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Posts posted by w6ish

  1. imagine those white thigh highs with an outfit like this? that jacket i'm wearing is standard issue but i added those applications to make it my own. i could do another one like it but use some fabric that has a bit of white in it to match the boots. gives me a few ideas!

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  2. my wife has a pair of black leather thigh highs with lacing up the back. they look quite sexy even though they only have a low 4 inch heel. she bought them in Toronto, Ontario and the place has since vanished from Queen Street.

  3. my style would be those sky 8000's but i like the style that have the laces on the back above the knee. it would be a pleasant but shocking look to wear those with my black body suit. i will find the right pair and when it happens, i will be sure to post some photos with the nurse costume and the body suit. where did you see those sky 8000's up for sale?

  4. i am thinking the same thing, a pair of white thigh highs with that nurse outfit would be great for those club visits in the second half of the year. but i want them with the 7.5 inch heels. i've been looking around for a nice pair but i'm not sure what is the best way to go: inside zipper or laces. what is your personal pick? also, never thought about wearing them with the black gel pants but it does give me some new ideas. i would definitely wear white thigh highs with my black body suit!

  5. here is that other photo, the money shot!

    judges picked me as sexiest male so lads, there you go!

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    not sure how i am going to top this act for next halloween...

    but one thing is for sure, some thigh highs in white would really complete that look.


    its fun.

  6. KrisS: i have been to heelboy and my wife took a picture of me standing outfront because i was wearing my sexy sherbert platform sandals. they have 6 inch heels, thicker than my usual stilettos but not chunky. they have a two inch platform and a pretty much standard vamp and ankle strap, and are made with black leather. beautiful shoes and very comfortable, i've walked miles down toronto's good streets wearing those shoes with jeans that don't cover the shoe.

    here is a picture of me in a town called Wakefield, wearing those same shoes and jeans:

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    i bought them from pierre silber... gosh how many years ago was it? likely 5 years ago. i wear them here in Ottawa all the time, especially down in the Byward Market where they always cause a fuss.

    but Toronto is a great city for heel wearing.

    funny though, the shoe enthusiast i am, i still have not made it to the Bata Show Museum. that might be on this summer's agenda.

  7. here is that photo of the nurse costume. i have a better one, when i find it i will post it. in this pic i was wearing black nylons and shoes from pleaser. when i wore the nurse costume to the halloween party, i had bare legs all shaved up nicely and my white heels from pierre silber, which are the ones i like the most. but i'll post this one for now.

    (excuse the background, the studio was under very serious renovation)

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    i had a better photo of me on stage with the other guys who were voted sexiest male.

    of course i won!

    ha ha!

  8. i'm thinking about buying a pair of white thigh highs with 7.5 inch heels to go with my wild and crazy nurse costume. anyone know where the best price is? saw some white ones with 6 inch heels but my 6 inch heel days are over.

  9. thanks. wearing an outfit like that with shoes totally out of context is definitely an attention getter. of course i get negative and positive reactions but i don't pay any attention to the negatives. its the positives i remember and like to share. when that photo of me on the street was taken, we were at a fetish event and we saw a guy there dressed in a black body suit and wearing 4 inch black spike heels. my wife said: looks like your personal style is being copied! i thought yup, he has seen me around over the past 5 or 6 years wearing a black body suit with, at first, white 6 inch heels and now 7.5 inch heels. i thought that's alright, to be inspire others. having full and complete encouragement from family and friends definitely helps. i would hate it if i had to sneak around and keep my personal fashion statement hidden.

  10. thanks! nice of you to say. i love the contrast and when you wear heels that high on a city street, there is no use in hiding them! those are the same shoes i wore when visiting my art buddy and she thinks my black outfits and white shoes make a real fashion statement, which she says, is totally my own. i enjoyed hearing that.

  11. made a quick stop to visit my art school bud to see if she had calmed down from our adventure this past week and she had. but i couldn't resist waving it in her face and wore my basic blue jeans and the same white 7.5 inch heels i wore during our last visit. what irked her the most is i hadn't even cleaned my shoes! i found her reaction to that extremely amusing and very entertaining.

  12. you can get away with heels up to 7 and half inches high in the good city of Toronto, and those beauties are totally exposed! i've done it. down queen street in particular, from bathurst to spadina, up to bloor. but by the end of a walking day your feet feel the pinch. even walked down queen to pape one sunny afternoon, of course stopping at the local fetish shop asking for directions. i think the shop was called he and she clothing. the lady in charge immediately saw my boots and said those must be the sexiest looking heels i have ever seen! i enjoyed that attention!

  13. we got to the movie on time but were late getting out and none of us were wearing heels! so there turned out to be no photo op. i hit the movie theatre this afternoon and decided to wear my black boots from maya shoes. those beauties have the slim 7.5 inch heel and i wear them totally exposed. i tried to get through the event without noticing any of the reactions from the masses. but i did see this one lady in her late 30's or early 40's, gawking and then she looked up at me and i saw the expression: ick... come across her face. and i thought: what is your problem? i was still pondering the movie i watched on CBC last night, Bowling for Columbine, and the business of fear. the movie kind of inspired me to wear my black boots today. one thing is for certain, i came away from it all, the day is almost done, but came away with the thought: i still don't care if folks don't like it, or don't get it, or react negatively, i'm not asking them to look at me. all i am doing is wearing what i want and going out to see a show or enjoy a meal. its free country. so i am going to wear my boots! the song says: these boots were made for walking! and i have need to run when i'm wearing those!

  14. i am in the same league with you magick. my wife encourages my heel wearing, 6 or 7.5 inch heel boots or sandals! i use to wear my 6 inch heel collection all over this city but have recently retired them in favour of my 7.5's. it can be done! and every now and again she will wear her 6 or 7.5 inch heels and i love the reaction she gets. its a lot of fun and a great way to live: in freedom!

  15. we are going out, the three of us, to see that movie: kinky boots, tonight. and of course we are all going to wear our kinkiest pair of heels which means this might be the perfect photo op. of my lovely ladies and i in our super high heels on the street! keeping my fingers crossed we get a good pic that i can share with you.

  16. i bought a pair of white 7.5 inch heels for my wife and they arrived in the mail yesterday. i was planning on her wearing them for those fetish events we attend every now and again. i put them near the couch hoping she would try them on when she got home but they were scooped up by my 16 year old. she wears size 10 and has a slim foot and these new shoes fit her perfectly and look beautiful on her. it was a weird experience, watching her strap them on and casually walking around the house in them. i was relaxing on the couch, watching a bit of tv, and she sat down with me and put her feet up over my knees. i looked at her shoes and they are exactly like my sunset strip brand from pierre silber except the bottom of the platform has a thin rubber tread like my pleaser brand shoes. we had no plans for the evening so i decided i would take a drive out of the city and into the country side and she wanted to tag along. but she kept the white high heels on! we got out there and i pulled into a small park where we got out to enjoy the nature reserve. it was a beautiful evening and we were glad to have the opportunity to be out of the city. of course i couldn't take my eyes off her shoes and i watched her as she walked around the park. she definitely enjoyed wearing them because i saw her continously looking down at them. then a curious thing happened, she stepped on a worm. i watched as it disappeared under her right platform. she stood there for a few moments before moving and when she walked away the worm was gone! that poor slimy thing was stuck to the bottom of her platform! she laughed because she knew i was watching. i said: now why would you do that? she laughed and said it was for kicks. then i started wondering if she was going to be like me and use those heels and platforms instead of just wearing them! anyway, we spent an hour out there before coming back to the city. when we got home she kept the shoes on. i was watching the baseball and she joined me for a little while and put her feet back up over my knees. i looked at the bottoms of her platforms and saw that worm crushed into the rubber tread. when she took them off she tossed them in the corner and went up to her room. i picked them up and looked at them, it didn't take long for her footprints to become visable on the suede insoles. i thought boy oh boy i wonder what i've started here! wish i had of taken my camera along.

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