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Mr. X

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Posts posted by Mr. X

  1. Nice casual look Jeff! I have not done a casino in heels yet myself. Or a skirt for that matter....lol. It is definitely on my to do list though. The heels I mean...lol. I would love to do Las Vegas in heels. It is definitely on my "high heel bucket list".

  2. I bought new ankle boots at mall today :) real leather, heel height is 3". Brand is Dinsko... again. Left the shoe shop with new boots on and continued shopping.

    I'm not suprised you didn't get any reactions. That is a very "neutral" boot. if there is such a thing.

  3. Glad to hear that, my friend! Great minds think alike! :silly:

    Thanks! If you are ever up here in Canada stop in at a Future Shop. It the Canadian equivalent of Best Buy. I don't make it to Best Buy very often unless I am travelling in the U.S. Which is maybe once a year or so. But up here Future Shop fills my quota of "nerdy gadgetness"...lol

  4. I would also kinda put myself in the complete package category Jeff. Usually heels and pants are about the only article of "womens" clothing that I wear. But I always try to coordinate an entire outfit complete with accessories(bag, jewellery, etc) when I go out. Rather than just "throw on" some heels with whatever I'm wearing. I think it is the complete package we present that determines weather or not we are going to get reactions, either positive or negative, when we are out and about.

  5. The fact that you said it has those kind of shows on Saturday, I think you will have no problem with anything you wear. Regardless of what you wear there will probably many outfits way more outrageous than you. Just go out and have fun with it!

  6. In any event, it'll certainly be quite a challenge to break away from carrying black bags around on my little adventures! :silly:

    I agree! I have a black camera type bag. And I always seem to use it no matter what I am wearing. I recently bought a tan bag, and that was a stretch for me. I can't imagine using colored bags. Plus I haven't seen too many colored "man bags". And I don't see myself switching to purses anytime soon...lol

  7. Mr. X: Pop of color, eh? Hmm! Interesting! Well, I'm always open to suggestions. What would have changed on that outfit?.

    I'm not even sure. A red/wine color bag perhaps might look good.

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