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Whoopsie, fell off my heels today!


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Was pottering around the house yesterday so was wearing my 8.5" platforms around as I like to keep on top of walking on top of skyscraper shoes and not a second after thinking "wow, I haven't had any accidents on heels recently..." I fell off them. I'm not even sure how it happened, I think I trod on the edge of a rug though and both my ankles snapped out from under me, both heels were pointing inwards and fell to the ground, lol! Believe me, 8.5" is a long way to fall for little old me. I even managed to chip the laminate floor and took a chunk out the bottom of my shoes presumably with the heel. I'm pretty confident on my platforms it has to be said, but every so often a fall like that reminds me to be careful :thumbsup:

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I had a pair of 4" platforms when I was in high school. I was wearing them out for a walk one night and tripped and fell off of them. Twisted my ankle really bad. Had to almost crawl back home. It took a couple of months before the sprain was completely well. I decided after that episode that plats were really dangerous and haven't worn a pair since.:thumbsup:

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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Haha, thanks. I should get them insured! Doubt anyone would insure my ankes/legs though as I spend most of my life tottering around in heels.


I don't think you would have any problem getting insurance. They take one look at your pretty legs and ankles, they would probably make the payments.

Please be careful and I hope you are OK.

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Wow, sounds like I was lucky then Bubba136. I have fallen off my platforms a few times in my life, normally doing something silly at the time (I can't remember falling off just walking around like I did the other day) and every time I remember my foot going completely sideways. I have never actually injured myself amazingly, sure I will one day though :S

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I have never actually injured myself amazingly, sure I will one day though :S

I hope for all the right/nice reasons, you are wrong about this. :wink1:

If you had to spend any amount of time away from here, you'd be missed. You brighten the day for many of us. PLEASE be careful out there !! :thumbsup:

Glad you're alright. :smile:


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a few years back when I had 1st got my DEMONIA platform SANDELS (not gotten the boots in avitar yet @ that point) I was walking down a sidewalk (after getting off the bus) & I mis-judged my stride & I fell right on my bottom with my sandals still on my feet, me sitting on the aformentioned sidewalk bent up, not being able to really move, then laughing rather histerically @ my situation! (since then I had learned my lesson THESE sandals to wear THEM only @ HOME):smile: only the demonia BOOTS I can wear out with NO problem, thank you!:thumbsup:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Roz, you are a real credit to this forum. There are not enough girls out there that just wear extreme heels because they enjoy it. I've fallen off my ballets, my 8" and 12" platforms. It's part of the fun. I hope that you are ok, and trust that you will continue to brighten our days with your exploits BB

I love the feel of that ultimate lift!

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Thanks! I love wearing extreme skyscraper heels just because it's fun, my other half loves them too. That's the good thing about heels, there are different heels for different occassions. I would hardly wear any of my bedroom shoes out of the house (although it has been done, I've written that story here before, lol) which is why I have so many 'normal' heels. Makes me appreciate the higher ones for different reasons more tho.

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  • 2 months later...

Oh my god, these shoes must be cursed!! I've fallen off them again! I never fall off my heels, and I can hop skip and jump in even the highest platforms, but yet again I have fallen off the same pair of shoes as the original post in this thread, and this time I have *COMPLETELY* destroyed them! This time I was outside. Amazingly it's quite a nice evening and I was on MSN so I went out in my 8.5" tall Pleaser 802s and sat at my table. It was pretty dark out there but I was fine until I came back inside. I was carrying my laptop back in and was walking across the patio when I felt my feet go from under me. Because I was carrying my laptop I couldn't put my arm out to steady myself and both my ankles gave way and with an almighty great crash my shoes fell apart!!!! Basically the whole right shoe completely fell apart with just the insole and upper attached to my foot and the heel and platform just completely seperating, while the left shoe kind of came apart but is just about still attached. I grazed my right ankle but other than that I am fine, and most importantly I didn't drop my laptop. Unfortunately I am a pair of shoes down at the moment and am not entirely sure whether these are repairable! I have attached a pic my cousin took of the wrecked shoes, lol. This all happened about an hour ago BTW.


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Roz, the most important part is: you came through OK. As far as the shoes, as interesting as they are, you might want to write them off. They failed you in a big way, your feet and legs are far more precious than the shoes. Something is wrong with the balance or the geometry of those shoes -- they just don't mix with your stride and gait.

Have a happy time!

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Roz big up to you for wearing wkd heels, these ones must be no good so dont be disappointed, i remember twisting my ankle running for a train in 4" heels (but that was as a novice many years ago!). I too love your who gives a .... attitude towards big heels, we stick at 6" for outdoor wear and refuse to hold the handrail when going downstairs ! We do fashion, and do it with confidence, like you !

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I think it was just coincidence that I fell off these shoes twice, first time I didn't really look where I was going and kinda rolled off the edge of the rug, while this time goodness knows what happened. I wonder whether the top of the shoe coming off the bottom was as a result of me falling off, or whether it was the CAUSE of me falling off? I guess we'll never know. I have only had these shoes since June but they are completely wrecked, lol. I don't mind though, they were just an el cheapo pair for fun, I have far nicer platforms that I would never wear outside. I don't think the shoes were the wrong shape/geometry because I have tens of other shoes that are almost identical in shape/size/height that I haven't fallen off of. Just one of those things I guess. Thanks for the concern though. Just looked at my sad little shoes, makes me laugh haha.

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Years ago I had a couple of pair of heels with 4" plats. I tripped going down stairs one day and badly sprained my ankle. It took a couple of months before my ankle was back to normal. They scare me and I've not worn a pair since. :smile:

Being mentally comfortable in your own mind is the key to wearing heels in public.

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well, the only thing that had happened to me was when I was wearing my black DEMONIA platform sandals, after getting off the local bus, then I was walking a bit too fast on the sidewalk (not watching my stride in 5 inch platform sandals) I then shortly slipped (with them STILL on if you can believe) in front of passing traffic:oops: it was so rediculous to me that I broke out laughing!!!:smile: I have since worn them ONLY around the house when I feel like it. (now, my AVITAR demonia boots are a way different story- I wear THEM any time I like anyWHERE I like!)

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well, the only thing that had happened to me was when I was wearing my black DEMONIA platform sandals, after getting off the local bus, then I was walking a bit too fast on the sidewalk (not watching my stride in 5 inch platform sandals) I then shortly slipped (with them STILL on if you can believe) in front of passing traffic:oops: it was so rediculous to me that I broke out laughing!!!:smile: I have since worn them ONLY around the house when I feel like it. (now, my AVITAR demonia boots are a way different story- I wear THEM any time I like anyWHERE I like!)

these are KISS boots-if there good enough for THEM there goodenough for me!
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Oh my god, these shoes must be cursed!! I've fallen off them again!

I never fall off my heels, and I can hop skip and jump in even the highest platforms, but yet again I have fallen off the same pair of shoes as the original post in this thread, and this time I have *COMPLETELY* destroyed them!

This time I was outside. Amazingly it's quite a nice evening and I was on MSN so I went out in my 8.5" tall Pleaser 802s and sat at my table. It was pretty dark out there but I was fine until I came back inside.

I was carrying my laptop back in and was walking across the patio when I felt my feet go from under me. [...]

I have attached a pic my cousin took of the wrecked shoes, lol. This all happened about an hour ago BTW.

That's about how my avatar shoes looked when they broke :smile:

Seriously, good to hear that you're fine, which is more important than the shoes. That time, I was definitely glad that the shoes broke and not my ankle. My guess is that yours probably already suffered some hardly noticeable damage the first time you fell off of them, so that it just needed a tiny bit more for them to break.

Those platform sandals are by far more dangerous outside than inside. You just need to step onto something tiny that you otherwise hardly notice, and you fall ....

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I'm fine thanks, grazed ankle has heeled (no pun intended) nicely now!

No, they weren't the shoes in my avatar (they're one of my favourite pairs too, have about four variants of the same shoe too in different styles/colours).

You can just about make them out in this pic:


They were similar height, white platforms with see through upper and no ankle straps.

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i wear the exact same style of high heel and platform but with different ankle staps and vamps and i've also fallen off mine 3 times! twice walking down the city sidewalk and once in the club! talk about embarrassing! falling off my shoes at the club last year though was so embarrassing, i never went back! all 3 wipe outs featured me after a few drinks... so i guess you could say i've learned that booze and 7.5 inch heels don't mix! still, with my heavy duty street and club wipe outs, i've never trashed my shoes. you must have gone down pretty hard to yank those soles clean off the platforms! thank goodness you're okay!

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How lucky am I. I have worn 4" up to 6" stiletto high heels and have not taken a fall yet. Now watch, tomorrow I will casually be walking about and do a half gainer with a half twist off of my stilettos. Isn't that how it goes? LOL.

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