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Posts posted by shyguy

  1. Hmm it looks like a win win either way, and as Chelsea won I guess you are buying her the shoes. If I remember rightly aren't you both the same size anyway? So would these be shared no matter who won?

  2. I just bought these shoes from http://www.evans.co.uk. I asked my wife a while ago if when we were shopping for her online, when a lot of it would go back, and I saw shoes I'd like to try could we order, try them and send them back with her returns. She agreed, Evans had these I liked the look of for £12 and when they came they fitted great, and I liked them even more. My wife actually asked if I wanted to keep them before I asked, so they're staying with me now.

    Posted Image

  3. my wife trys to ignore it,as long as i am not naughty. otherwise the shit hits the fan.

    About the same as my situation, as long as I do my heel wearing in private when no ones home, my wife is ok with it. Although she did just let me buy some new heels, and offered to take pics of me in them, as everyone usually advises new members asking about telling their SO's about their heels, I am letting her take the lead and accept it in her own time.

  4. Looks ok to me, we all need to stop seeking other peoples views and just enjoy ourselves for who we are. Even worse though is when we guess that other people are going to laugh, or worse, everyone has their hangups about themselves, their own insecurities and your own hangups would be someone elses wish.

  5. I first wore a pair of red shoes which belonged to my cousin as a kind of dare when I was around 11 or 12, they weren't high by the standards here at about 2 inches, but for a boy to wear they were. First pair I bought were around 3" white stilettos but they were a size too small, and although I could get them on, never really enjoyed them. Dumped them in the box, they were still like brand new.

  6. Just picked up these last night. Surprisingly comfortable, and noone seemed to give a second thought to a guy trying these on in the store.

    Posted Image

    I tried a pair like that recently, but closed toe and they were too small in the largest they did (UK8 ) I've seen similar in next.co.uk catalog, and they go slightly larger so may try them soon

  7. I think it's all been said, basically, genuine compliments when she wears something nice will help encourage her, this has helped me to get my wife to wear more of what I like to see her in, BUT it's still got to be give and take. I give my wife compliments when she looks good, and that gives her more confidence to wear clothes and shoes/boots she wouldn't have done before. She still has the ultimate choice of what she wears though. Another way to look at it would be from the other side of the problem, what would she have you wear, and how would you feel if it was something you didn't really like that much?

  8. Good to see you posting again Jeff, and I am glad you have found it in yourself to face your personal demon. I am kind of lucky, as my wife doesn't like my "heel thing" so we have agreed to certain rules. Without those rules, and my wifes influence, I would be going through the same things, I am always finding shoes that I really must own, but my wife just says no. Thanks for your honesty, and for coming back to tell us all, it helped me to put it into perspective more, and to appreciate my wifes intervention all the more. I join with all the others in hoping that you can strike and maintain the balance you need in your life to keep you happy and healthy in mind and body.

  9. I like all but the last pair, and would possibly wear those three out too, as they'd pass fairly easy as mens styles. I too have bought some more "womens" shoes but they're almost flat, and my wife agreed they looked enough like mens shoes for me to wear anywhere, so I have worn them shopping, cinema etc. No pics here, as they are too low to be in the high heel forum lol

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