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Posts posted by w6ish

  1. ha ha! i got a chuckle out of how your newest shoes are not for street heeling unless you are w6ish! i would definitely wear those on the city street once we've returned to warmer climes. i did manage several hours in my white 7.5's from maya shoes, pleaser brand, when i visited the fetish club in montreal a week ago friday. that was a groovy scene full of weird music, wild outfits and slick dance moves. you can feel at home in place like that if your wearing ultra high heels. i wasn't the only one wearing 7 inch heels but i was the only one wearing them in white. i had my black leather pants on with a black muscle shirt, some black ankle length nylons and my white patent beauties which really attracted a lot of attention in that club. they have that party on the last friday of every month, which provides us with an excuse to go to montreal at least 12 times a year. i didn't get any photos though. when you get your black beauties you will have to share a few pics with us, i'm anxious to see how you wear them.

  2. thanks for the comments. its always great to have feedback while the idea is in the planning stage. i am a photographer and have played around with "arts" photography for a number of years but only recently started thinking about artistic photography using my high heels as the main subject matter. the test shots i posted here and on photobucket are first tries, so if i were to get serious i would definitely have the shoes spotless and the background would be neutral. i just wanted to play with the idea in the frame and see what happens. would you like to see some more? i could take a few more as i experiment with the idea. loved the idea of the high rise, the shoes as buildings. i was thinking of the shoes as a forest and the frogs were living amongst them. but the idea is very much in the development stage. having fun with it anyway.

  3. i've always thought of my high heels as works of art for the foot. i have always enjoyed the designs and the line work. i find them pleasing to the eye and never grow tired of looking a them. i've been wondering what a picture or series of pictures of them would look like on the wall in a gallery or home and would there be a market for such a thing. i can visualize photos up to 24x24 inches. so i'm fooling around with ideas and i have to admit the test shots are taken with a cheap digital camera, the foreground has those cheap rubber toys and the background would be cleaned up but the general idea is as follows:

    (i have posted the picture in a large size so you can get some idea of where i would like to go with the idea)

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    other pics can be viewed at: http://photobucket.com/albums/y74/whsp1234/

    i would love to hear any comments or suggestions.

  4. i love street heeling in toronto. have done it many a time and its truly a great place to get out with high heels. have done it up and down queen street and up and down yonge, great city with a lot of great high heel memories. glad to hear you had no problems.

  5. i graduated to black leather boots from Maya Shoes: heels are 7.5 inches high! wore them on the street totally exposed like it was nothing unusual. and switched over to white 7.5 inch heel sandals too, giving up on my 6 inch heels forever.

  6. i was loaded after the halloween party this year and i was wearing my white 7.5 inch heels with my white micro mini nurse outfit... how i made it down the stairs and onto and down the street without falling off my shoes amazed everyone in our party. once in the cab home i took my shoes off and ran barefoot across the street and up the steps into the house. once in though i was wishing there were some late night place we could go, me still in costume...

  7. i too have several pairs of the Pleaser brand and i find them a bit larger than other shoes the same size. i have several pairs from Frederick's of Hollywood, Forplay, and Sunset Strip, and my Pleaser brand shoes are just a bit larger. i wear size 12 and i find my favourites are from Sunset Strip, especially in the 7.5 inch heel. the Pleaser brand 7.5 inch heel is quite a bit thicker than the Sunset Strip brand. i know i'm nit picking here, the only real difference is i wear my Sunset Strip brand with bare legs and i wear my Pleaser brand with pant legs.

  8. a week later and i'm still chuckling about that saturday night of last week! i can relate to your words Dawn HH, i didn't want to take my costume off either, and especially the shoes. when you're walking down a main street wearing those sexy shoes, you want to keep on walking. it was a fun time. i'm cleaning out my photobucket space so the pictures are going to be deleted from this site but you can always check them out on my site.

  9. hey wow! i just noticed as i was looking at those pictures i posted, my wife didn't wear her thigh highs as promised!!! she wimped out and wore something even lower! well sorry bout that folks. i guess that tells you were my attention was focused that night!

  10. well here are some of the photos as promised. the first one is me on stage with the other guys who were voted sexiest male. you be the judge...

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    the next one is me with the wife, she decided to go with the thigh high boots and those low 4 inch heels. i wouldn't be seen in anything less than 6 so you can see we have a difference in opinion when it comes to classifying high heels...

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    the last two are of me on the street after the party, about 230 in the morning by which time everyone in our party was certainly feeling no pain!

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    their they are folks. hope you enjoy them. i have a bunch of others but i'm going to save those ones for my site and i don't want to fill up your time and space here with much of the same thing.

    anyway, i did win sexiest male. so that should tell you guys about wearing really high heels! the majority of those lovely ladies like to see a man get out on the dance floor wearing totally exposed 7.5 inch heels in white.

    have fun!

  11. i made it! and won sexiest male costume! that pvc nurse thing in white with the silver g string and white 7.5 inch spike heels was the top of the class last night. i got dressed around 9 p.m. with the hair and lipstick applied by my 15 year old. i was joking about being too scared to go out in such a wicked costume but she said she was kicking me out and locking the door behind me! took a cab to the party. my wife was already there with her friends so i arrived alone and what an entrance. the party was in full service and jammed to the rafters with people. i was immediately noticed by the women in that place! they loved my slick and oiled legs, copper sun nail polish and especially the heels. i love seeing women staring at my blaring white super high heels which last night were totally exposed! and i love having them come up to me and ask questions like: are they hard to walk in? wearing that silver g string was also an attention getter! i had my camera and was reaching up above the crowd to get some pictures, which of course hoisted up my ultra micro mini revealing my silver under garments. a young lady, in her early 20's walked up to me and caressed the silver fabric and said i'd love to sleep next to these huge balls, gave them a gentle squeeze and walked off into the crowd. kooky! i did get a bunch of pictures including some of me on stage for the sexiest male award but i have to get my camera back, one of the girlfriends has it in her purse, so i'll share a few of those with you later. what a blast though. walking around that club for 4 hours wearing the highest heels in the house was a really great experience for me. and also walking down the street after the party, i saw someone had dropped their french fries on the sidewalk so i made sure my right platform came down right on top of those! splat! i don't know when i'll have another chance to go out wearing that outfit but one thing is for certain, if the opportunity does present itself, i'm going!

  12. beauty day for a party! sunshine and warm temperatures, which means i can leave the hose behind and go with the bare legs: shaved of course! so folks i will chat with you on the flip side. the wife, she is going in something black but i have yet to see it. hopefully she is going to wear her black 7.5's but who knows... show time is still several hours away.

  13. here is my costume for tomorrow night! of course its going to look a lot better on me than lying on the floor! i will be sure to get some pictures and share them with you on sunday.

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    it should be a blast!

    thanks for those kind words about the boots and jacket.

  14. ah yes... it was ages ago but i remember my sister's white platforms finding their way to just inside my bedroom, right by the door... how? well i never did ask but they left a lasting impression on me. they had thick chunky heels and platform, thick white ankle straps and vamp and fit my then size 5 feet perfectly! she wore size 7. i remember wearing those when the house was empty and thinking they looked really great on my feet. i was just a young kid at the time, before my teen years.

  15. yes indeed its a short story for later. she is a brazen young lady who might go out as little red riding hood for halloween...

    me: my naughty nurse costume has arrived. its a super micro mini and extremely revealing, white pvc, and will look pretty flashy at the party this saturday night. not sure about the nylons, fishnets or who knows what for the legs. but for certain its going to be my white 7.5 inch spike heels from pierre silber, the same ones i have had so much fun with since the summer, including my adventures while on summer vacation! those shoes are getting a work out!

    the wife took me out for lunch today and i thought i would be a bit on the brazen side so i wore my black 7.5 inch heel boots from maya shoes. here is a picture my wife took on our way to the diner.

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    hope you like.

  16. i am pacing the floors around here waiting and hoping that costume of mine arrives in time for the big party in 2 weeks time... meanwhile the ladies in the house have been keeping me amused with their sorted high heel adventures including the young lady who... well she is following in my 7.5 inch spike heeled footsteps more than i thought possible! a short story i suppose we should save for later. managed to get out twice yesterday sporting my boots. in the afternoon with my 6 inch heel cupids and last evening with my 7.5 inch heel black beauties from maya. fun stuff. and amusing too, watching people staring at 7.5 inch heels on a man while he is escorting a beautiful woman.

  17. here is one example of what my tight jeans look like:

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    and here is the back:

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    this pair in particular i have had a lot of fun with. i trimmed them down to shorts so they are cut just above the knee, kinda wish i hadn't done that now but ah well. i have a few pairs of jeans with that lycra spandex material blend and i can tell you, there is a certain kind of lady that is attracted to that look on a man, in particular, a man in really high heels!

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