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Posts posted by w6ish

  1. i'm not much into low heels but i must admit they are nice sandals and your nails are perfect. your story reminds me of an adventure of mine when i went into a salon in Montreal wearing my 6 inch heel Sherbert sandals from Pierre Silber. the place was full of strippers getting ready for their evening show and when i came in!!! well lets just say it was quite the experience. i wore my shoes in and out of there and they truly did a beautiful job. my wife paid for it. i'll never forget the girl who did my nails, when she put my shoes back on, she really grabbed the ankle straps aggressively and pulled them extra snug when she buckled them onto my tanned feet. fun stuff.

  2. it certainly seems to be normal in this town: a man can walk anywhere he wants in his 6 inch heels and not deal with any reaction, positive or negative. i was out all afternoon and into the early evening yesterday, up and down streets, into clubs, some fancy ones and some grungy ones, sitting alone at a table or at the bar with a dozen other folks, crossing the street at busy intersections, riding the transit, everything you would normally do. and no hassle. i guess that is what we want. i was sitting at a table in one club watching some of the sports on the tv, when a woman came in alone, and sat next to my table. she could see my cupid boots and she looked at them. after a while she got up and asked me to watch the waitress didn't take her drink when she was out for a cigarette! that's it! in another place, and old man walked up and patted my shoulder saying: you give new life to the old expression of being well heeled. crazy stuff. i guess there is a bridge one crosses where it becomes totally natural to wear high heels. the next thing for me to do is switch gears and order up a pair of those 7.5 inch spike heel boots from pierre silber! pardon the pun, but when i get those fancy boots, i'll have reached my plateau!

  3. the reason i wonder is: i just came in from an evening of walking these good city streets, its friday night and the hustle and bustle is exactly what one would expect in the capital city on such a night. there are people everywhere. bars are open. bands are playing. sports games are on the big screen tvs. and folks not so lucky are standing on street corners asking for change. cab stands are busy. street vendors are out. the weather is quite mild for early november. no rain, no snow. the wind from earlier has died down. so its perfect for 6 inch heels. i've been walking in my cupid boots and i actually caught myself at a busy downtown intersection telling myself: the thrill is gone! i remember the first time i wore my white 6 inch spike heels in public. it was a lame road side vendor selling fries and soda pop. it was all the courage i could muster to get out of the car and step up on her platform to place an order. i had butterflies to no end. even my hands were shaking when i tried to collect my change. she saw my heels. and the look on her face was priceless. i miss that excitement. these days, for me, wearing fully exposed 6 inch heels, has become common place. i think that is not good. what does one do to spice up or re spark the thrill that started it all? all replies will be greatly appreciated.

  4. maybe its not the best reaction but it was definitely favourable: i was on the main street this afternoon, wearing my 6 inch heel cupid boots, jeans which don't hide the heel, black sweater and black leather jacket. all in all i thought it looked fairly slick. i've taken to riding the public transit these days as i enjoy the kooky reactions i get from all the other riders. anyway. i was standing on the main street waiting for the bus and i didn't realize i was standing right outside a women's beauty salon. at first i thought the hairdressers were coming out to check out the fine weather or maybe have a cigarette. none of them were smoking and they came out in pairs, only for a few minutes. the bus was late so i started wandering up and down the street a little ways out of boredom. that's when i saw two of these hairdressers standing outside their shop, both of them staring right at my heels and smiling. one of them said: those are beautiful boots. the other said: you have great balance! well that was one of the best reactions i've heard in a day or two! i'm still out, its around 330 in the afternoon, i'm at an internet cafe and i've enjoyed all the attention a pair of fully exposed 6 inch heels will get you. but now my feet are starting to complain and i think its time to go home. one thing i'm pondering... if i can get so much time out of 7.5 inch heels without any complaints, than maybe a pair of boots with 7.5 inch heels is the way for me to go.

  5. the halloween party was a blast to say the least. we arrived around 1030 and stayed until closing time, which i believe was somewhere around 230. i spent the entire evening in my 7.5 inch heels! on the street i heard a few weird comments, mostly from the boys with the short hair. but i did hear a lot of positive comments from the ladies and especially once i got into the place. i met up with my party friends after spending an hour wandering about the place, and they had me sit down and put my shoes up on their knees. one lady, who saw me two years ago when i was wearing my double buckle beauties from FOH, looked at my heels with wide eyes and asked: how high are those things? i told her 8 inches, which is what they measure in at, right at the end of the shoe. the look on her face was priceless! a lot of women were interested in where i bought them and how much and they were amazed to find i paid 30 bucks for them on ebay. i got home and was sorry to take them off, wishing there were some other place we could go but it was the middle of the night! i looked at the suede insoles and my foot prints could be vaguely seen. i checked out the heels and platforms and they were splattered with all the crude and junk you would find on the to and from and in a wild and crazy dance hall packed with 400 swinging folks. this is the second time i've gone on an extended outing with heels higher than 6 inches. these 7.5 inch heels are very comfortable, i can get away with wearing them a lot longer than my 6 inch heels, i guess the lift isn't as great and that makes a big difference. my feet weren't complaining one bit. my wife, she opted out of her 7.5 inch heels at the last moment. i think she was nervous and not practiced. ah well. next time.

  6. anyone walk around, either in your house or on the streets, after you've had few drinks? its 530 here, and "we" have a had a few while waiting for the big show to start. i'm thinking now wait a minute... we aren't even suited up for this thing and i'm starting to get a bit spooked about my ability to wear 7.5 inch heels down a street. aaah... maybe i'll take a stroll to catch some air. keep you posted.

  7. its tonight and the place is sold out, there should be 400 folks in there whooping it up and sporting who knows what all in the costumes department. all i know is this is one of those great opportunities to really go over board with the high heels! this year i am wearing a black spandex body suit with a skeleton design attached. i am going to wear a top hat and tuxedo jacket with tails, a walk stick and flashy diamond rings. for shoes... this is where i'm going over board: i'm going to wear my white 7.5 inch heels i bought from ebay last spring. they lace up all the way up to the knee! its going to be enough of a thrill wearing that costume and those shoes in a crowded dance hall all night but there is the to and from as well, and i am going to enjoy the walk! i'll let you know how it goes. and hopefully share a few pictures too.

  8. yes. everyone in the family is aware and okay with it. including the circle of friends. so i am very lucky. mind you, folks on the street, passers by, they don't know what to think. sometimes its amusing and sometimes it isn't.

  9. my wife's 7.5's arrived this week and they are some awesomely sexy shoes. she tried them on and attempted to walk across the living room and down the hallway. she found it tough going but i told her practice would make it perfect. our teenage daughter was next. right now she is wearing size 8, and she is often fooling around with any of the dozen pairs of my white shoes which are always lying about in the bedroom, but my size 12 are just way too big for her. these size 9's that just arrived are much better for her. she tried them on and gave it go and did alright. she paused in front of the mirror and stared at them for a long time. i think she is going to be one of those girls who gets out sporting the ultra high heel. my wife, she is giving herself 3 weeks to get up to speed with her new heels before she ventures outdoors with them, when we go out for my birthday dinner. looking forward to that and i will keep you posted.

  10. yes indeed. some guys do have all the luck. also: i just bought my wife some 7.5 inch heels with a 3 inch plat, in black and she will wear them! she wore her 6 inch heels last weekend, with a mini and tight top and holy mackinaw was she hot! the 7.5's haven't arrived yet but when they do, i'll mail the latest.

  11. lost my first message! anyway: sorry i haven't been around too much to answer those questions but i've been on the road and will continue to be. the questions: i fell off my white double buckle beauties on a main street, in front of hundreds of people... my wife and girlfriend were there and helped me off the pavement. i stepped in a small pothole with my right platform and down i went. that is what you get for not watching where you are going. it was the most embarrassing high heel experience i have had! my trip to toronto to visit my friend was something truly awesome. but what i think about the most is this: those 7.5 inch heels are some unusually comfortable heels. i can walk in those heels for more than 4 hours and really make an afternoon and evening out it. of course they grab a lot of attention. and someone here said white heels don't go well with blue jeans, well i disagree. i think they go fantastically well. the darker the jean the better the contrast and the more excitement. the summer is over where i live and its going to have to be my cupid boots from now on. but i am going to order 3 more pairs of white 7.5 inch heels from forplay shoes and i'll save them for next summer, by which time i'll have practiced wearing them plenty, to save me from anymore pothole disasters! sorry bout my e mail address, its closed due to neglect. you'll have to contact me here. happy heeling folks!

  12. i have not printed my adventures but you give me a great idea. there are a lot of day to day things i write down but of course don't post. and some adventures i know for certain i would love to share but i'm not certain if the readers here would interested. like my little frog adventure. do you think something like that would work? i would print it under my internet handle: White 6 Inch Spike Heels. i think that says it all. (except that i'm so fond of 7.5 inch heels these days... ) i do have pictures of my trusty and faithful sherberts. bobhh posted a pic for me last summer and i'll find out where that is on this board. i just came back from a trip to the good city of Toronto where i have an old friend from art school. she is quite the lady! it isn't anything sexual, its all art and high heels. we are both in our thirties and time has taken its toll on her! she is at least 250 pounds. she talks about her weight and her personal style but all that just gets blown out of the water when i come strolling in. when i visited her last week i walked in wearing my black body suit, a lycra spandex thing, with a women's blue jean jacket that is high cut, so it comes down to just above the navel which i enjoy wearing because in skin tight clothes it really accentuates the legs and my shapely backside! i don't wear skin tight clothes too often because unfortunately i have really huge testicles and a big you know what, that are impossible to hide when in skin tight stuff. it looks like i have a ripe grapefruit and banana shoved down there but my art school friend knows its just me. anyway, her focus is on my footwear and she absolutely has a major thing for my white high heels. i use to drive her crazy with jealousy wearing my 6 inch heels but last week i took it up a notch and wore my new 7.5 inch heels. those slick looking shoes drove her totally mad! usually when i walk in she stares at my crotch for a few minutes before looking at my footwear. this time she went straight to my feet and said in a loud voice: oh my god!!! she just couldn't take her eyes off my heels and that attention i have to admit, i love. we got into our usual visiting position on her couch, where i sit on one end and she sits on the other. she has her thick feet on the floor and mine, shoes and all, are over her knees. after we visited for a few hours, catching up on all the inbetweens, we took a drive north of the city to a place called Luther Marsh. she wanted to go there because it reminds her of where she was raised. out there we watched the moon rise and walked down the quiet country roads for several hours. i was in heaven because she just couldn't take her eyes off my new shoes. and she just couldn't get beyond that fact that they were higher than my usual high heels which to her, are way too high in first place. i think she was waiting for me to fall off them! we got back to the city around 3 in the morning and got back to our usual position on her couch. she used a damp cloth to wipe the wear and tear off my spike heels and platforms and this absolutely excited me which she could obviously see. what an evening! there is more but i shall leave it at that for now.

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