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Posts posted by shyguy

  1. I like the toe box, but not enough heel for me. Nice though.

    Yeah, I know what you mean about the heel as it's less than 2" but I wanted some knee boots, and these might have been more acceptable than higher heels to mrs shyguy to wear outside (I was wrong but hey-ho).
  2. I have to juggle paying the bills versus buying shoes, but in line with the common theme which seems to appear here, I don't smoke, I don't drink and I work hard so I think I can justify buying some shoes to enjoy now and then. I have definitely bought more shoes since getting involved with this forum though. My wife seems to think my shoes are a waste of money though :smile: I guess I am forced to say "when" when the bills need paying.

  3. Dr. Shoe... How many times have I resisted the urge to use that line of boots/Boots confusion in these forums, you should be ashamed of yourself. :smile: I hope you are more sensibly behaved when representing Essex TV/TG as their nominated queen. :wave:

  4. Interesting experiment, and results HiStiletto. This might explain why some people don't get noticed wearing their heels when they meet friends as the lift isn't as high as you'd expect from the heel. Quite a few posts on this board have it included that someone the wearer knew didn't notice they were x inches taller, maybe because they actually weren't.

  5. Doesn't this topic bring up another point, that is how can any jeans be "wrong" for a man? Jeans were a purely male preserve once, and women started wearing them now we have a discussion regarding the correctness of men wearing jeans because they are womens. I have two pairs of my wifes jeans, which she was going to throw out, and I use them as work jeans for doing work on my motorbike rather than ruin a good pair of mine. We always have the same discussion how they don't look right on me from her point of view. Now she is starting to come round to the fact they are just jeans, and it's the fact she knows they were from the womens section, and it's in her own mind. Nobody else has ever said anything and I've worn them around friends, and when I go out on the bike. But on topic for me it's not an issue whether the jeans came from the womens or the mens section but my wife does care a little, and when I wear the jeans it's to do guy stuff like fixing a motorbike so I'm in full male mode. As for rules, we have no rules now about the jeans, but heels are indoors only and when she can't see mainly although she did take the pics for me for the mens legs competition.

  6. I had some fun reading the Zappos reviews of some of the womens boots last year where either men or their girlfriends were reviewing the boots for male wearers. Surprising how many guys tried on their partners boots and liked them. Some of the females even thought the heeled boots looked good on their boyfriends, or husbands and encouraged them. I can't find any of those kind of reviews this year though, maybe after halloween when the guys have worn them for fancy dress?

  7. great post David, liked hearing about the Vegas trip. My own affair with heels started when I was around 12 or 13, I used to stay at an aunts house, and my female cousin was the same age as me. My aunt always wore extreme heels (or they seemed so to me at the time) but it was my cousins shoes I was dared to wear one day, just a low heel but very thin. It felt strangely good (a common theme in this thread), and got me wondering how the higher ones my aunt wore would feel. First chance I got I tried on some gold stilettos, and as many other pairs as I could in my aunts room without getting caught. From then on I was hooked.

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