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Posts posted by shyguy

  1. some great quotes, and Stormie is excellently poised to give the kind of advice asked for as she is going through it from the point of view of the partner finding out. You do have a foot in the door so to speak by wearing your exercise sandals, so you could tell her why you wear those, and work towards telling her you'd like to try other shoes. In my case I took an interest in my wifes shoes when she was buying, and would say how comfortable they looked, or how nice. Eventually we spoke about it, and I told her I'd like to try them on for myself when she got a pair of sandals. After a bit of thought she let me, and I told her they felt good to wear. I done the same with other shoes as we are similar in size, and eventually told her of my liking for heels after I wore a pair of block heeled boots we'd chosen for her together. From there I moved on to tell her I wanted my own heeled shoes. This wasn't an over night fix, it took a couple of years. Jumping in with both feet will scare your wife, but build up from the start you have with your scholls and take it slowly. Give her time to adjust to each revelation before throwing the next at her. As the saying goes "slowly slowly catchee monkey".

  2. As promised here are pics of the shoes I got.

    5" courts

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    Ballerina flatties

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    And the boxed 5"

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    And 5" stilettos with knee highs

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    I'd like to do some better wearing shots, but we don't have any well lit mirrors here to do it.

    The 5"ers I have managed to wear for about half an hour, and actually walked in quite easily, probably due to practise in my 4" heels before. But I did need the next size up from my usual, I am an 8UK the Ebay seller suggested in the description to go a size larger so I ordered a 9UK and these still pinch a little at the toes. Obviously walking in the flat ballerina pumps didn't require any practise :roll:

    Here is a picture of all the "womens" shoes I now own (my wife says it's too many)

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  3. I agree with you, Xaphod, I have never found those magazines a turn on, just can't see any reason for them in my life and never have. That said, this topic is discussing the Playboy branding on items such as shoes, clothing and even wallpapers and bedding. This has very little to do with the magazine, but does it [the magazine] affect the way people perceive the Playboy brand?

  4. Did anyone else see this series "Boys Will Be Girls"?

    3 Guys were auditioned to start a new band, all ex boy band members. The twist was they had to make it as a girl band. The series showed the transformations from manly men (except maybe one who seemed to take to it all much quicker than most) into a girl band, including music video and live performances as girls.

    The first things they were all introduced to was high heels, and then wearing female attire and makeup. Then trying to sing and move like girls.

    You can see some pictures at channel 4's website

  5. Well I did it, I actually went in and bought myself a pair of these flatties from an Outfit outlet which carries a selection from Evans, Dorothy Perkins and other stores. I got home with them, and my 5" stilettos had arrived too, so tonight is a trying on, and enjoying night. If any man here still hasn't bought their own "womens" shoes, then it's just as everyone always says, no one notices or cares. This was the first time I ever bought womens shoes except from online or catalogues. So I went into the store, walked around (this was a womens clothing only section BTW) and found the shoes. I picked out my size 8UK and walked to an empty counter. The woman who attended the counter was just restocking a shelf next to it, and said "sorry, if you want to pay for those you will have to go to the other counters" "oh oh" I thought because the other counters had a queue, but held my head up and thanked her with a smile. I waited inline at the other counter holding my prospective shoe purchase, no looks, no comments. At the counter the lady just run them through the barcode reader, put them in a bag, and took my debit card for payment. We both said our thank you's and I walked out with the shoes in a bag. So another apology from Shyguy, Sorry for the lack of drama, but for my first time, I was nervous, without need to be. So if you are thinking of buying your own shoes, remember a slogan from a well known brand and "Just Do It" no one has time to really care if they're for you or not. OK, will try and post somewhere later my contrasting shoes, flats to 5"ers

  6. I have to say I was taken aback when my daughter started asking for Playboy stuff for her room. It does seem to have become a brand in its own right though, our daughters now have Playboy lamps, bedding, and wallpaper borders. They do not even associate Playboy with the jazz-mags (too young and probably the wrong sex to want to know too) just with the Playboy Bunny logo, and it's current "in fashion" status. I guess it's us of a certain age who associate the Playboy logo with porn, for anyone younger it's just another name and logo they must have.

  7. You should definitely tell your wife, it's difficult, I've been there too. As you will see if you read other posts about this subject on the hhplace forum a lot of people have been through it. She may question your sexuality "Are you gay???", it may make your wife feel less feminine, or see you as less masculine. BUT whatever the reaction, if you love each other enough you will work it out. My wife was dead against me wearing womens shoes, even now it's a taboo subject most of the time, but we reached some compromises, and she has even bought heeled boots for me. How long? 10 years we have been together, and now it is just at this stage. But if she found out for herself it would have been much worse to deal with, so sit down and tell your wife voluntarily.

  8. The traitor!!! Off with his head!!!

    Ahh that explains all the pictures on the site of guys wearing heels but with no head showing, they were caught wearing flatties by hoverfly.

    Boylegs et al The ballerina pumps are these ones at http://www.evans.co.uk/stores/Evans/images/product/ERV45/ERV45-ms.jpg From Evans

    in black too, I gotta confess I want some of my own now but don't think mrs Shyguy will go with that.

    did anything occur that encouraged you to keep the flats on for so long? Did anything also occur on the other occasions?

    Don't know exactly what you mean by that, but I just liked wearing them is why I kept them on. If you were inferring something sexual, the answer is no, wearing womens shoes just feels good to me, not really a great turn on, mostly I find it therapeutic, and find the shoes more comfortable. I also keep them on when I get the chance as mrs Shyguy doesn't really like my "shoe thing" so we have compromises in place to keep us both happy.
  9. I'm not sure how to start but here is my earnest confession... Recently mrs Shyguy and I were shopping for some clothes for her, and I suggested she try something different shoewise. I pointed out some ballerina pumps (very flat) as she doesn't do heels. When we got home and she was trying the clothes and shoes, as usual she offered me to try the shoes she had bought (this is now the norm for us when she gets new shoes, I also get to try them, and if I like them wear them occasionally). I tried them on, and (oh the shame :roll: ) I found I liked the feel, and the look of them on me. I finally took off those flat shoes 2 hours later, but have worn them since on a few occasions. This is my confession, I hope you guys can forgive this transgression into flatties, and accept me as a member in the HHPlace forums still. To make amends, I have to tell you I just ordered a pair of 5" stiletto court shoes in black from an ebay store, and hope this goes some way to vindicating me :wink: I will post some pics of the stilettos if it helps too.

  10. all of a sudden they see their "manly-man" as a woman or more feminie than they would like. I proposed the opposite a while ago. Imagine me coming home and seeing my wife in a flannel shirt, baseball cap, jeans, and heavy workman boots, and no makeup.

    That was my wifes argument that she saw me as less masculine, and the argument I made in response was that she only ever wears jeans and shirt style blouses, even t' shirts and rugby shirts, and little makeup, but I accept her for who she is shouldn't she be able to. But she countered with the fact I'd always seen her dressed less feminine, but she hadn't seen me in heels before, so she wasn't used to it.

    She is more accepting now.

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