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Posts posted by shyguy

  1. Those Pumps look great pumpedup, thanks for sharing the pictures with us. The "wings" set them apart from the usual pumps we see, a little extra unique. Enjoy them. I recently bought some new heels, they are unfortunately a little tight on the toes for me, so may be sold or traded. Anyone interested, pm me or I will keep them.





  2. I would not be surprised if men were to compete in like manner as they become mainstreamed into wearing high heels. What would that conversation be like around the watercooler or lunch break?

    You only have to see some of the threads in these very forums to verify the fact that there will be competition among men over their heels ;)

  3. I'd agree, Stevenage is not an attractive place to go.

    Would those who haven't yet met anyone else off the forum care to comment on what's kept them away?

    Agreed, Stevenage is not a great place to go for a meet up.

    As for what's keeping me away, it's me. I'd like to meet some of you guys, and would like to participate in heels too, but I guess I'm just not ready to take that step yet.

  4. I bought a similar pair in black a while ago. There is a story behind my wanting some too, many years ago I was at a friends and saw his sister in her mums slippers which were similar to these, and I admired them greatly. A few years later another friend said they would buy me some if I wore them (a carefully contrived situation I had worked on), but they couldn't find any at the time so it never happened. And recently I saw them again on Ebay and bought some. Sadly they didn't live up to expectation after all this time.

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