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Mr. X

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Posts posted by Mr. X

  1. MrX,

    I think you can justify the purchase this way; 1-You will spend the same amount of money on two or three pairs of shoes in the upcoming year without the great fit and without the great store experience you just had. Spend $95 now for a great fit and a great beginning to a retail relationship or the same amount on two or three pairs that fit OK and no experience to remember it. I know $95 sounds like a lot taken alone but within the the totality of your shopping trips I think it will stand out as one of the best purchases you could have ever made. I would not hesitate to go back and buy them from her.


    That makes a lot of sense. But I can still not justify the high price tag. There are not many shoes, if any, that I will plunk down that kind of money for.

    The link shows a rather nice shoe with a heel. Did you mean 'flat' or are these actually the shoes - at a considerably cheaper price?

    I guess I should have clarified. By "flat", I meant the finish on the shoes, not the heel height. Yes, those are the ones.

  2. I was doing a little shoe shopping today. I Stopped in at one of the stores here. I have mentioned it before in my travel thread. I always just window shop there. They are a quite pricey for me. Most of the shoes are $100 or more. So far it has always been the same salesgirl when I go in there, but today there was a new one. Or one I hadn't seen before. She was a younger blonde women. And she wasn't bad to look at.

    I found a pair of flat black "BCBG" flash pumps. Here is a link: http://www.amazon.com/BCBGirls-BG-FLASH-BCBGeneration-Womens-Flash/dp/B0029NYNTA The shoes were $95, so I had no intention on buying them. But I decided to try them on anyhow. She mentioned that they were comfortable and that she had the same pair. She said Monday's are usually slow. So I think she was eager to help.

    Now here is where the compliment comes in. I tried them on and I told her that they were extremely comfortable like she said. As I was walking to the mirror for a look, she said, and I quote. "Those look AWESOME with those jeans your wearing". Looking in the mirror I had to agree. As she watched me pose and turn in the mirror she asked how they were? They were absolutely perfect! And they did look AMAZING on me. But being that they were pricey, I told her they were slightly big, and that I felt like my heel was slipping out the back. I told her I am usually between a 9/10 for size. These were a 10. She said she is the same. She usually runs anywhere from 8/9 for size. If they were cheaper I definitely would have bought them. They looked spectacular on me and this beautiful young women owned the same pair. But be that as it may, I thanked her, and walked out of the store with my head held high. But not before she gave me their card with the web address. Her interaction with me totally made my day. I still can't keep the smile of my face thinking about it. I really wish I could have justified buying those shoes though. I will definitely be shopping there again. And I may eventually purchase something...lol. Thanks for listening!

  3. GAY, Eeew, NO, Wrong, Fashion Fail, Cowboy boots are for real men, He wants 8 inches but not on his stilettos, GAY, GAY, Real men, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah!!!!!

    And my favourite... 'Society is crumbling'... How can anyone honestly say that people wising up to the fact that expressing yourself is not a crime, is making society fall apart?

    Who are the people writing the comments? I don't know, but it makes me wet myself laughing.

    I agree. The article was great but the comments where the same old drivel.

  4. An interesting article indeed. Not to nitpick however, but I would like to see more pieces about men in heels in more ordinary outings instead of guys at parties and such. Just my opinion.

    That is not nitpicking at all. I could see how you would like that. I am sure you are not alone in this. Good article though.

  5. Perhaps he's using that new-fangled thing called centigrade that they seem to use in most countries now. Most inconvenient, when we all know that water freezes at 32 degrees. The only time the new system is right is at minus 40, and I wouldn't want to venture far in heels at that temperature.

    I keep forgetting most places use fahrenheit. But here in Canada we use Celsius. So my temperatures that I mentioned(10 and 25) translate to about 50 to 70 degrees fahrenheit. Here is an easy way to convert to either or. For celsius to fahrenheit you double it and add 30. So 10 celsius would be about 50 fahrenheit. And to go from fahrenheit to celsius you half it and minus 30. So 80 fahrenheit would be about 25 celsius.

  6. Mr. X,

    Is it really that cold already where you are at?

    Yes it is Roniheels. Welcome to Canada! We have already had some some minus temperatures overnight. Like the saying goes. If you need to use your heater in the same day as your air conditioner, you just might be from Canada...lol.

  7. Another day, another outing. I had a couple of errands to run. Other than that I just felt like window shopping. I can't tell you how long it took me to decide on something to wear. The problem was the weather. In the morning when I began it was around 10 degrees. But by mid afternoon it was to be around 25 degrees. And let me tell you it is quite warm as I write this. I finally decided to just go with an afternoon outfit. I really wanted to try out some boots. But that would have required a 2nd outfit for later in the day. My outfit of choice was pretty basic. beige/brown top, blue jeans, and 2 tone brown peep toe stilettos.The day went off without a hitch. And I had a good time. Enjoy a couple of pics. The outfit I wore and of the shoes.



  8. I am also a regular at Aldo. I normally take about a 9 1/2. Aldo does not do half sizes. I have heard the sales staff there tell me and others, if you are in between sizes go up a half. I have a few pairs of 9's from there but generally I get the 10's. And I always get 10's when it comes to boots.

  9. MrX

    Sounds like you had a good time on your window-shopping day! It's always nice to check out new stores and meet new people. I have this observation for you to consider. You remarked that it seemed important that the woman in the store see you trying on heels and that you noticed she indeed treated like any other customer. How would she react if she knew you were snapping her photo and then posting it on the internet? Someone who knows her well might come stumble upon it (stuff gets copied and pasted all the time) here or elsewhere and wonder what's going on. I would never take anyone's picture without their knowledge inside a store and post it. I know the current level of technology allows it but this is where a judgment call has to be made. If this girl's father, brother, or boyfriend had been in the store and seen you then you may not have gotten out of there with the same number of teeth. More stores than ever have cameras or simply back rooms from which they can see everything. It is food for thought. After all, you want to go back to the store right? Besides, the very way you were dressed suggests you wanted to blend in as you went about your day but snapping photos like that may have ruined your day. I know this might not sit well with you but I'd rather see you enjoy your outings and not got into a trick bag. Keep traveling and telling us about it. Treat all the people in those travels the way YOU would want to be treated and you should never have any trouble.


    That is sound advice. We were defintely the only ones in the store though. You can touch the walls from the middle of the store that place is so small....lol

    .Becarefull not to fall into a gambling pit

    I don't go often and I am very careful with my money when I do go

    Nice outfit and great outing Mr. X. Well done !

    Can I make you a suggestion ?

    You may want to ask the mods to remove the picture

    of the salesgirl from your post as soon as possible.

    This would reduce the risk of it being posted somewhere else on the Internet.

    The picture showing the shoes is OK since no one could recognize her...

    Good Idea! But how do you do it?

  10. Today was a good day to do some traveling. With the weather getting a little cooler these days, I decided to take my ankle boots for a spin. Today I wore a white dress shirt under a black jacket. Down below I wore jeans and my "Aldo" ankle boots. And I wore my shoulder bag which also kinda looks like a camera bag I had one of my better outings, as I will describe.

    Firstly, I did the few errands that I had planned. Then I basically spent the rest of my time out window shopping and visiting some of my favorite stores, including "Future Shop", my home away from home! It is the Canadian version of Best Buy. Even if I don't buy anything I am happy walking out of there.

    Next was lunch. I went up the road to Quizno's. I was in luck because they had a new pulled pork sub that looked delicious. And was it ever. Even though it was a little messy, it comes highly recommended by yours truly. Not only did I have a tasty lunch, but a few nicely dressed and easy on the eyes ladies walk into the joint while I was chowing down. Bonus!

    Afterwards, I decided to check out one of the new shoe shops in town. I was in there once before. It is a little more upscale. It even has "boutique" in the name. It has a 5th Ave feel to it. I would never buy anything there though. You are hard pressed to find any shoes or boots there for under $100. They carry lots of Steve Madden, BCBG, etc. It doesn't hurt to window shop though. Plus the young salesgirl who was working their the first time was a "looker"! I walked in and to my surprise, she was working again. I could only see her face behind the counter, but she looked great. I don't know if she remembered me or not. As I said, I was only in there once before. And this is were my days really starts to get good!

    She greeted me from behind the counter as I began to look around. Their floors are "marble" like. So there was no hiding the sound of my heels in there. She gave me the usual rundown of current sales and such as she did her computer work. Now I am estimating this girl to be no more than 110 pounds. Then she came out from behind the counter to go to the back for a moment. And that is when my jaw literally hit the floor. She had on beautiful high heels which I heard from the floors. And she had on a very short mini skirt which showed off her incredible legs. So not only was this girl facially good looking. She also possessed many of the other qualities prized by the superficial male......lol The whole time I was looking around I had so many unnatural though running through my head...lol A few of their shoe displays allow you a view behind there counter where she was a lot. So lets just say I browsed at those shoes just a little bit longer. Plus her back was turned to me while she wrapped up in her computer work. So I couldn't help snapping a couple of quick shots.

    I actually did finally decide to try on a pair of shoes. They were a nude pair of Steve Madden pumps marked down to $95. They looked good except for the hideous platform on them. I had no intention on purchasing them but I decided to try them on so the sales girl would get comfortable with me trying on heels for future visits. Not that that was going to be a problem to begin with. She was treating me like any other customer. Plus the thought of wearing heels in front of her the way she was dressed, was kind of intriguing. Plus I decided to try them on so I could spend a bit more time in the store, and see her parade around in her sexy little outfit....lol She came from the back and handed me the shoes. She mentioned that she wanted the same pair but they sold out of her size quickly. I told her I was not really a platform fan. I put them on and went to the mirror. She asked me how they fit? I told her they fit well, which they did! But they still looked awful. At this point 2 older ladies walked in and her attention got diverted from me to them. I decided this was my cue to exit. I removed the shoes and put them on the counter. She asked if I was going to take them? I politely said no and thanked her for her time and help. Even if I don't buy anything I will definitely be going back there again...lol I was flying high at this point.

    I decided to go to the local casino and try my luck. I had planned to go anyhow. I usually don't go in heels though. You usually end up running into someone you know there. Today I got luck though. I couldn't have been in there more than an hour. Not only did I not get recognized, but I walked out $100 richer! Now if only all my future outings can be this enjoyable. I will be a happy man(in heels of course). Thanks for listening or reading!

    Here are some links.

    These are the boots I wore. http://hudsonon.flyerland.ca/products/aldo-gragert-product-5904336/aldo-store-87/apparel-category-768/sale

    These are the shoes I tried on. http://www.amazon.com/Steve-Madden-Womens-Bevv-Platform/dp/B004JHH2SS

    And now for pics. The first ones are of me and my outfit as worn. The others are of the sales girl. I can't keep her all to my self....lol



  11. Today I decided its time to buy a pair of heels for regular heeling since summer is comming and I mainly have boots.

    My favourite store got some beautifull heels in,I do like these styles.




    I tried on all three but for some reason certain shoes really hurts me.Theres a bone on my right foot by my 2nd toe from right that moves,and it really hurts like hell.

    Anyway,tried them on instore and the assistant was very helpfull.Decided to go for the third pair,black open toe.It feels teh best and doesnt hurt at all but I am very happy with my purchase :) Will give them a go in public soon.

    Way to go Storm! I Have a few pairs of smaller or hidden platforms myself. I am not usually a fan of them though.

  12. Nice outfit and outing Jeff! I too just picked up the Star Wars movies on blue ray. While I agree that only the original 3 movies matter, I went with the whole shebang. Only because the whole deal has loads of extras that are not found on the other Star Wars offerings. I feel that the making of, cast interviews, and such, is worth the extra money. Even if I could care less about the newer Star Wars movies.

  13. Not exactly new boots, but someone was asking about the brown ankle boots in my avatar that I bought last winter from River Island ( brown ankle boots.jpg )... they're not available any more but I was browsing around and found these:


    Those are nice SleekHeels! They kinda remind me of the booties I purchased not to long ago.


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