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Posts posted by w6ish

  1. two of my sisters know. the younger one, we went out to a halloween party a few years back and i wore my white 7.5's to the party, so she has seen me in my heels, tried them on and fell off them! the older sister knows cause she's seen a photo of me in my white 6 inch heels, my double buckle beauties. the younger sister is cool with it, the older sister who saw the photo, is not! funny thing about the older sister, she was the one back in the 70's who left a pair of white high heels in my bedroom, just inside the door...

  2. i wear the exact same style of high heel and platform but with different ankle staps and vamps and i've also fallen off mine 3 times! twice walking down the city sidewalk and once in the club! talk about embarrassing! falling off my shoes at the club last year though was so embarrassing, i never went back! all 3 wipe outs featured me after a few drinks... so i guess you could say i've learned that booze and 7.5 inch heels don't mix! still, with my heavy duty street and club wipe outs, i've never trashed my shoes. you must have gone down pretty hard to yank those soles clean off the platforms! thank goodness you're okay!

  3. thanks! she is a great lady. as for me: i wore my 6 inch heel Cupid boots yesterday and stopped to view some art in a large store front window. i looked the art work over but also noticed all the people walking behind me, i could see them in the window reflection and was amazed at how many of them gawked at my 6 inch heels which were totally exposed! i watched a guy ride by on a motorcycle and thought if that idiot doesn't pay attention to where he's going he's going to get himself killed. or worse. i'm always entertained by how many folks out there who can't believe a man can wear high heels, and especially really high heels, in plain view, in public! i think i'm doing a good service for us male high heel wearers.

  4. i don't remember if i've shared these ones before but here is my wife in of all places, the National Gallery of Canada!!! wearing her 6 inch heel sherberts i bought from Dugan Bros.

    when you walk around those enormous rooms in regular footwear, the echos are gigantic. but when you walk around there in 6 inch heels the sound is completely and totally super high heels in a canyon! i mean everyone stops and looks!

    she was getting more attention than the artwork!

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    hope you like the photo!

  5. i bought my pair from the trusty Frederick's of Hollywood mail order catalogue! i don't know how we came across that catalogue, a small 12 page glossy little picture fest from L.A., but in the centerfold were the shoes and that's what page it automatically opened to when i first looked at it. when i saw those 6 inch heel stripper shoes i knew i'd found my high heel style, which wasn't even an inkling in my imagination up until that very moment! as soon as i saw them i said i want them! so i called a local shoe store with the pitch: i want to buy my cousin a pair and she wears the same size as me... so i got my size, purchased a money order, and my first pair of white high heels arrived by chance, right on my birthday! best gift i ever game to myself!

  6. the highest ones i've seen were on my wife! she wore her black 6 inch heel Sherbert sandals to and from the diner and looked awesome! i posted a pic in my other thread: what do you think about these? i asked her if she felt differently wearing them and she said no. but i can tell you a lot of men and women were staring at her when she was walking down the street!

  7. i wore out my first pair of white 6 inch heels i purchased from frederick's of H. i bought those more than 10 years ago, wore them to the point where the leather vamp had stretched too far, ankle straps were getting weak and the platform bottoms were squishing out beyond the edges! foot print too, was clearly stamped on the suede foot bed. also wore out my first pair of sherberts, same thing happened to them. both are long gone but not forgotten!

  8. thanks! like i said, she is one beautiful woman who really stands out in the crowd, but when she wears her 6 inch heels, she really steals the show! i'll never forget seeing that woman with the digital camera zooming in on her shoes! i mean what is she going to do with that footage? who is she going to show it to? my thing has always been to wear heels that are higher than 5 inches. you see some gals walking around with 4 inch heels every now and again, rarely you see a gal with 5 inch heels, and there is only one, at least in this city, that regularly wears 6 inch heels and higher, and that's my old lady! i've seen a few girls in the 8 years i've been in this city wearing 6 inch heels on the street, but that might be 5 girls. i am awfully happy my wife is open minded and will wear the super high heels i buy for her and of course that she doesn't mind one bit, and in fact encourages me to wear mine as often as i can.

  9. i went out on wednesday evening to a lecture and wore my cupid boots with all 6 inches of the heel showing. i got all the usual stares but one lady in her 60's stopped me and told me she admired my boots and how well i could walk in them! i told i had years of practice! which sounds weird when you're talking to someone with so many more years than yourself. on my way home i stopped at the liquor store to buy a small bottle of red vin and the gal working the check out certainly like the look of my footwear even though she didn't say anything. wearing high heels in public is so much fun when it feels totally normal.

  10. cb17: a lot of ladies that come over to the house have seen my wild high heels lying around the living room or upstairs but because i wear women's size 12 very few of them can fit them. one girl visited us once and we were going out to a fetish show in town and we were all dressed up, a party of 4. i brought down 3 pairs of white 7.5 inch heels and said okay which ones should i wear? the girl i'd not met before grabbed my favourite ones, the same ones in my avatar, put them over her black tights and said i love these! she was a size 10. she was absolutely thrilled to see those 7.5 inch heels on her feet and she walked out the door with them on! she'd never worn heels that high but she was doing pretty well in them. i also noticed a lot of women were watching her that night. i wore a different pair of white 7.5's and later that night fell off them! how embarrassing! anyway. we got back to my place, the four of us, and she was reluctant to take them off and give them back. so i told her later i would order her a pair in white in size 10 but my wife saw them when they were delivered and said she wanted them! so now my wife has them and the poor girl who loved them, i don't know if she ever got her pair... a wild and true story!

  11. sab: most of the time i get all the looks, you know from total surprise to total disgust, sometimes i hear laughing and see finger pointing, and other times a lady will come up and say something fantastic like: i really love your shoes. which of course completely defeats all the negative garbage i might see and hear. i don't pay attention to the garbage, i mean i don't take it personally. i use to and it made going out in public wearing heels, and i mean really high heels, 6 inches or more, a spooky adventure but now i'm having a lot of fun with my new attitude. las: love those black ones with the 7.5 inch heels. i have 2 pairs of those in white and 2 pairs in black! all of them from Sunset Strip brand. my favourites are the white ones because they look like they are glowing on my tanned feet!

  12. i wore these beauties last week on an extended outing and enjoyed myself. then yesterday a friend of mine saw them here at the house and she looked them over and in particular at the bottoms and asked: where have you been in these?

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  13. sab: that's funny! it brought back a memory from grade school. i did tape 4 soda pop cans together per foot, and made a pair of wedges, then taped them to my socks when i was attempting to costume up like the guitarist in Kiss! i tried walking in them and of course they fell apart under me. much laughter from my friends, who were all Kiss fans at the time. later i asked my older sister if i could borrow her sling backs which had a 4 inch heel and a platform of some sort. she agreed and got them for me. she had given up on them but i took them and wore those. this goes way back to grade 7! we had our stage show set up in my buddy's recreational room and i use to watch myself in the window reflections, those light blue checkered 4 inch heel sling backs on my feet. they were size 7, so this is a long time ago! what i remember about her giving them to me: she handed them over and said: try them on. i said: no way!!! what a fool. i should have right then and there. (i kept the shoes with me until my feet out grew them... what a sad day that was!) as for self made shoes: i'm going to give up on the idea of extreme heels and platforms and try something lower, like maybe 7 inches, and use old black leather i have here and see what i can come up with.

  14. i was in regular guy mode with some very boring footwear...

    not standing out at all in the crowd.

    i did go out for lunch on Tuesday with her and i wore my Sherberts and had fun watching the ladies stare at them. a young lady came over and said: i love your shoes, they're very classy...

    that was very nice of her. its fun to watch all the different reactions. we walked quite a ways to get to the diner as its popular and the parking out front is limited. so i walked a block to get there. next to the diner is a bookstore and we went in there for look around.

    whenever i'm wearing my high heels, if i see something squishy lying on the ground i'll step on it. on Tuesday i didn't see anything but when i got home and took my shoes off, i found this stuck to the bottom!

    an inadvertent squish! i wonder who was watching!

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  15. here are a couple of photos taken on Friday night when the wife and i visited the local art gallery. she's wearing her Sherbert sandals i bought from Dugan Brothers. she's a hot looking lady to begin with but when she's wearing the highest heels in the whole city she really turns heads! i saw a woman using a digital camera to sneak a photo of her shoes!

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  16. do you ever wear those monster high heels on the street? i can't imagine going out in anything higher than 7.5 inches, i've had a few embarrassiing wipe outs in the past few years, all of them on the sauce, and i've learned extreme high heels and booze does not mix!!! hope to hear from you soon.

  17. thanks! i went out today to a "low end" department store to look over a few items in the ladies department. i saw some their summer selection and was interested in some of it, whatever is skimpy and leggy! maybe white, to go with my white high heels and my tanned skin. or black. i'm not sure. but i did buy some new nail polish, revlon 480, Autumn Berry! i'm looking forward to having that on my tanned foot! my problems is this: i'm not sure what size might be in the ladies department. i'm 5 foot 10, 170 lbs, i'm guessing if i go for extra large i might get away with something. but what about numbers? if they give me a size like 10 or whatever, i know that is going to be too small. anyone know what size i could be in numbers? hope to hear from you soon.

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