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Well, I tried


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Today, my mom worked. Free day. Dropped my sis off with cousin to babysit awhile. More freedom! Step-dad went off to work. Great freedom!!!! I needed to go cash in my birthday check at the bank, so I went and did that. Simple play. Well, behind my mom's back (she's at work, no worries), I went to the Thrift Store. Now I know what you all are immediately thinking: "Thrift Store, for heels?" Well, with the money I have, I can't really afford a good new pair from Payless, so this IS the best I got. Plus, they're very nice pairs for only up to 3-4 dollars :o I came in to a pretty "packed" place. Well, at least at the "Shoes" section was packed with women of all ages. So I "shopped" on the side with no people on it. Little did I know, the sizes were all quite small for my feet, especially when I tried 2 pair on, privately, of course. I, at least, found a pair I may want, but the controversy of how to get them in the house came up. Plus, I, at least, built up the courage to look at the wide variety of shoes. A couple going past saw me, and I think I heard a laugh from the girl, but it didn't matter. I continued browsing for the 10 minutes I was there. I left and decided to come at an earlier time next time. As it wouldn't be as crowded then. The good thing, to me, is: I tried. I attempted to find a good pair, which I did but didn't get. But I tried, and that should be a confidence boost. What you all think?

Formally "HHDude"

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It's a step in the right direction if that's where you want to be. I've only tried womens shoes on in store once, and not since. Kudos to you for following your own path.

He was so narrow minded he could see through a keyhole with both eyes.

Brown's Law: If the shoe fits, it's ugly

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HHD! Great experience, wasn't it? Don't be in such a rush, though. Take your time and just enjoy your time away from school. Shopping at thrift stores does have it's good points. Nice, nearly new, little worn, shoes. And people that usually don't mind what you "try on" while shopping. You'll find the perfect pair soon. Just enjoy it while you can. :o

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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Shoe shopping is a lot like fishing, a lot of times you come back empty-handed. (And don't get me going on "the one that got away".) We call it "shoe shopping", and it is not necessarily "shoe buying". It is best to buy when you find that perfect pair that you would actually wear, not just buy because you want heels so badly and you just found a pair that you can get on your feet. Keep at it, perseverance pays off in the end. You have made a start.

Have a happy time!

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Shopping for heels has to be part of the process to better enjoyment. The anticipation, the research, the discovery, the sampling, the actual choosing, the walking out in them or carrying them in a shopping bag, the reaching home and sharing your purchase with your spouse or girlfriend, the coordinating an outfit to wear with them, the wearing them on the date or an evening together, and etc. There will be more available times for these opportunities. So, put on your heels and strut your stuff in a world of fun.

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I only bought heels in a store a couple of times myself, I was just a bit older than you at the time, and it was quite nerve racking. It takes a great deal of courage to do at a store. Fortunately, the internet has been fantastic shoe store for me in recent years. Sounds like you did really well this time, keep it up, you'll feel a great relief when you do accomplish it.

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You have to learn to ignore the people around you kind of like an ostrich. If he sticks his head in the sand he can't see the predetor so it can't see him. I have found that if you don't worry about the people around you they really aren't paying attention to you.


"Look for the woman in the dress, if there is no dress there is no woman."-Coco Channel

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You have to learn to ignore the people around you kind of like an ostrich. If he sticks his head in the sand he can't see the predetor so it can't see him. I have found that if you don't worry about the people around you they really aren't paying attention to you.


Ostriches don't do that, despite the common opinion: "When lying down and hiding from predators, the birds lay their head and neck flat on the ground, making them appear as a mound of earth from a distance. This even works for the males, as they hold their wings and tail low so that the heat haze of the hot, dry air that often occurs in their habitat aids in making them appear as a nondescript dark lump. When threatened, Ostriches run away, but they can cause serious injury and death with kicks from their powerful legs. Their legs can only kick forward." (Wikipedia)

Maybe you can adopt this behavior to people who love because you're trying on heels? (just kidding....) :o

I guess the best is infact to ignore laughter, but be aware that particularly teenagers may react like that. Those are also the most likely ones to take their cell phone and take a video.

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It's a step in the right direction if that's where you want to be. I've only tried womens shoes on in store once, and not since. Kudos to you for following your own path.

Thanks alot, shyguy :w00t2: Appreciate it.

HHD! Great experience, wasn't it? Don't be in such a rush, though. Take your time and just enjoy your time away from school. Shopping at thrift stores does have it's good points. Nice, nearly new, little worn, shoes.

Fully aware of it, Bubba. I wanted to start low before going to (what's the prices for Payless?) $20, I think it is. Used and/or worn as they are, doesn't matter too much to me. And as for the rush...well, no rush at all. Heh, I should slow it down a bit, huh? Still have a summer to look forward to finishing off. That, and Summer Reading for my school x.x

Shoe shopping is a lot like fishing, a lot of times you come back empty-handed. (And don't get me going on "the one that got away".)

Keep at it, perseverance pays off in the end. You have made a start.

I hear yah there. The pair I saw were rather old-fashioned. Leather cork wedges looking like they were from the '70's or something. And they were a size 11! Although I know 2 sizes up from a 10 would be my range, I'm looking to try these on next time I visit. Comfy or no? We'll see next time, IF they're there :o

Kind of a rush huh? Just be yourself and don't pay any attention to what others are doing or thinking. Have fun. It's only shoes.

Sounds good to me. LOL

Haha, thanks.

There will be more available times for these opportunities. So, put on your heels and strut your stuff in a world of fun.

I'm getting there, stiletto. Just bear with me for a sec! :w00t2:

I only bought heels in a store a couple of times myself, I was just a bit older than you at the time, and it was quite nerve racking. It takes a great deal of courage to do at a store. Fortunately, the internet has been fantastic shoe store for me in recent years.

Sounds like you did really well this time, keep it up, you'll feel a great relief when you do accomplish it.

I know. I hope to overcome this, and shoot. Probably change the way my town looks at males in heels. Pretty big goal, right?

I think you did very well. :-?

Keep up the 'good work'. :cool1:

Thanks alot, freddy.

Formally "HHDude"

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You have bettered me HHD and I have been wearing heels for years now. I have never tried heels on before in a shop. As others have said, many shopping trips can be fruitless. You have simply fallen off the bicycle, so now its time to dust yourself off and get back on there. Trust me, when you find the right pair it will be more than worth it.

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Thanks all for words of encouragement. I do admit, I was scared at first, but I pushed through and tried on a few. As there were no stools or anything to sit on nearby, I had to kinda sit on this attempt. But it paid off. Upped my confidence some. And now, I'm ready for my next visit. Mom's asking me to go to the store tomorrow. Maybe I won't have the sis again and I'll be on my way to the thrift store Again! :o Wish me luck!

Formally "HHDude"

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Hi HHD, You might think about saving your money till you have enough to get a new pair at payless and get the pair you really want. You might get waited on by a lady that would be glad to help you pick out a pair. There are several ways to get them to your room. One would be to carry them in a back pack. I know most people still in school have to have them. If not then get a family member to buy you a pack. You just have to say you need one for the new school year.

t-straps are my favorite style.

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I go in the store in heels anyway, maybe not 5", so it's just a regular purchase of new heels before i try them on. I take uk 6 or 7 depending, so i need to try. If you have a favourite store, become a regular, they will know you and welcome you in time.

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I thank you all for your comments. Now, after the confidence boost that day AND the confidence of going to pay my car note (with mom's money, of course!), I have done it. At only 17 years of age....

HHDude has bought himself his 1st not one, but 2 pairs of high heels!

From..a Thrift Store!

YAY! I was soo proud of myself getting the first pair that I just had to get another, and they were both cheap, of course! But wearable nonetheless. Now, although they were probably used once or twice, I didn't care. While I had the confidence boost yesterday, I needed to seize the moments I had to get me a pair, at a very low price (too low). Plus, my mom was out, so I had the chance to hide them as well!

But to the story....

Yesterday, I had to go pay the car note, cause my "birthday truck" wasn't paid off fully yet, so I went. While my mom, little sis, AND step-dad were out to Chicago for 4 hours! Now, this is perfect, I thought and went home before I left out again. I went to the first place, Salvation Army the store's called. I went in, and again, pretty crowded but less people in the "Shoes" section, just browsers mainly. So I again went to the side with no one on it, and I looked ahead. A seat to try the shoes on! :w00t2: Did they read my mind? lol, but I went to the chair. It was part of a courtyard table set, so I pulled it out and turned it so I could try on some heels. I looked around, took a deep breath (which really calmed me down), and started grabbing pairs, including the wedges I saw last week.

I tried them on immediately...rather, I took them from the shelf which they were like on the other side of me, and brought them so I could sit and try them on, socks on. :o They fit like a charm! And believe me when I say this: I felt every single emotion you would when you try on your first pair, especially in store!

Well, I took them back off and put them next to me on the shelf, hoping no one would take them while I was there, cause I really wanted these. They felt so perfect. Even with the socks on, they still felt like they were meant to be mine. It was (as everyone says) like a dream come true: they were wedges, and were somewhat high, 2" plat 4" heel....I'll leave it at: They were perfect :clap:

So, they're next to me, and I continue to look for other heels I could put into consideration for next time (which comes the same day, btw). I saw: a few stilettos, gold ones I really liked but couldn't fit; some Mary Jane's I was interested in, but not what I was looking for; a few clogs; some flats - heck! I saw the whole echelada (that how you spell it?)! Took them from the shelf, went back to my seat, tried them on, put them back. It was a not-too-long cycle going, with few probably not caring at all, to all who were looking. And I actually had fun, if you can have that happen with your 1st pair. It was a great moment I'll never forget :w00t2:

(Not to forget about my HUGEE confidence boost I got from it :wave:

Now, as for the 2nd pair, haven't measured them yet but look pretty high, I got them much later, after taking some pics of me in my 1st pair (which I'll put up soon), socks and without, and boy! My feet never looked so good! There's just a small little problem with them: the padding....well, it doesn't feel like any padding is on them, so I'll buy the needed padding for them later.

But, back to the 2nd pair. I got them at another Thrift Store not to far from the Salvation Army I was at. They seem to have a much wider variety of heels there. Even the oldest of the old were here, but they were all separated from the more newer ones, so that was good. I knew where NOT to search. lol, but yeah. I browsed once again at the even-wider selections, and saw a few interesting ones, including some MJ's that were clog-like, and other very high ones, highest being probably 4-5". I saw some that I liked, but were too small for me :'( and others that looked nice, but I couldn't pull myself to try them on, maybe because it was nearing closing time. But one pair I couldn't keep my eyes off of were actually on an up-front table when you first come in. I saw them once before, but thought Nahh. They won't fit me. But I soon came to realization that...I didn't try them on, so how did I know I couldn't fit 'em?

So, I went back to grab them from the table, and go in the nearest aisle behind me, and try them on. A couple of people went by, actually, and either didn't pay me no mind, or they saw me but didn't care (and I'm betting on the 2nd option). But I went on to try these [what looked like] goth-like skyscrapers from Hot Topic (original place it must have come from before being donated). And what do you know? They fit on well without socks, that is. :sad: Since it was a last-minute decision because the place was about to close, I decided to get them.

Then, after a trip to the Grocery Store and a call from mom (went past my curfew a little bit :o), I decided, These things I got are pretty high. Wonder how I would fair with driving in them... so I grabbed the right shoe (probably would of been the left shoe in the UK :-?), took my sock off, and put it on. Wow. Despite I wasn't even standing in these skyscrapers, my knee showed how much taller I would be if I were standing. I scoot my seat back, and went on home.

The End :D

P.s. Now, as I typed this, I kinda regret not going into the store with the first pair I got. I think no one would have cared. Seemed like a friendly "neighborhood" store, so don't think anyone would give any lip of what I was wearing. I kinda regret it now, but next time! Oh ho! I'm going in there with confidence in what I'm wearing, no matter what :D

Thanks for reading!:cool1:

Formally "HHDude"

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Thanks, Bubba :o Just uploaded the pics of my 1st pair. Gotta take some with the 2nd pair, but they'll come soon. But, don't you all just love the pair I nailed? :-? Didn't wanna take off the tag just yet, btw xD






Formally "HHDude"

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Thanks a bunch. I have a few places I need to go to in the morning, one including a bank, so hopefully, I muster up enough confidence to go in there like I'm on top of the world, literally! Ha ha. I'll update tomorrow when I can :o

Formally "HHDude"

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Thanks, Bubba :-?

Just uploaded the pics of my 1st pair. Gotta take some with the 2nd pair, but they'll come soon. But, don't you all just love the pair I nailed? :cool1: Didn't wanna take off the tag just yet, btw xD

Gotta flash on that camera HHD?

BTW, I read all your story and you have come a long way grasshopper. Congrats!:o

real men wear heels

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Unfortunately, I don't. It's a new phone, as my last phone was getting "lame" and "worn out." But that one did have a flash >.<

Btw, I recently posted how my Saturday out went, and it's pretty lenghty. Prepare yourself for the longest reading in....ever, maybe.

Here's where you can find it: http://www.hhplace.org/discuss/stories_high_heel_theme/11382-17_i_m_reached_outing_stage.html

I was thinking of asking the Team if I could have the two put together, but nahh. Me trying and me actually doing it is much too different. I perfer to keep them separate, please :o

Formally "HHDude"

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