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Posts posted by w6ish

  1. i was going to post in my starting something new thread but i see it closed! just like China. anyway, i shaved my legs down today in anticipation of that first outing in very short shorts or that black mini i've been keeping my eye on all winter! all i need is a bit of sun on those legs, i have the toe nails painted up nicely and i think i'm going to just go ahead and do it, but keep my jacket buttoned until it gets later in the evening.

  2. those are some wild and crazy shoes in your ava Prutske255! are those yours? if so, where did you get them and how high are those heels and platforms? i have to admit, my limit is 7.5 inches on the heel, with a platform of course.

  3. i'm going out tonight and i'm going to wear my brand new shoes from Maya! there is a club downtown i'm going to visit and i'm looking forward to a fun evening! here are my shoes from Maya, i've worn them around the house but never outside.

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    i'm going to wear them with a regular pair of jeans that are snug on the ankles and black t shirt. (painted toe nails of course!)

  4. that was from a simple 3 hour outing on the streets. but that was a couple of weeks ago. i've worn them several times since then and they are getting worked in nicely. i've had some fun adventures with them already and look forward to many more. i'm so glad i could get a replacement pair of sherberts. i want to post a picture of my wife's 5 inch heels that she's been wearing for the past 4 weeks. so stay tuned for those. message to Jay: join my msn space, look forward to seeing you there.

  5. my outing last week went pretty well, so i went a few more times this week and had fun with it, my only complaint is the butterflies before i go.

    and of course it would be nice if folks would just accept you for who you are instead of who and what they are.

    i took a photo of my shoes before i left, when they were in that pristine, never been worn look, and then another when i came home.

    so here they are:

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  6. its a beautiful day and i have the afternoon off so i'm going to take my brand new Sherberts (6 inch semi thick heel with 2 inch platform in black) for their first outing on the streets! i don't have the guts today to wear my new 7 inch heels from Maya so i'll leave those ones for another day and start with the Sherberts. not the white ones either as my feet haven't been tanned, but my toenails are painted up nicely with cover girl's number 68, cabernet and i'm ready to get my high heel sandal wearing season underway. i'll let you know how it goes.

  7. i went out last night with the wife and i wore my 7.5 inch spike heel boots i bought from Maya. we were going to an event with a dress code, we both went in black. we got to the venue only to find it was sold out! so we thought okay, where are we going now? we ended up a swanky bar downtown, had a few drinks, then went to a late night diner around midnight. a lot of folks saw my great big high heels and it was funny watching them! two ladies at the bar were talking, but as soon as they saw us, they were quiet! kind of funny actually. as we were walking home, i said i'm out of practice! i stopped at on a street corner, several blocks from our house and unlaced my boots and carried them home, walking barefoot on the frosty sidewalks. terrible! we both agreed it was time to get some serious heel wearing back into the daily wardrobe and agenda.

  8. i ordered them from Maya Shoes, excellent service. i wear women's size 12. my foot is slim so it fits the size 12 like it were made to order! perfect every time. Pleaser and my personal fave, Sunset Strip are the two brands i wear.

  9. absolutely! i have a couple of pairs i save specifically for street heeling. slim fit and snug on the ankle, never covering any of the heel! then of course i have a few pairs that are so tight they leave nothing to the imagination but i save those ones for special high heeled adventures. more of those to come too!

  10. i placed my order last week for those 7.5 inch heels from Maya. i decided to go with the black ones, i might try the mid range brown ones after i see the black ones. now we'll have to see how long this shipping business takes! they say 3 to 4 days, so hopefully i'll have a picture for you sometime next week. now that spring is here and the sidewalks are free of snow and ice, i dusted off my black cupid boots with the 6 inch heel and 2 inch platform and went for my first outing of the year on Friday. that was very enjoyable, lots of people gaggling at my high heels! especially old ladies, their haggardly old faces all scrunched up in disgust. i don't know if you ever have this feeling, but what happens to me is i get away from wearing high heels in public and sometimes i think i might be losing interest in the fashion statement. but that first trip out on Friday confirms that i am not losing interest!

  11. i'm impressed with your high level of self confidence to wear those white boots in the manner shown in the photograph! very impressive! i know what its like to wear white high heels but have never worn white boots because i'm chicken!

  12. what a great thread this is! i've enjoyed the read, and it brings back some good memories. i only wish i had of gone through with the purchase when i was 15 or 16, when i wanted to buy my own high heels. i didn't. i foolishly waited till i was in my late 20's! but i'm well on my way now. just go ahead and do it, get them, wear them, have fun. what is the worst that can happen?

  13. thought i would post a few pics of the Sherberts i ordered from Dugan Bros., a very good place, i found, to buy shoes.

    this is a photo of all 3 pairs, my two pairs in black and white and the wife's in black:

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    here is a photo of hers, which she has worn a few times and definitely turned a few heads, both men and women! nice looking pair of shoes if you ask me.

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    hers are showing signs of wear:

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    mine have yet to be worn outdoors, i'm going to have to wait another 90 days before i can do that! what a downer!

  14. the more i look at that mid range brown the more i like them. i think i'll have to buy both pairs! i'll be placing my order in a couple of weeks, the last time Maya took 2 months to get my boots to my address! at Dugan Bros., i sent my order sometime around late April and didn't my 3 pairs of sherberts till late October!!! but they had them made for me over at Sunset Strip and from what they told me, Sunset Strip isn't around any longer and i got the last 3 pairs of sherberts!

  15. here are the same style shoe in darker colors, i'm thinking about going with the black ones but i like those dark brown ones too.

    (maybe i should buy both pairs!)

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    anyway, i love that style and am getting quite good at wearing my 7.5 inch heels and quite at ease wearing them in regular guy mode with a pair of blue jeans snug at the ankles.

  16. the last pair of shoes i purchased were my replacement pair of Sherberts, two pairs, one in black, the other in white, plus a pair for the wife, in black, and she looks hot in those!

    anyway, i've not made any purchases since then because i haven't seen anything i'm interested in.

    but i did find these on the Maya shoes site!

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    i'm going to order these in black on faux black. i think they're going to look quite good with the right pair of jeans, tanned feet and polished nails this coming summer.

    when i have them i'll post a pic.

  17. i took the wife out yesterday for a walk through the art gallery. she wore her very sexy sherberts for that outing, her second time wearing them. the usual fun and games resulted, and i took a dozen pictures for my own collection. she has some fabulous legs and i like her to show them off with mini dresses. yesterday she wore all black and looked great. she wore her 6 inch heels for the entire outing which included a stop at a busy grocery store and a short walk down the main street. i loved every minute of it, watching her walk through the gallery's large rooms, down the streets and through the grocery. i felt a bit of envy all the while, that she could wear such exotic shoes and not be bothered at all, in anyway. while i have made many outings in the past wearing heels 6 inches and higher, there has always been the butterflies that go with, and a bit of fear. for her its completely natural.

  18. several years ago i bought myself a pair of black "sherbert" sandals from pierre silber. they were size 12 and came with a 6 inch heel, not stiletto but not chunky, wonderfully inbetween, and a 2 inch platform. the black leather vamp was low cut and the ankle straps thick and secure. i wore those shoes into the ground! they were my number one pair as i could go for hours wearing them and usually got positive comments whenever i wore them. so i had a lot of fun with them for the 4 summers i had them. unfortunately i wore them out and had to replace them. finding a place that still sells them wasn't easy but it was done, the vendor had to go to sunset strip shoes to have them made! so i thought why not order the wife a pair! they arrived last week. they are some awesomely sexy shoes on me but they are way more sexy on her! she put them on for the first time yesterday and we took in the local wine and food show. my wife is a great goddess of a woman, tall and atheletic, strong arms and legs, huge breasts and long legs! she has these wonderfully thick calves that when in heels, look incredibly powerful. before i met her she wasn't much into high heels, just that standard issue stuff no higher than 3 inches. but after we got together i introduced her to 6 inch heels and higher, i bought her a few pairs of 7.5 inch heels which she wears to fetish events that we attend. of course it took her some time to get use to wearing heels that high but she's a pro at it now. so yesterday she didn't need any time getting use to the 6 inch heel on the brand new sherberts. she wore them with a black mini dress and fish nets! what a show stopper, attention getter and total and complete eye candy! i told her she was wearing the highest heels in the city! which was definitely the case yesterday afternoon at the wine and food show. we went during the afternoon as we knew the place would be jammed at night and impossible to move around. yesterday afternoon was great, not packed but very busy. i wore some very conservative clothes, simple black leather jacket and some plain old dopey and very ugly guy shoes. i thought i better let her go with the heels and i'd stick with the flats. she walked into the convention centre and was oblivious to all the people, men and women, staring at her and especially her beautiful shoes. of course the men were staring and that was typical. she's a beautiful woman and men stare at her all the time. but what i was paying attention to was the women. some of the women looked at her shoes and said oh my god!! others looked at them and said i love her shoes!! it was the negative looks that surprised me! some of the women in there looked at her and i could see their eye brows scrunched together and this look of total disgust on their faces. then i looked at those women and thought well yes, you are a big old washed up fat slob of a frumpy woman who looks like she's smoked herself half to death! your good looking party days are way way in the past. being sexy, well that ship has sailed! my wife and are in our early 40's and we work at taking care of ourselves. anyway, what an afternoon! i was absolutely amazed at what kind of attention those shoes brought my old lady. young and old, they would stand there and stare, or nudge their lady friends and point. so i told my wife, you have to get a few more mini dresses, a few more fishnets and we're going to get a lot more mileage from those sexy sherberts! mine are still in the box, yet to be worn! and i'm left wondering... why didn't i buy her a pair of these shoes 4 years ago when i bought myself a pair?!!! what was i thinking? ah well. better late than never!

  19. the big bash has come and gone for another year and i was totally off the beaten path costume wise, didn't get anything started. so what i ended up doing is wearing my black body suit which has a satin esque look to it, two pairs of ankle length nylons in black and a black suit jacket with some flashy applications and my white 7.5 inch heels from pierre silber, the same ones in the photo at the left. i was going to wear a black pair but thought no, i want the shoes to be totally noticable. then i was bumming around the house and my daughter said you better get down there! she called the cab and i put my shoes on and waited around, my daughter's boyfriend was scratching his head wondering what up! got to the event and spent the next 4 hours in my blaring white high heels. i get a real kick out of watching girls stare at them! one gal in particular took a seat next to me and i caught her staring at my heels! and i got a few comments, all the usual stuff about the legs and the shoes. at the end of the night i tried dancing with the wife but i think i'd had too much to drink by that time cause i almost fell off my platforms a couple of times! could have been embarrassing! fun time anyway, would love to wear that outfit daily and not once a year!

  20. a couple of years ago i won first place in the sexiest male category with my NURSE costume. it was an amazing night out, i wore my white 7.5 inch heels from pierre silber right out of the house, down the street and into the club and back again, several hours worth. now i'm wondering what costume is there, that is white, without using the old nurse idea, any suggestions? hope to hear from you soon.

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