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Posts posted by shyguy

  1. Don't know if this really counts here, but was shopping with my wife recently, and started looking for new shoes for me to wear (I don't wear heels outside the house and my wife disapproves a little of them anyway for anyone who doesn't know). Anyway after I had tried on a few pairs in the mens section of a shop and found nothing I liked my wife said to try looking at the ladies flat shoes. Whilst there I saw 2 pairs I liked which my wife agreed weren't feminine, but we weren't sure if they'd fit. I slid off my shoes, as my wife groaned I tried the first pair on, no good though. Then we moved round the store far from the mens shoes, and I tried a pair with a slightly higher wedge heel on. No one siad anything although I think I saw a look of bewilderment on another (female) shoppers face as I tried them on. Neither pair fitted but it was an experience trying on "womens" shoes for the first time in a shop.

  2. Nice shoes, a great present from your wife. I guess my wife is becoming more open to my "shoe thing" as she calls it. Recently I bought some womens shoes which have a low heel to wear more often, with her blessing (previously that would have been a no no even though they aren't feminine). I also wear some of her old shoes to go shopping as they are comfortable but have a slight heel, again with her blessing, as they also make my back ache less after shopping for groceries.

  3. I'd say anything above 3" could be considered high heel, but my wife considers 2" and above high. I guess it's a subjective thing, and each individual will have their own idea of what they consider to be a high heel. But this poll does seem to have brought out a oneupmanship style contest. I guess there's a lot of testosterone around despite the high heels being discussed:lmao:

  4. My wife saw this thread, and poll the other day, and asked me how I voted. I told her I'd voted "female partner disapproves". Her reply was that she doesn't really disapprove (she pointed out that she gave me two pairs of shoes, and has helped to take some pics before) but she doesn't understand why I want to wear them. So she doesn't flat out disapprove, but she doesn't approve, she merely turns a blind eye to it, and tries to forget about it.

  5. I'd say he looks alright. The only mistake he made was wearing white socks with black sandals. Should've left the socks at home. The sandals themselves are cool.

    Yeah I thought the same, without the socks it may have gone down much better.

    As for crocs, I wore my wifes for a while, and went on to buy my own as The doctor says don't knock em till you try em. Ugly I'll grant you, but dead comfy.

  6. What a load of crap. Someone obviously doesn't know how shoes are made...

    Also, what's stopping the heel from folding mid step?

    I'd guess there's a locking mechanism judging from this quote from the site

    the Sheila Driving Heel features a tall heel that folds forward into the shoe's sole at the touch of a button

  7. Great post, leading to an informative feature actually done with some seriousness, instead of the usual "look at me in womens clothes, isn't it funny" angle most of these kind of reports go for. Made a nice change to hear the positives for once.

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