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Posts posted by w6ish

  1. i totally agree in that you can't let the girls have all the fun! i love my jeans to be very tight so that everything shows and nothing is left to the imagination. i know some of you might have seen that photo i posted in the "before and after" strand, i like my jeans to be that tight. but that is the front of them, wait till you see the back!!! i'll find a recent pic and share that with you here.

  2. oh yes i forgot to mention the best part!!! for shoes i am going to wear my white 7.5 inch heels from pierre silber, the same ones pictured in my avatar. i have been having a lot of fun with those since July and i am going to continue to have a lot of fun with those!

  3. i had some pictures of her in her black mini dress from last spring but she has changed considerably since then, so maybe i can get an updated photo. her friends i think are a bit jealous of her wearing those super high heels because they are huge in the attention gathering. none of her friends have become high heel wearers so she is really leading the way. i envy her casual attitude when she straps them onto her feet and walks out the door! i on the other hand am getting ready for halloween. halloween for me has always been an excuse to go over board in the white high heels department. this year i am going as the naughty nurse! i have this white mini dress coming, made of spandex and lycra, with red trim and a red cross plus a little hat. i haven't made up my mind about the hose... i was thinking either white fish nets or white hose, the type that goes up to mid thigh and stays up on their own, don't know what you call them. i might buy those ones with the little white bows on them to add a bit of flash... the party is on the 29th so i will keep you posted as to how it goes.

  4. my wife doesn't mind at all when the young lass straps on the wild and crazy 7.5 inch heels and takes off out the door. like me, my wife tells her to watch her step. like today for example, another absolutely beautiful hot day where i am. too hot for my black boots! but perfect for black sandals with a 7.5 inch stiletto heel. not on me though, on her, she's gone again with her friends to where else? the mall and the sunday afternoon movies. again i watched as she made her way down the steps and onto the sidewalk and down the street... dang she's good! the girl just doesn't care what people think.

  5. she is absolutely okay with me and my heels. one time the two of went to the symphony and i wore my cupid boots with the 6 inch heels. she got a kick out of the older folks staring at my boots and found it amusing that people would react in such a way over something as basic as footwear. so now she doesn't care at all what people think when she goes out in her mother's black 7.5's.

  6. she's quite a character to say the least. when she wears the black super heels, last year in school she wore them with a black stretch mini dress! sheesh! last weekend though she was wearing a pair of those low rise jeans and a black t shirt: pretty normal stuff until you look down and see her shoes! i must say i'm rather envious of her being able to wear those no problems at all anywhere she wants to go. me, i have to take a deep breath before i walk out the door in my 7.5 inch heels.

  7. its a beauty autumn day where i am and i was considering a walk through the market sporting a pair of my black boots. didn't get to them unfortunately but saw my 15 year old strap on my wife's black 7.5 inch heels and watched her walk out the door!!! last year, when she was 14, and size 8, she could fit her mother's shoes and she snatched those 7.5's and took them to school and we didn't see them again till June! now she is 15, size 9 and so much for wearing them to school, she's wearing them to the movies with her friends! i watched her out the window and she moves along in them pretty well. looks like she got her practice in them at the school. that girl has got some attitude!

  8. i fully agree with the both of you: these boots were made for walking and that's just what this boy will be doing this autumn. here are the two pairs i have that i will be wearing regularly.

    this first pair is from Forplay shoes, they call them Cupids. the leather upper is on the Sherbert platform bottom. i've worn these boots extensively over the past 3 years and had to have the heel tips and platform bottoms replaced but now they are better than ever and a lot more quiet in the giant shopping malls.

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    the other pair i recently bought from Maya shoes. i've been out a few times with these but that extra bit of heel height makes these black beauties a challenge to get around in, you need to pay attention.

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    i like my boots to be scuff free and looking 100 %, like they just came out of the boot shop so i keep both pairs hidden away in the closet where the kids won't get at them. one day i noticed my wife had tossed some of her shoes into the closet and they landed right on top of my brand new boots from Maya! i said hey! watch out for my new boots!

    i have two pairs of Guess jeans i wear with these boots. the jeans are the right length and snug on the ankles so there is never any fear of the boot being hidden. the pant leg comes down to just above the heel.

    it takes a lot of guts to wear these downtown in a crowded shopping mall but its a lot of fun!

  9. they feel perfectly natural! i can tell you its more comfortable to wear my 7.5 inch heels and even my ultra wild 8 inch heels from pleaser for much longer periods than my 6 inch heels. i've worn my 6 inch heels downtown, walking, and 3 hours was the absolute maximum before my feet were telling me to pull over! two summers ago i posted a picture, you might recall, of me wearing my double buckle beauties while wearing a pair of very short cut jean shorts and a white t shirt. that day i wore my 6 inch heels for 3 hours and finally had to stop at a bench, take them off and carry them home, walking barefoot, which was kinda sexy too. some ladies saw me carrying them rather casually and then noticed my barefeet and then gawked at me with a surprised look. later that afternoon, after i had washed my feet clean i put them back on and went out for dinner with my wife and a lady friend of hers, on the way home i stepped into a bit of hole in the sidewalk and down i went!!! right on a busy street in full daylight!! talk about embarrassing. quite on the other hand, last summer i wore my ultra wild 8 inch spike heels from pleaser and managed nicely for more than 4 hours on the city streets. and i've worn my 7.5 inch heels quite a bit now and those too are very comfortable for extended periods of wear time. i think of extended periods as 3 or more hours on the street. the only real differences i can mention are these: stability on those 7.5 inch heels is a real concern. the height difference between 6 inches and 7.5 inches doesn't sound like much until you have them strapped onto your feet and are walking down a sidewalk. i've had more than a few close calls at the tops of those 7.5's. also: you better get ready to turn a lot of heads because people really go out of their way to stare at you when you're wearing heels that high! its an amusing adventure at any rate and i look forward to reading your posts about your adventures with your new heels.

  10. i love these ones too. i've been out with these a number of times over May and June with a lot of amusing times.

    not with the mini and hose though...

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    funny what will bring on the butterflies...

    the line is fine!

  11. here is a photo of my new boots next to my cupids from forplay. my cupids have seen a lot of action and i've replaced the heel tip and the platform bottom.

    i've worn the other boots with the slick 7.5 inch heels a couple of times and wow do they turn heads!

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    anyway, let me know what you think.

    p.s. the boots from maya took over a month to get here but i was doubly surprised with the thick leather uppers and no zipper with the laces which i thought was a foolish design from the get go.

  12. i know you have seen this photo before but i can tell you those shoes i am wearing in this shot are really getting a work out.

    the hose and mini on the other hand, well i never came up with the courage to wear that.

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    i'll have some photos of my new boots shortly.

  13. Tommy: i read your post about the problems of finding the right shoe in the right size. i remember when i was your age, 15, i could get away with wearing my sister's 4 inch spike heels when she wasn't home. i had been wearing her shoes for at least 3 years by that point. but then the dreaded foot growth spurt happened and that was the end of my heel wearing days for... if you can imagine this, another 15 years!!! what a disaster that was. turns out though my feet didn't get too large after all. i wear men's size 9 or 10, and i have slim feet. so when a Frederick's of Hollywood came along and i saw those wild 6 inch spike heel stripper shoes, well that was just too much for me! i had to order them. i called a couple of shoe stores and asked what my size 10 would be converted to women's and they said 12 would do it. so i ordered the shoes and they arrived on my birthday! size 12 did fit perfectly and my slim foot, it felt like those shoes were made for my feet. well that was the new beginning of my heel wearing and that was almost 10 years ago. if you get along to buying your heels, the next thing you're going to want to do is find some open minded friends with whom you can wear these heels and not feel like a freak. that is not such an easy task. i think you'll find staying in the closet is an even more difficult task. i have enjoyed your stories and i hope you will keep me posted as to how it goes for you. good luck.

  14. thanks! true though, i have never seen another man walking in either city wearing high heels, mens or womens shoes. and i have only rarely seen women wearing the 6 inch heel stripper style that i love to wear. here in Ottawa, i have seen an asian lady on Somerset every now and again wearing a pair of those 6 inch heels with clear bottoms. while i don't like the look of the clear platforms i love the spirit of that lady. but down in the Byward Market i have seen a few ladies sporting 6 inch heels, they were some slicked up looking ladies my wife said were likely on their way to work. i replied: hookers? at the time i didn't know there was a strip club called the Bare Facts just down the street. last night we hit the streets to snoop around the Jazz Festival and found ourselves walking down Elgin, from about Laurier to Gladstone, stopping at the gelato place for something cool. when we walked in there i was getting my fair share of stares from both the men and women. and i noticed a lot of ladies gawking at my black 7.5 inch spike heel boots at the intersections while waiting for the lights. now that summer is fully underway you might see me either in the Market, on Elgin or Bank, or the Glebe, wearing my new black boots or other high heels.

  15. i would vote for Ottawa and Toronto, Canada. i have had a lot of high heel wearing experiences in both cities in heels 6 inches and higher. i've worn my 6 inch heels down Bank, Elgin, Wellington and right through the Rideau Mall in downtown Ottawa, and from one end of Queen to the other and up and down Yonge Street in Toronto as well, and those experiences are with totally exposed heels. even with my extra short cut off jeans, shaved and tanned legs and my double buckle beauties, so it can be done in those two good cities.

  16. its a beautiful story which brings back a lot of memories for me. what a fabulous thing to do: buy yourself something that you really and truly desire. i remember buying my first pair from frederick's of hollywood and taking them out that night to a deserted place for an hour long stroll. beautiful. its the beginning of something that can be a lot of fun. thanks for your story.

  17. the eight inch heels that i want to buy are called: xtreme 1035. they are advertised on the forplay shoes website under the boots section. unfortuantely they only come in black but the good news is they cost just 70 dollars US. imagine those shoes with the high uppers in white!!! i'd go crazy with those. i know i would not get out very often wearing 8 inch heels but it would almost drive me crazy not having them here at the house. for the longest time i looked at the shoes labelled xtreme 705, i looked at those for at least two years pondering and finally ordered them up. now they are in my collection and i have had a lot of fun with them, especially in the past month and half now that it is sandal wearing weather. i suspect i could get away with wearing those xtreme 1035's to some crazy late night event. i bet get on with it and place my order.

  18. i ordered a pair of black boots from maya shoes over a month ago and yesterday they finally arrived. i was worried maya shoes was going to rip me off but they came clean and the boots are fantastic. they have thick leather uppers and are exactly as advertised: black ankle boots, lace ups, with a 7.5 inch spike heel and a 3 inch platform, made by pleaser. i modelled them for my wife and she you and i are going out tonight! so we hit the streets last night and i gave them a test drive. they fit beautifully and are very comfortable and easy to get around in. as far as i know not one person noticed them! the club we went to was full of a younger crowd. walking down the streets i couldn't help but look at my reflection in the shop front windows. those boots just look way too cool! i will post a few pictures of them in my whitespikes community this weekend.

  19. i like your choice. they look like some very sexy shoes. i was going to order a pair from the states that have the higher uppers, it was an open sandal design but they laced up to mid calf with a very open front. i thought about it though and wondered where would i ever wear a pair of 8 inch heels!!! too bad they only come in black or red. and yes, too bad they cost so much. i have several pairs of pleaser shoes and all of them are fine looking and good quality. when you get them let me know what its like to walk in them.

  20. i have really enjoyed the stories in this thread, in particular the walking the dog story with the plats and the stepping off the curb and onto a rock! brings back a lot of memories in the wipe out department. i have had a few of those in my time, a few in some very public places and although i have emerged uninjured physically, my self esteem was rattled to the core. thank goodness the wife and lady friends where there to ease the embarrassment i felt. sexy platform, i am like you in that 6 inch heels with a 2 inch platform is the lowest i will go. i'm getting a lot of mileage from my 7.5 inch spike heels with the 3 inch platform as well. nice to know i'm not on my own here in the ultra high heel department.

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