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Posts posted by shyguy

  1. Sitting in the back of the cab on the way home Davina was feeling the rush of the evenings festivities ebbing away, and tiredness creeping in. She smiled as she thought back to leaving the office, and changing out of her drab office attire and into her short skirt, low cut top, and four and a half inch heeled strappy sandals. Oh those sandals, when Davina had seen them in the window, she had heard them calling her name and immediately bought them. She had put them on as soon as she'd got home on Wednesday, and knew they were her Friday night heels from now on. The elegant stiletto heel was oh so slender, and the multiple thin straps around her feet had made her feel so feminine, these made her the woman she'd always felt she could be. "27 leas court" Davina's dream shattered at the sound of the cabbies announcement that they'd arrived at her destination. "oh! err thanks." Davina fished in her handbag for her purse and handed over a £20 note for the £12 odd fare with a mumble "keep the change" She hoped the loud crash of the door as she shut it a little too hard wouldn't waken her sleeping neighbours, if the rattling of the diesel engine of the cab hadn't already started it off. The taxi pulled off, and Davina walked up the path to her house, the sound of her stiletto heels clicking on the concrete path sounded to her like the crack of a gun with each step, and once again her thoughts returned to her neighbours. She looked around furtively, but no lights had been turned on, so she turned back, and on the third attempt managed to get her key into the lock. Once inside Davina went straight for the stairs, and bed. Stopping to remove some of her warpaint in the bathroom on the way. She slid off her skirt in the bedroom, slipped out of her bra and panties, and finally took off her new favourite shoes, finally removing the wig which covered Davids short cropped hair...

  2. I'm surprised at the answers so far. I always buy, then think but what if those other ones felt better, or what about the ones with the less pointy toe box. Ah well I guess that's what dreams are for, if we had it all there'd be nothing to aspire to, and then life is dull.

  3. chris u should live down my way, i have to listen out for the ice cream van or i miss it as it is very quiet.

    Wouldn't matter how quiet it was, my kids would hear that ice cream van and start asking for one anyway. I have told them he only plays the tune when he has run out of ice cream. :roll:
  4. Then we were at Target and I showed them to her and she said that she did not like them. I said that I did not mean them for her but for me. She said that she would not like them on me, but her response was calm and controlled. She did not seem upset. Its sounds like she is willing to at least give it a chance. What do you think?

    I think the fact you were out in public may mean she didn't want to cause a scene, so deliberately controlled herself. She may have been upset, but realised she would only draw more attention to herself if she did show it there and then.

    I have been wrong before though, and these are just my own opinions as someone who doesn't know anything about your SO, only you would know for sure what to think.

  5. I am jealous now, I wanted a pair of white stiletto pumps like those ones you just got for a long time, but just don't seem to find them anywhere when I have the money/opportunity to buy them. Give me those shoes now!!! :roll: The butterfly ones look good, very unusual too, good purchases.

  6. The picture seems to have gone from your photobucket link NewfieGuyInHeels. I now have to confess again on here :roll: I have been wearing my ballerina pumps (flatties) to drive to and from work in the warmer weather, the openings at the toe and the cutout across the top make them ideal for keeping the feet cool on a 60 mile each way trip. On my way home I noticed the fuel was low, and debated whether to keep them on while refuelling. But I decided against it, I bottled out as I thought they looked too feminine and might draw attention. I changed into my usual footwear (which actually came from the womens section too, but are the same as mens style so don't count here as "womens" shoes) and filled up paid and left. Maybe next time I will keep them on whilst I fill up the tank.

  7. £10.99 per month for unlimited broadband

    I would watch those "unlimited" claims, when I had the talk talk rep in front of me and asked if it meant unlimited ie download as much as you like, no cap, he refused to answer the question directly, and said they did have a fair usage policy which in their terms.
  8. Why shame? My question is direction not to just shyguy, but to all men and women who wear heels and/or flats

    It was a bit of a tongue in cheek comment, I was saying I was ashamed to be admitting I liked the flatties on a high heel forum.

    As for being ashamed of wearing "womens" shoes, I am not ashamed to wear them, but more wary of how others percieve a man wearing them.

    Let us know which pair you prefer.

    I have to admit the 5" courts gave me the biggest buzz, but the flats were easier to wear for a long time around the house, but I only get to wear any of my shoes when everyone else is out which doesn't happen often.

    My favourite of all the shoes I have is probably the boots at the top right of the picture of my collection. Reason: my wife bought them for me even though she doesn't particularly like me wearing "womens" shoes. and second they fit and feel just great.

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