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Posts posted by shyguy

  1. I have to keep my wifes feelings in mind, and these are a good compromise between what I'd like to wear outside (3" maybe a little higher) and what she can accept me wearing. The poll is as I'd expected to see so far too, I knew the heels were a little low to be accepted as heels here :roll: but it works for me as a little step up in heel height from the usual no heel mens shoes.

  2. Most of the threads in these forums seem to be centered around 3" or higher even for the streetheelers. Today I went out in the shoes in the attached images worn with jeans and a t' shirt. The heels are 2" (50cm) they come from Next ladies section and were my wifes. So does this give me the right to say I went streetheeling?




  3. Nice shoes Gladius, good choice, maybe not for a first pair but if you find them ok then that's brilliant. My first pair was a pair of white stilettos a size too small (largest they had was a 7UK I am an 8 UK) and I was nervous as hell buying them even though the shop owner didn't bat an eyelid. I was glad of the internet and the ease of buying when it arrived. Don't forget to show us your next pair, and very nice pics by the way, all of them.

  4. Those of us who wear high heels publicly, let's keep on keeping on. For those who don't, keep wearing high heels privately to support the movement. If you dare to enentually venture publicly in your high heels, best of luck and more power to you. And more power to us all!:roll:

    Thanks roniheels, there seems to be a bit of oneupmanship from some of the streetheelers aimed at the private wearers at times. Good to see a bit of balance from your post, even those who wear privately are trying to convert someone to the idea at times, be it a wife, girlfriend, parents or whoever. There's always someone who needs to be told / convinced that men can wear heels and still be men even behind closed doors.

  5. The lady who usually cleans our house found these (stunning, of course) boots in our bedroom. She complimented my wife on her new boots. "Well, they are not *my* boots", she replied.

    "Oh...", the cleaning lady replied a bit confused. "Well, at least he has great taste! If he ever wants to git rid of those he should let me know!"

    Good story, all of the posts here have a positive vibe and your cleaner was at least not openly critical. That may just have been prudence to keep her job though, but I like to think not.

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