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Posts posted by w6ish

  1. it was last year around this time i told you about my daughter going out the door wearing my wife's 7.5 inch heels and thought wow, that is totally and completely brazen! she is up to her old tricks! mid week the wife and i were going through one of her closests and she found those black heels and said i don't think i'm going to wear these anymore. she said they don't fit her as well as she would like, and maybe our daughter would like them. we gave them to her and said have fun! she went to Toronto the other day and i just went into her room to clear out the dishes and whatever and those shoes were gone! she took them with her!

  2. took in a beautiful dinner with a view of the river last night and everything about the date was splendid. i wore my black sherberts and am getting just too use to wearing those! no butterflies anymore. when we got into the restaurant two of the waitresses saw my shoes and they smiled and said they were beautiful shoes! and the usual: how can you possibly walk in them? we did get some pictures but they turned out too dark and aren't worth posting. sorry bout that.

  3. i'm going out with the wife this evening for a little dinner and vino with a view of the river. i'm going to wear my conservative 6 inch heels in black, my sherberts from pierre silber, with a pair of jeans. i will be sure to get some pictures for you.

  4. i get a real laugh out of seeing those models walking down that runway in those 8 inch heels! i especially love the wipe outs. i've always been a sucker for slapstick comedy. Sexy platforms: i thought you might enjoy those photos seeing how you like your skirts short, heels high and outdoor photos! thanks!

  5. this is my outfit from last night's outing. is that skirt mini enough for you?!! i spent 5 hours wearing my 7.5's and got all the usual stares. thank goodness for a hot summer night, you can get away wearing something like this!

    Posted Image

    actually underneath the jacket i was wearing these shorts. my wife wanted me to take off the jacket and walk around with just the shorts and the shoes but i just didn't have the guts for that.

    Posted Image

  6. yes it is, a steam engine but its a tourist thing, the steam engine doesn't really do the work, they have something hidden in the cars that does the pulling and pushing. ah but its a great little town and i have worn my sherberts out there many a time and had fun. my sherberts though are getting a work out here in the capital city. same with my white 7.5's from pierre silber, having fun with those lately, wearing them with bare feet, painted toe nails and very tanned skin. makes the shoes really stand out!

  7. the photo i posted certainly is "real wear". i really did wear them out of the house, into the cab, down to the club, won sexiest male, wore them on the street, had my photo taken a dozen times, and had them strapped onto my feet for more than 4 hours! now that is real wear!

  8. the wife was saying they might look good with the black version of my nurse costume... that's a mini dress in pvc, with red trim i think. Newfie Guy: enjoyed your story about your early morning stroll. brings back a lot of memories.

  9. indeed, there is a real and serious safety concern. there seems to be a lot of young people out racing down those backroads, young tough guys racing their parent's cars and gangs of motorcycle kids too and of course you never know who could be into the sauce and behind the wheel as well, so when i do take a drive, i stay off the roads where these people are and stick with the roads where they might be a farm or two but mostly open fields or swamplands. usually they are quiet. most of the time i am cautious about where i go when wearing heels. once, on the transit bus coming from the downtown, when i was wearing my cupid boots which were in plain view, a young punk looked at me with scorn and said "why do you wear those? so you can look taller... " i answered with a very simple: no. that was it. he had no where else to go with it except to start bad mouthing me but he didn't because i had looked away. same with a beggar on the street this past spring, i just laughed at him. yesterday i dusted off my black sherberts and the jeans that go with them, snug on the ankles, and wore them into the downtown. it has been awhile since i wore those downtown and since i had time to spare, i stopped at a local park with benches and took a seat. the place was filled with middle age and older men, sitting around doing nothing. i could see them gawking at me but i just don't care anymore. some women came along, walking their dogs and they looked at me with little smiles, which i quite enjoyed. i thought, while sitting there, here i am, a slim man sitting in a public park, alone, wearing women's 6 inch heel sandals, and folks passing by must surely think i am a kook! but i have received enough positive remarks from both men and women on the street to just go with it. an old man looked at my boots last autumn and commented positively on them. i told him it was almost like going to hell and back with the freaky comments i get from almost everyone else on the street but he said something that really hit the nail on the head. he said: so long as you are happy. when it was time to leave the park yesterday, i started thinking about this board and all the guys who love heels but never wear them out to public places. us guys who wear heels higher than 4 inches in public, i think we should get some "medal of honor"! ha ha. just kidding, but really, an outing like yesterday, a man in basic blue jeans and a black t shirt, wearing black heels, its co ordinated. its not an outrageous outfit like some of the ones i've worn. yesterday's outfit is basic, simple. i think it helps our free style fashion cause. moves us along, out of the dopey stone age men's fashion world and into real, personal fashion freedom, where your own fashion statement is just that, who you really are. boy this is turning into a rant. sorry to take up so much of your time. as far as my new purchase, i'm still anxiously waiting. and there is a real possibility of having one of those wipe outs like that model on American Model Search. but before i go out next friday wearing them, i'm going to have several hours practice time in them. the old saying goes: the higher up you are, the further down you have to fall! anyway. once again, sorry to take up so much time.

  10. very true. i've driven into the country side the past three nights, after midnight, to enjoy the mid July climes on the outskirts of the capital city. wearing 7.5 inch heels of course. it would be nice though to have some company on those barren road walks. here is something else i don't know if you have experienced: waiting... i ordered a pair of shoes at the beginning of last week and this waiting for them to arrive is just about driving me crazy. i decided to buy some ultra wild 8 inch spike heels in black, with high uppers that lace up to just below the knee, for those ultra and wild nights at the club in montreal. the style is xtreme 1035, listed on the Forplay website under boots, page 9. i've been looking at them for a year now and finally decided hey, you only live once. so lets get busy with the living.

  11. i couldn't sleep last night so i decided to take a drive into the country side, this was around midnight. the city was full with all kinds of action but i wasn't interested in any of it. so i put on my jean shorts, a white t shirt and my white 7.5 inch spike heels from pierre silber and drove into the dark and quiet country landscape, pulling over a number of times to examine the moon and the stars and the little creatures of the night which happened across the barren highway. a simple outing i know but fun, i enjoyed looking down at my tanned and shaved legs and my glowing white high heels strapped to my tanned feet.

  12. it was wonderfully hilarious! i looked at her shoes and thought, those must be 8 inches high! but that model walk, there is just no way you can do that in heels that high! so when i watched her, i thought when is it going to happen! when it did, i watched it with my wife, we both burst out laughing. but you're right, when she trashed herself making her exit, crawling away on her hands and knees, now that was truly beautiful. now here is the kooky part. i just recently ordered a pair of 8 inch heels with high uppers, they lace up below the knee but have a sandal like bottom and open toes. i hope i don't wipe out like that!

  13. great story! and what an outfit! its funny though, the part about the toe nail polish. it happened to me a few summers ago. i was wearing my black sherberts with the 6 inch heels, this was in the Byward Market in the capital city. my wife and i were out and we met a lady friend of hers. later that day the woman called and said the shoes i was wearing were a bit far out and definitely, i needed a pedicure. so the very next day we went to Montreal, me still in my sherberts, and my wife bought me a pedicure. now i wear "copper sun" nail polish all summer. some constructive criticism will go a long way. hope to hear more about your summer outfits and adventures.

  14. i don't know if any of you have seen this, guys or gals, but i somehow came upon a website: youtube, broadcast yourself. or something to that effect. anyway. there was a search category once the site came up, and its full of videos. being a high heel wearer, i typed in high heels and the 3rd video up for grabs, at 24 seconds long had me laughing out loud. i love it. and i encourage any of you high heel wearers to give it a look. gosh its funny.

  15. ah its not that much of a stretch. i've flown before wearing my 6 inch heel cupid boots. walked right through security, into the lounge, had a few, boarded the plane, made it to the destination, arrived downtown, spent the day there, took the transit to the pick up and met my wife at the other end, at a club. beauty. spent almost 7 hours wearing the boots. if security ask you to take off your heels, go ahead. what else are you going to do? next time i'm going to do the trip in my 7.5 inch spike heel boots from maya. of course i'd leave the heels out of it if it were a business trip. business is one thing. pleasure is totally another.

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