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Posts posted by w6ish

  1. we had a great time at the club last night and i in particular enjoyed my time on the streets wearing my white 7.5's. wearing them in the club is no big deal as everyone in there is dressed in some pretty freaky and fun fashion. and the folks i was out with, they know me for my white high heels so for them its no big deal. on the street to and from is another story. we went to a restaurant after the show and that is where the amusements started. when you see people tripping over each other to get a look at your shoes its a pretty bizarre experience. folks in the restaurant, you know exactly what they are trying to do. they nudge each other and point. meanwhile there i am standing in the middle of the room or paying the waiter, i could see my reflection in the big windows and i had to admit, those shoes look pretty fabulous on me and on the hardwood floors of that big old restaurant. also, with my high heel wearing totally natural to my travel buddies and at the club, it becomes totally natural everywhere else. its no big deal. once you get to that stage, at least for me, it becomes fully and completely what i dreamed about when i bought my first pair of 6 inch heels in the mid 1990's. as for my sexy sunset strip brand 7.5 inch heels, my foot print is clearly stamped on that suede insole now! looks good to me!

  2. i've been looking for a good photo opportunity but it isn't easy to capture that young lady! hopefully i can get the two of them to settle down some weekend soon when the high heels are all over the living room. when i do i shall be sure to get a photo. tonight we are off the fetish club. i am wearing my black body suit with my white 7.5's from pierre silber and expecting to put 8 hours in with those sexy thangs strapped to my feet. i will let you know how it goes tomorrow.

  3. yes indeed! i don't mind her wearing them around the house or walking out the door with them on, all i hope for is they don't come back all banged up! that's all i have to say about her digging into my collection. and i know someone is because i like to keep them in good order in the closet and sometimes i see they have been jumbled around and worn. even my 6 inch heel collection which i have moth balled, those have the dust blown off them every now and again. well she is 16! what do you expect from a tall slim and beautiful young lady. (i'm going to fill up an extra closet with a bunch of size 10 heels anyway, to spread the good fortune and fun.)

  4. i'm going to have some fun with a friend of mine who i recently met. she was the good looking lady dressed in black who in mid march joined me and two other friends at a so called fetish show in town. the show was lame but her reaction to my 7.5 inch heels from pierre silber was priceless. i decided i would buy her pair of white 7.5's and i hope they are here in time for next weekend, which is when the next event goes in Montreal, which of course i am planning on attending and hoping she will come along. she wears size 10! also looking at a pair of black ankle boots with 6 inch heels for the wife, but i'm thinking they might end up in my daughter's closet...

  5. if you have the legs for it and i agree with Dr. Shoe, if the boots aren't baggy, the look is pretty slick no matter what decade it is. i enjoyed that photo spread from knee highs cause i see one of those models wearing black tights and white heels!!! hey i thought that was exclusively my look!!!

  6. thanks! its my standard issue outfit when i'm street heeling. what i would like is something a bit racier! like some skin tight to the ankle and revealing jeans with a higher cut leather jacket and my white 7.5 inch heels but i discovered last year that causes too much of a fuss! and usually that reaction isn't what i enjoy. so i have to save that one for a select group of close friends. but i have had a lot of amusing adventures with those close friends, all of them women, in such an outfit, going to places white 7.5 inch heels should not be!

  7. i've been having a great time since the snow and ice melted and with summer coming you know i am going to max it out. here is a picture taken late last autumn which i know i posted briefly here before. this is the look i am sporting these days. i have been out with my cupid boots which have the 6 inch heel but these beauties from maya shoes are 7.5 inches!

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    i will try to get a few more pictures loaded into my photobucket site, my membership name is whsp1234 if you want to look at those.

  8. i visited the National Art Gallery this afternoon and took in a lecture which was well attended by an older crowd of art enthusiasts. i wore my fancy 6 inch heel cupid boots from forplay shoes and my regular blue jeans outfit: blue Guess jeans and matching jacket, a fairly straight forward look excepting the totally exposed 6 inch black heels! that got a few of those old ladies in a tizzy. the amusements started after the lecture on my way home. i pulled over at the artist supply to pick up a few things and one of the young sales ladies came over and asked if i needed help. then she said: wow! those must be hard to walk in! i love this type of conversation and know how to get them going. i said: these are the lower heels! we got into a tasty conversation about the art of wearing high heels and what it takes and i said all it takes is practice and confidence. she said: especially confidence, i've never seen a guy before wearing high heels and i've never seen anyone before wearing heels that high! it was beautiful. gosh i'm glad the snow is melted and spring is fully and completely underway!

  9. took in the event in Montreal last saturday night and it was definitely a going concern. if you want to check out their website, type in "fetish 4 play" into the search engine and you will get the low down as to what they are up to over there. i wore my black gel pants, a black vest and a black sport jacket and for footwear my white 7.5's from pierre silber. the night before i went out wearing the sling backs from pleaser and discovered something quite new to me! for starters those pleaser brand shoes are big! they are bigger than the sunset strip brand i get from pierre silber and they are heavy! those slings have an elastic back and what i found last friday night was the shoes are heavier than the elastic is designed to handle. so while they stay on your foot no problems when you are seated and enjoying a show, if you plan on dancing or moving quickly down a sidewalk you are in danger of either the shoe flying off your foot or you flying off the shoe! both outcomes would be hugely embarrassing! some big thick white ankle straps and buckles are definitely the way to go when wearing heels that high! at the club i saw a great looking woman dancing and she was wearing a very nice looking pair of white oxfords with the 7.5 inch heel, i had to admire her for that outfit. we were the only ones in the club filled with over a hundred, wearing white 7.5 inch heels. it was another enjoyable evening and it was the first where the snow and ice was melted from the sidewalks so it was safe to wear my shoes from the car, through the parking and down the street to the club, which is the way i want it to be. i hate carrying my shoes in a bag and putting them on at the club.

  10. it takes guts to wear that combo! i've worn the black with white high heels many times and you're right, your shoes stand out a mile away and everyone is sure to notice them. always nice to see fashionable young ladies who are wearing stilettos as well, nod with their approval. it always made my day when it happened to me.

  11. its a beautiful day here in the nation's capital, sunny with bright blue skies and a mild breeze, perfect for dusting off the boots and taking them downtown. there is a place called the Byward Market we often visit so today i suggested we take a walk through that part of town. we stopped at a patio and had lunch and i'm always amused by the gawkers, the folks who just can't understand a man in 6 inch heels. there were no shortage of them today, men and women: gawking! there are also a lot of beggars in the market area and we walked past a few of them. one of them asked for spare change and i said no. then he asked as i was walking past, he was sitting on the sidewalk, he asked: why are you wearing high heels? and i didn't much like his tone so i asked back: why are you a beggar on the street looking for a few nickels and a dime. he didn't like that and out came his F words. i laughed as we continued on our way. my wife said: how do you come up with those one liners so quickly? but i think when you are walking along a city street with the highest heels in the city, you kind of expect a few dopey questions and in doing so, are prepared with some choice responses. anyway. it was fun to dust off the old cupid boots and wear them for all to see. there were a lot of boots out there today with a variety of heel styles and heights but none were matching mine! the snow has melted from the city streets and boot wearing season is on full time until it gets too hot to wear them. that should make for some fun adventures over the next two months. also, that fetish thing is on again tomorrow night in montreal and i'm planning on attending that wearing a pair of my white 7.5 inch heels! let the good times roll!

  12. i bought these 7.5 inch heels a couple of years ago and wore them to several events over a black body suit. they certainly worked in the attention getting department.

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    the problem was getting in and out of them. those laces up to the knee, even with the zipper on the back was very tedious. when i'm strapping on my 7.5 inch heels for a night on the town i like it quick and easy so i'm out the door and on my way a lot quicker. today i made some changes to them. i took the scissors and cut the zipper out. for the finishing touch i took them over to the tailor and he sewed the backs closed and now it feels like i have a brand new pair of shoes!

    these ones have the same slim line heel that my sunset strip brand from pierre silber has, which is my fave style. they are a lot more slimmer and elegant than my pleaser brand which is more like hardware. so i am very pleased with today's modifications.

    would love to know what you think.

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  13. i went to a so called fetish event here in the city last night and it was very boring. but i went with 3 friends who have known and observed me in my high heels and especially my higher heels. they arrived at my place before the event and they had with them a woman, who i had never met but looked good in her all black outfit. i brought down 5 pairs of 7.5 inch heels and said to the lady i do know, which ones? the lady i'd not met said i want those!!! and she strapped on the shoes i have in my avatar. no questions asked... on they went and out the door she went. she was not a big lady and i couldn't believe she fit them! but her reaction to them was i enjoyed the most. she said she loved them. at the club, she couldn't keep from looking at them and she stroked them. i also got to watch other women in the club who obviously saw this woman in her black skin tight outfit, wearing 7.5 inch heels and their reactions were something of note. i think, some of them as far as i could see, were jealous. after the event was over we took off and went to another club, she said she wanted to buy my shoes!!! anyone have this experience?

  14. last friday i went to the fetish club wearing my white 7.5 inch heels, black hose and a black mini and fit in pretty well with the exotic crowd on hand. yesterday my wife and i took in a lecture over at the National Gallery of Canada. i decided it was time to dust the boots off and picked the lower heels and went with my cupid boots from forplay shoes. i don't usually wear 6 inch heels anymore but i thought i would take the conservative route, it still being winter up here. of course the place was filled with older ladies, ladies living in retirement and i got all the gaggly and googly stares from them as i walked around the place with my heels totally exposed. we did run into someone from the local artist scene, a younger woman who i recently met and we started chatting and it seemed she didn't notice my boots. then she said you seem taller... she looked down and said: those are fantastic! i thought: funny how hugely different the point of view can be... anyway, it was an enjoyable outing. if i could make changes i would have worn my black boots from maya with the 7.5 inch heels but i guess that will have to saved for later. winter though is soon to be in the history books and of course i look forward to the warmer climes of april and may when i can leave my boots next to the front door.

  15. it might not be exactly what you are looking for but have you ever tried boots with ankle height uppers? i'm in the same boat as you, slim calves so that is why i stay away from the knee highs and stick with the ankle boots.

  16. yes i will be sure to wear that outfit again, especially when the warmer weather arrives! also, i forgot to mention, i am getting very good at driving my car and shifting those 5 gears while wearing my 7.5 inch heels! (i have to put the seat back as far as it goes to pull that one!)

  17. here is an older photo from last spring but this is the mini i wore with black hose on friday night. those are my 7.5 inch heels from maya shoes, pleaser brand, which i didn't wear. i went with my sunset strip brand from pierre silber, 7.5 inch heels.

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    fun stuff!

  18. it was a lot of fun and of course i had to stop along the way, getting out and walking a bit down the four lane highway, which was an amusing experience. i wasn't the only guy in the club wearing a mini skirt. i saw a couple of cross dressers and one guy was wearing a black pvc mini dress, without all the cross dress trimmings: wig, make up, nails and jewellery. he was just going as a guy in a pvc mini dress. i didn't see what kind of shoes he was wearing but i could see where he was coming from as i was also in plain guy mode from the waist up. from the waist down though, the black mini and hose and white high heels was simply: a lot of fun. i noticed some of the younger gals looking at me and in particular my blaring white high heels which stand out like beacons in a dark environment. they had a fashion show and some of those men's fashions certainly gave me a few bright ideas. i have some older pvc items which are a bit worn and i was thinking about tossing them but after seeing the show i think the right thing to do is take the scissors to some of it and remove areas and expose a bit of skin. sounds like fun when summer comes and i can get back to wearing my heels with my barefeet and painted toe nails!

  19. i don't have a lot of time right now but i want to tell you about my trip to the local fetish club last night in the good city of Montreal! remember those pictures i shared with you last year showing me wearing black nylons, a black spandex mini skirt and my white 7.5 inch heels? well i finally got the courage up to wear that outfit last night in the jam packed fetish club! i enjoyed that experience very much. i also had a black muscle shirt and my black leather coat. the shoes i wore were from pierre silber, sunset strip brand, awesome shoes which i spent 8 hours wearing.

  20. true, about Ottawa. but i am finding Montreal isn't too far away and it seems, especially after my friday night at the inferno club a week ago, that they have an established scene with some open minded folks.

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