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Posts posted by shyguy

  1. A little while ago these kind of high heeled "sneakers" were fairly common, I even recall seeing a thread here on this forum with some in. I liked them myself, but unfortunately never followed through on purchasing any. There were at that time loads on Ebay. I guess it's another fashion which has been around and gone again for a while till someone re-invents it.

  2. Hi.

    My wife does not like me walking in women shoes. But, she has no problem if I wear them when she is not around.

    What intrigues me is the why behind this. Basically;

    1. I'm losing my masculinity

    2. What will others think of us?

    Are these common?

    And how did you deal with 'losing masculinity'?


    Those are the same arguments my wife puts forward, she married a man (masculinity) and what would neighbours / friends think of it.

    I have the same agreement, wear heels in private, when she can't see them.

    I have worn slightly wedge heeled shoes, which my wife gave to me as I told her that they were a bit too masculine (turn about is fair play no?), and worn them shopping. This has not changed her view nor has seeing me in heels sometimes and still being masculine while wearing them.

    Why she has these views, I guess it's the human instinct to follow the herd

    and this wouldn't be conforming.

  3. Boy, did trying to be honst come bite me in the butt here.

    You guys are way ovverreacting.;)

    No disrespect pumps, I don't know you at all, but using a strong word like hate in the short sentence you did was surely going to provoke the kind of debate you have seen here.

    I can't believe you didn't expect it ?

    But it has certainly livened things up here. :cool1:

  4. Kind of a sweeping generalisation there, not all women say those things, so you can't hate all women. Look at the posts on this forum from johnieheel and others about their supportive partners. My wife is not supportive but if you met her I'd hope you wouldn't hate her. Just my opinion of course, but more positive sentiments are probably better for the "cause" long term than negatives like hate.

  5. I played at Second Life a while back, and you do have the option of designing (re-designing) the shoes which are available, by choosing heels, and raising the height. Yes I did try some heels out on there and play with the height and style. I just got bored with it very quickly.

  6. That's a great positive story RD, glad you managed to keep a friend. Even better that you found the confidence to go out and be yourself in heels. Hope you find a great place to live, with your positive attitude I can't see you doing anything but.

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