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Posts posted by w6ish

  1. i'm not sure about the look. i tried it with some winter weight black leggings, the type you might wear out jogging, very thick comfortable material and skin tight from the waist to the ankles. i tried both pairs of boots, the 6 inch heel cupids and the 7.5 inch heels from maya but i wasn't sure about the look... i think some black knee highs are in order. i did go out yesterday for a short 3 to 4 hour outing wearing my cupids! that was a lot of fun, visiting the downtown, the mall, a chapters book store and the bank! i didn't get any negative reactions although there were a lot of gawkers in the crowd! and of course i enjoy their reactions. i took the via train last saturday and made a 9 hour day in my cupids! i started here in the capital city and had many interesting reactions. for one, i stopped at a popular bar downtown before i went to the train station. i walked in carrying a bag full of christmas parcels and nothing else. the ladies had taken off a few days earlier and i was catching up with them in toronto. so i walked into this bar, it was mid afternoon and a guy saw my boots and freaked! he came up with the usual: "look at that queer!" stare and he nudged his drinking buddies to take a look. i sat down at the bar and ordered up a snort and looked at him: he was wearing a pink shirt and ear rings in both ears... so i thought hey wait a second... how come you can wear a pink shirt and ear rings and think i'm the joke? cause i was slicked up in my blue jeans, a black t shirt, a black leather jacket and my black boots! the only thing unusual about my outfit was the totally exposed 6 inch heels! ah well. i didn't pay any attention to them and got to the train station without any problems. at the other end, down at union station, there was a gang of young lads half cut and they saw me and made a big deal out of it. they yelled out: hey look at that queer! it didn't matter to them that i was walking hand in hand with a beautiful lady, my wife, and that i was carrying a bag full of christmas parcels. they had to let the whole station know their thoughts on the matter. my wife yelled back at them but i said don't waste your time, nothing on this earth is going to change their opinions now, tomorrow or ever. so let it be. forget about it. she said i don't know how you put up with such garbage and i said i didn't put up with any garbage, cause i never take anything personally. then i said, i would be in real trouble if i believed their words or let them get to me. i mean what if i went home and took my boots off and threw them in the trash?!! that would be defeat but i said i'm not about that. i'm about going my own way. so it was a great day for wearing heels and i got a lot out of them. but i looked at my day book and saw i had only gone out 40 times this year!!! that includes all fetish events, halloween, sandals in the summer and boots in the spring and autumn! that is with the totally exposed 6 inch heels and the white 7.5's and black boots with the 7.5's... so something has definitely gotten to me! the year before i was out twice as much. ah well, its the end of another year and before its gone, i wanted to muster the courage to go out solo with my black 7.5's from maya. i go out solo in my cupids but not the maya boots. i've been out a number of times with the black 7.5's with the wife but never on my own. so i might save that for new year's eve. before the party starts over here, i might visit the local clubs where they know me and have seen me wearing my cupids, and take the year out in grand style! i'll let you know how it goes if i pull it off.

  2. if those 7.5's in the photo were knee highs i would be very tempted to wear my light blue skin tight jeans (partly made of very stretchy material!) tucked in but unfortunately they are ankle length boots. do you think i could get away with wearing my black leggings with those boots and the same mid length leather jacket? hope to hear from you soon.

  3. here is my look for these late autumn high heel outings. those are my 7.5 inch heels from maya but with the wrong jeans! the jeans i usually wear with these boots aren't as snug on the ankle like they are in this picture. actually these are the jeans i wear with the cupids.

    Posted Image

  4. i always look at my reflection in those big store front windows when i'm downtown either on the street or in the mall. some windows reflect better than others and i always take a look at my heels and if i'm standing around, i'll stand in a way that i can get a better look at the heel, like a side view! and i wear my jeans so they hang down to the top of the heel, so none of the heel is hidden from view. that is my personal style, whether they are 6 inch heels or 7.5 inch heels.

  5. i'm going to try some inserts this morning and see what the afternoon has in store because today is a beautiful dry day in the capital city: perfect for some extended street heeling! the only question is... which ones to wear? i've got my black 6 inch heel cupids with the 2 inch platform, or, if i'm feeling saucy! i could go with my black boots from maya, which have the 7.5 inch spike heel and 3 inch platform.

  6. what great stories! i laughed out loud when i read them! great stuff. i for one use to wear 6 inch heels with a 2 inch platform. i wore them on the street with ultra short jean shorts cause i just didn't care what anyone had to say about anything anymore. i fell off those once right there on the street! my wife said i went down like a gazelle... (hit by a sniper... ) then last winter, after i had switched up to the 7.5 inch spike heels with a 3 inch platform, this was after having a few beers, i fell off them right on the main street!! what an embarrassing situation! my wife wasn't there but some very good friends were and they picked me up off, much cursing on my part, cause it was a disaster! anyway. those were my two wipe outs. haven't had anymore and the bottom line, especially if you wear 7.5 inch heels or higher, you have to pay attention to where that little platform is landing... great story you have there. love to read more. keep posting.

  7. so this is saturday morning, day two off the heels! i suppose those boots would be a lot more enjoyable if the padding on the insole were like my white 7.5's from pierre silber. the white ones have a thick suede insole with lots of padding and i have gotten away with wearing those for 5 to 7 hour stretches without any complaints. i took a closer look at those boots and there isn't anything in the way of padding. same with my black 7.5 inch heel boots from maya, no thick padding. kinda makes you wonder why... anyway. i'm taking a break from the heels for a week or two, so i'll be signing off for now and hopefully will catch up with you in the not too distant future.

  8. this is thursday, i've been wearing these 6 inch heel cupid boots since noon and the time on this computer reads 430 and i believe it cause my feet are killin me! that is it. i am done. i've been wearing 6 inch heels every day since last week and not only can my feet not take it, my legs too! the balls on my feet are raw! so that's it. i'm done. i don't know how women do it in there higher than 4 inch heels, how they do it every day. i've been wearing mine and whew! all i can dream about is putting my feet up. regarding another post here on the guy thing: were can a guy wear his heels... how about out on the street where everone else wears their heels. i've been wearing mine for at least a week in the capital city and i've heard some weird comments but i've heard some good ones too. so who cares? just wear your heels in plain view.

  9. so here i am again in the downtown, sporting my black cupid boots with the 6 inch heels! i spent 12 hours in them yesterday and that was some stretch! my feet were feeling it this morning. but that didn't keep me from lacing them up today at noon and going back downtown via the city transit. had some fun and saw my sexy heels in those big store front windows. and of course saw all the other people in the rut, staring at them as well. so all in all a lot of fun. when it came time to catch the bus out, i stood were i was last night and waited and got the same old dopey stares. it seems regular folks with the regular dopey IQ just can't figure it out! especially those old bags from the war era. they stare at me and then my shoes and they just can't believe it. i chuckle all the while. then every now and again, someone out of thousands, will come along and say something. one guy, instead of looking at my shoes looked at my left shoulder patch and said: nice patch! i said: 2nd Division! he said: i know! we raised fists and he went on his way. then a beautiful young girl not more than 19 came along and she said: i absolutely love your boots! now that was worth the whole exercise. i watched her walk down the street and she was a fantastically beautiful young lady. it wasn't long after that i caught my bus but before going home i had to stop here and post a few thoughts. hope you enjoy.

  10. so here it is, almost 7 p.m., in the downtown core, still in my 6 inch heel cupid boots! i put them on today at 1230 and i can tell you i'm getting my money's worth from them today. i have the day off so i went down to where the central transit system is, all the buses going in and out of town leave from there, and i pretended i was waiting for my bus... what a gas. so many folks hustling and bustling in the rut, gaggling and googling at my 6 inch heels blaring in clear view... truth be told it was rather amusing. i watched many commuters do the old double take. then i saw many of them walk by staring! and of course i saw many of them walk by and then look back, just to make sure they weren't seeing things!!! so i got a chuckle out of that. well i really did miss my bus. so instead of standing around out there, it was getting a bit nippy, i went back into the downtown mall and walked to the public phones. now there is a choice of public phones of course but i picked the phones outfront of a bar, an open air bar, loaded with patrons, and i dialed up the wife and told her i would be downtown awhile longer. i looked back every now and again and saw the working class staring at my heels with a wide variety of scowls, snarls and "look at that fag" expressions on their red faces. i enjoyed seeing them look at my black boots so i prolonged the conversation and did all those high heel things you see folks who wear them, do, when they stand in one place for any length of time. an amusing scene! while i was walking in the mall i pretended to look at the stuff in the jumbo windows but i was really looking at my 6 inch heels working along those big old mall tiles! saw some teenage girls oogling and caught a few of the laughing but i chuckled too, cause they were all were all wearing high heels but they sure weren't anywhere near where mine where! so it was a good time. but now its closing in on 7 p.m. that's 6 and half hours in 6 inch heels! don't know if you've done that before but i can tell you i certainly have and you max out after awhile. over here in sweet north america, its monday night football, but that doesn't start till 830. my beauty wife told me to take my time and enjoy my day off, so i think i might just hang around out here awhile longer and watch that first half at one of these clubs and take a load off these wild and crazy high heels. wish i had a photo to share with you. one thing is for certain: no one is going to give you a hard time when you wear high heels. of course they are going to stare but they aren't going to drag you off to jail for wearing them, even if they are the highest heels in the whole city, maybe even the whole country! so my advice to you folks, guys especially, is, if you're pondering wearing them out, go ahead and do it. you'll love yourself for doing it.

  11. the photobucket thing, the album title is: whsp1234 and the msn group is closed! the wife and i went out on halloween to some small bar which was advertising a halloween party. we went in and the place was dead! there was maybe 20 people, some in costume. we were both wearing black and i decided to wear those fish nets again with the white 7.5 inch heels from pierre silber. i just love the look of that outfit and how totally exposed the shoes are. we had to walk down several streets to get to the club as the neighbourhood was packed with all those college kids out at their parties. it was beautiful to see those youngsters out there and i chuckled when i saw several nurse costumes... i noticed none of the girls were wearing really high heels. they were wearing modest looking heels, around 3 or 4 inches and i saw one girl wearing wedges that looked to be 6 inches high, but no one was wearing the super 7.5's. so when they saw me coming down the street in my blaring white 7.5's totally exposed, they stopped and stared! i heard someone say: what the... kooky stuff. but fun. we stopped at an all night diner after that club and it too was packed with young people and i just loved how they couldn't take their eyes off my high heels. what a blast. a few people came to sit with us and they all had the same comments: i love your shoes. so my question is: how come more people don't wear them? the wife said i bet you can't dance in those things!

  12. i posted a pic of that outfit from saturday night on my photobucket album, too bad it doesn't show the shoes! but you can see the fish nets! ah it was a blast. this being the official night of halloween, there are plenty of parties in this town to go to and i might jump into the old nurse costume from last year and hit one of them. i think the nurse thing with the fish nets and the white 7.5 inch heels will make a good statement!

  13. wore the black outfit last night with the fish nets and my white 7.5 inch heels and made it to the end of the night! right to last call! so that wasn't bad. didn't get voted in this year but i knew that act from last year was just too tough to follow. but i had a great time and the wife sure did love those fish nets. but i had some very slick comments from a lot of the girls attending. one girl said "you have better legs than i do!" now that was nice of her. and then i got the usual "how do you walk in those?" from a lot of other girls. but the best was looking around and seeing the girls looking at my shoes. not just casually checking them out but staring at them. i saw one girl looking at them and then she saw me looking at her so she looked away. i stood there for awhile longer and then looked back at her and she was back to staring at them. i wonder what she was thinking. somehow the thought came to me that maybe she could wear heels that high... don't know. she had a very interesting expression on her lovely face. i had a bunch of photos taken but not one of them include my shoes!!! jeez i hate it when that happens! i told people who were taking pictures, don't forget to include the shoes and of course they didn't! what a downer. well i lasted from 9 till 3 a.m. in those 7.5 inch heels and my feet feel it today! awfully glad to have done it though as i love the reaction i get from our friends and from the strangers including the young ladies who can't help but stare at my shoes! fun stuff.

  14. tonight is the ever popular halloween bash and i'm looking forward to being in with the festivities. my nurse costume from last year is a pretty tough act to follow so this year i'm going in some black general issue spook wear which absolutely is going to include my white 7.5's from pierre silber. my wife bought me some fish nets and asked me to try them on last night. first time wearing them! came out with them on and a pair of my ultra high heels and she said those look better than i'd imagined! what a great woman!

  15. its another sunday night in the city, this time with rain. i'm back in the downtown at the internet cafe, taking a break from walking!!! i've had my cupid boots on since 12 noon and been all over the downtown on foot. its 630 now and my feet are telling me its time to take a break! and i'm jumping on the next bus out of here! but its fun being out and about, wearing the highest heels in the whole city! high and totally exposed. there is something very sexy about seeing the reflection of those 6 inch heels in the big store front windows, or in the windows at the mall. when i left today i asked my wife if the pant legs were too short for these boots. she said no. because it is a statement, wearing them like this. anyway. i love seeing them in those reflections. and i love getting all of those kooky stares from the so called trendy young ladies!

  16. i am pondering the costumes but halloween will soon be here. thought i would take a walk downtown tonight, so here i am at one of those all night internet cafes checking the messages and wearing my cupid boots with the 6 inch heels! i wore the jeans that are snug on the ankle, so none of the heel is hidden. i love looking at the reflection in the big store front windows. i've had the platform bottom and heel tips replaced on these and they are much quieter than the originals which i don't mind. because when i started out tonight, alone, i had butterflies. i'm definitely in the relax mode now.

  17. the good thing about september is boot wearing season is back! i wore my black 7.5's from maya shoes last night. my wife and i took in an art show opening at an independent gallery last night and it was full of the so called local arts and artists scene. i caught a couple of the well to do'ers gawking at my footwear. after we visited a small but very busy bar in little italy and i love those italian girls. they just couldn't take their eyes off those shined up super high heels. beautiful experience. before we went out i brought down both pairs of boots, my 7.5's from maya shoes and my 6 inch heels from forplay, i was going to ask my wife which ones? i didn't though and just went with the super high heels.

  18. glad to have been out once again sporting the old skin tight black body suit and the white 7.5 inch heels! i went out last night with the wife and i wore those 7.5's that i modified last spring. they use to have lace ups to below the knee and were tedious getting into. i love the look of the spike heel and platform so i trimmed them down to ankle styles. i dusted them off last night and hit the streets. the wife and i were walking along holding hands and she was chuckling about me always looking down at the side walk! i said you try a long distance stroll down a city street in 7.5 inch heels! i've fallen off my 7.5's twice this year, how embarassing! no embarassments last evening though as i managed the stroll. we were downtown via a cab, and i can tell you i still get the butterflies when wearing totally exposed, white over black, 7.5 inch spike heels! i don't care anymore if i get any weird looks but of course i love it when i get positive comments. i stepped out onto the street from the cab and saw my reflection in the shop front windows and thought if the lads on the hhplace board could see me now! we stopped at a late night diner on the way home, quite some distance from our address. i was asking the wife to please pick a place closer to home but she wanted something in particular. after we paid up and left, it was a 25 minute walk back to the house! by this time it was 1230 so the streets weren't crowded but there were a lot of folks still out and a pair of blaring white fetish high heels totally exposed do snap up all kinds of attention. kooky stuff. unfortunately i didn't get any pictures. anyway, so much for the no whites after labour day! i never play by the rules anyway.

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