasn't that unusual on a Saturday. Shortly the staff agreed it was time for mid morning breaks to begin, and they sent James to the local bakery for various rolls and cakes. When he returned Sally, Tom and Jane thanked him, and then told him they'd agreed it was time for him to join them as a proper member of the team. The "team" had an initiation ceremony, which was explained to James, while Sally went to get the "equipment" she returned with one of the boxes from the back room, "size 7 wasn't it ?" she asked. "errr yeah" James replied awkwardly. She pulled out of the box, a pair of lace up ladies boots in a tan colour, but the most obvious thing was the heel, James tried to guess the height, and guessed it at about 9cm, but the heel tapered to an almost needle like point. "ok, put these on and if you make an hour in them you're part of the team" said Tom to a blushing and horrified James. "Oh go on you wimp, we've all had to do it, even Tom!" chimed in Jane. James sat down, and took off his own flat boys shoes, and slipped on the first boot. He slipped on the second, and fumbled with the laces as his mind raced looking for a way to escape this. What if one of his friends popped into the shop? He held onto the small seat and stood up, wobbling on the thin heels of the boots despite the extra support. He actually found himself getting excited about wearing the boots, and wondered if that meant anything about his sexuality. "come on, hurry up" Sally's voice pulled him out of his thoughts. "If you're worried about your friends coming in, we'll let you spend the hour in the stock room, but you must keep them on". After a few minutes James found he could stand ok, and walk a few wobbly steps from rack to rack. He started putting away a big box of shoes onto the racks, steadily increasing his ability to handle the high stiletto heels as he walked around. By the end of the hour he had all but forgotten he was wearing them, when the others came in and told him he was now one of the team. A couple of hours later he went home, and later that day he sat on his bed mulling over the sensations, and feelings he'd had whilst wearing those high heels. He found he actually enjoyed the feelings he's had after his initial trepidation had passed. Then Gary called, and he went out, and forgot all about the days events at work. The following Saturday after the good mornings, the manager took him aside "I've heard some good things about you from the others, a real team player they said, well done, keep it up and we'll see about putting up your wages". "Thanks, they're alright too I guess" Tom replied. As had happened the week before, the manager left just after 10 am and the "team" had their mid morning coffees, and cakes, which James brought back from the bakery. Then James went into the storeroom to stow away another consignment of shoes, and await the calls for boxes to be brought for customers of his colleagues. As he was unpacking the carton, he dropped a shoe box, spilling its contents on the floor. There was the most incredible pair of red sandals, the box stated "size 7UK, Style Victoria, colour red, heel height 10cm". Tom remembered the feelings of the week before, and wondered if he dare try them on. No one ever came back here, they called if they needed him. He slipped them on, and slid the thin straps into the buckles, securing them to his feet. He had the same problems as the week before when he tried to stand, but relaxed a little and found he could do it. He walked a couple of steps, and found he was getting aroused, so he turned back, and sat down to put them back in the box. "Hey what you doing back here? I was calling you, didn't you hear me?" he turned to see Jane walking into the stockroom. His mouth went dry, and he tried in vain to undo the tiny straps. Too late! Jane had seen everything, he waited for the inevitable consequences of his actions. "Hmmm interesting choice" "whaa, I errm, they fell out of the box" was all James managed. "oh don't worry about it, they don't really go with your jeans, but if you're happy, it's cool with me" James looked at her stunned. "we all try them out, the ones we like anyway" Jane offered, "even Tom has a try of the more restrained heels from time to time, although I think he tries the pointier ones when no ones around" James was still reeling, still expecting to be told how he would be in big trouble when the manager found out about his use of the shops stock. The dreaded event never ocurred, Jane picked a box from one of the racks and walked back into the front of the store. James quickly removed the red sandals, and put them in the box, and the box on the rack in its proper place. At that moment Jane returned with Tom, "hiya kiddo, lets see these shoes Janes told me about. Taken them off already? " James felt somehow betrayed by Jane, thinking Tom would now believe he was a wierdo or something. Then it was while looking down to hide his embarassment that he noticed Toms shoes, almost completely covered by his long Jeans James could just see the end of a block heel peeping from under the hem. Tom must have noticed that he'd noticed, as he hitched up the leg of his jeans to reveal a black zip up ankle boot which had, as far as James could tell, a heel of about 7cm. "It's ok James, I only took the job to try the shoes on too." James was about to protest, but knew it would probably do him no good and anyway, with this revelation he knew he would be ok to test his own enjoyment of the high heels a little further to see where it would take him, if anywhere.

  8. Over here in Blighty it would have had to have a Rover 3.5l V8

    anything bigger would not have fitted.

    You just have to try that little bit harder to make a Chevy v8 fit where you were going to put the Rover, even here in Blighty. Or what about one of those rather great looking little Daimler v8's which look like a small version of the big Chrysler Hemi, personally I'd have to leave the Rover for someone else.

    BTW I have a picture of another high heel car, unless it's this same one at a different venue, but the colour is slightly different too, although it may be just the lighting conditions.

    Now how do I build me one of those high speed high heels? (eyes the Kawasaki in the garage with a glint in his eyes)

  9. Part 2 Saturday morning thankfully wasn't the hangover fest David had thought it would be, he awoke at just after 10, and showered away the remnants of Davinas make-up and smoky smell. Returning to the bedroom he picked up the skirt, and frilly underwear, and then fought the urge he had to hide them somewhere. "Old habits die hard" he mused recollecting all the times he'd hidden his female clothing from his parents, and later his wife. Painful, the memory of his wife, she'd found a pair of his panties, added 2 and 2 and made 5, and accused him of his affair. His go for broke play hadn't panned out as hoped, as revealing his hidden wardrobe of female attire had been the final nail in the coffin instead of proving his innocence of an affair. At least she'd allowed the divorce to go through as an adultery case instead of the threatened revelation of his "dirty secret" to everyone. David pushed away the memories, and decided to put the clothes in the wash basket, and leave those black beauty sandals where he could see them on the bedroom floor. He walked downstairs and prepared a breakfast of cereals, midway through the bowl the doorbell rang. On opening the door, Brian his neighbour waltzed past, and started pouring himself a coffee. "morning Brian" "yeah right, you sly old dog Dave, you never mentioned the new girlfriend" Dave stared back with a look of shock. "what girlfriend?" "oh lets see, around 3 am I heard the cab, door slams, by the time I get to the window, all I catch is the backside of a miniskirt, high heels, and long hair. Hehe Dave, you didn't even have the decency to let the lady go first, you must have already been inside waiting." Dave struggled with to find a suitable response, before blurting out "oh you mean my sister Sarah." "Your sister, why haven't I been introduced before then?" "She was just passing through on her way back from college to my parents, her train got delayed and she missed the changeover, so she stopped here till this morning to catch the next one a " Dave inwardly congratulated himself on his quick thinking. "So I missed her again" Brian turned, "ok to use your loo?" In typical friendly fashion this was more a custom than a question, Brian was already halfway up the stairs. He would have a great view of Daves bedroom on the way to the toilet, and when He shouted down, Dave was certain he'd spotted the heels he'd left in the middle of the bedroom floor. "Hey Dave..."

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