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My heeling out experience!


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I just wanted to get a thread going with my experiences of heeling outside. So, if you want to make a comment then go ahead. I hope you enjoy and if you wear heels, just go outside and about. No one cares and if they do it's only to themselves. Latindancer:smile: Here is my first time out thread. I just want to thank everyone on this site. I have always worn heels at home and so frustrated that I couldn't wear them out. It wasn't till this site that I had the courage to go out in them. I currently live outside the Chicago, USA area and it was very hard to even think about going out in heels. Well, I got the courage and started doing it. First, it was to the car, then to the mailbox. After that it was going out at night, driving around. But just like everyone in this site, I went for it. I first went out wearing clunky 3.5in boots. I was so scared because of the sound they make, but I got the courage and went into Blockbusters. I know that the guys there noticed the heels but like everyone says, no one said anything. I even had a conversation with one of the guys about movies(all the time him looking down at my heels). Oh, the heels where square too, so it was hard to tell the difference, and well hidden from the jeans. After that day, I decided to go with them in the afternoon to Kolh's. I walked around. Went around women that were wearing heels, because as a lot of people know they will also look down to see what shoes they someone is wearing. Well, nothing happened, no comments, no looks, it was great!!!!!:smile: I just came from going out in 3 inch stilletoe boots, patent black. I just didn't care. Went to a coffee shop, and I heard comments, like wow!! and whispers of he's wearing heals but nothing. I sat down, had coffee and enjoyed a bagel. Again, nothing. I went back this time to the Blockbuster and this time I know that the guys saw my heels. I heard them laugh, but I didn't care. When i went to pay for my new movie, it was professional as always. He was a little flustered though, cause he couldn't think of what to say, at the same time him taking peeks at my boots.:cheeky: There was also another guy who just keep looking at my boots and didn't say a word. Awesome!!! I'm still scared about going to malls, and bookstores cause of the amount of people but I think I will eventually do it. It was the best time. So, again thank you for the motivation, the help and giving me the cojones to do this. Now, I can wear my heels and enjoy myself. Well, this is the second post I had written, so for some of you it's old. I just copied and paste it here. Well, I just want to say that today I went out heeling for at least a couple of hours. I was wearing brown boots that have a square toe and heels at least 2.5". From the side the heels look like stilettoes but from the back they look like square. Well, first I went to taco bell to get some food. I just walked right in, ordered and sat down. I know some of them noticed but they didn't say anything. After that believe it but I went inside JCPenny and just walked around. At first, I tried to stay away from the aisle due to the noise the heels were making, but nothing. I even went up an escalator and nothing. I noticed a couple of guys looking when they heard the sound but nothing. After a while I started to see if anyone will say anything, so I decided to walk the aisle. My heels were clicking loud, but nothing. One women did see and just smile and giggled softly. I was starting to wonder if anyone was going to say anything, so I started clicking louder and still nothing. Wow!!!! :santa_hat: I took it to the next level, I left JCPenny and went to another store. I went to TJMax. As everyone know there is no carpets there. I just walked around making my clicking sound. Some peeked but nothing. I even walked next to a women that had a nice heel boot, and clicked along with her. I was getting upset a little that I decided to lift my pants up a little to make the heel more noticeable. Stayed there for a while and still nothing. Some guys looked and just kept going without a look or a thought. Not even a second take. Trust me when I say that the heels makes my feet look small, and they are very noticable as woman's shoe. After that, Starbucks. The girls inside noticed my boots and did the double take. I had to wait for my coffee, but she was still nice about the whole situation. I sat down, and everyone knows that you can see the whole shoe and heel but nothing. Again, wow!!! Talk about not caring. I was going to ask her if she noticed and see what her response were but decided not too. I think next time I am going out in my stilettoe boots that are really noticeable plus a pointed toe, just to see peoples reaction. Trust me people just do it and don't worry about it!!! I'm starting to have fun and thinking about the possiblities of being able to wear what I want. It's going to be a great and exciting life from now on. Cheers!!!!!!:wavey: Here's my third input into this forum. Again, some of you have seen it already. I just went out today with stilletto heels on. One of my favorite boots. I decided to do this to see what peoples responses will be of the shoes, if any. These boots are shiny black so they really were noticable. I was wearing long straight leg jean, and most of the heel were covered. Well, I heard about everyone saying that the bookstores where easy to do. I went to Barnes and Noble and well nothing. I saw people noticing but nothing. I then went out to Payless which was next door and looked at other boots. The cool things was a mother and a young daugther was trying on stiletto boots and they saw mind. I just smile at them and nothing was said. I wanted to give them my opinion on the boots they were trying on cause the girl just didn't know which ones she wanted. After that, I decided to become braver. I went to a DSW. That place was full with people. So many shoes and boots. I never tried on woman shoes in the store before but this time I said screw it and decided to try on some other boots, sandals, and pumps. No one said anything. I was getting upset. So, a lady walked past me as I took my boots off and I decided to tell her that I like her boots. She said thank you, and we talked about her dog that she was carrying around. Guys, girl, little kids, teens all saw me in my boots and trying things on and nothing!!!! Just like you I felt like a ghost!!! Do anyone care!!!! Oh well. I said I will never walk around the mall in complete daylight but I said screw it and went inside. Mall was full and I just enjoyed myself. I finally saw people looking down at my boots, this time a lot of the stiletto was showing due to me lifting my jeans more, but nothing. I went to Bakers and the show clerk looked down at my boots and smiled and said if I needed any help just to ask her. The funny thing was that there was this guy who couldn't stop looking at my boots. I enjoyed that!!!! He was basically in shock. :) Oh, I went into Macy's and there was this fine woman. I'm talking hot as hot can be. She also saw my boots and heels and smiled at me. I wanted to go over and tell her how hot she was but chickened out. Maybe next time. I think I will just wear what I want. I have a lot of stilletto boots and now I know that most do care. Everyone just do it and enjoy your heeling. It's not that bad. Next it's walmart, with very loud stillettos..... :) Still scared, just a little... :) Well, here's a thread post. I know I have others but I think the last couple were enough. Well, today I had an excellent day. I decided to wear my new Naturalizer boots I got the other day. They are pointy toe and shiny black. About a 3.5 in stilletto heel, therefore, it's was quite exciting. To make it even better, I was wearing woman's jeans, flared cut. I have to admit that the clothes I was wearing, if anyone will actually look at it closely it looked like a woman from behind. I have to say though, that the outfit looked stylish and good. I was proud of the way it looked. Plus, like a lot of people on this forum have said that women's pants are more comfortable then mens. I have to agree. I will be buying women's pants from now on. Now, my day. I went out and decided to go do some shoe shopping, to see if I can get a deal somewhere. I went to DSW again, and walked right in. I tried on some shoes and boots. No one said anything. The great thing was that beautiful women were there trying on shoes also. :nervous: I loved it. I was enjoying myself and they were also trying new ones also. Great legs, great face, and beautiful heels, what more can a man want..... :w00t2: After that, I went to the mall, cause I didn't find anything I wanted, plus they didn't have my size for the ones I did wanted, size 11s. I went to the mall, it was packed with people. Went into Bakers, and for the second time a girl helped me out with the shoes and trying to find the my size. I tried on a size 10, but it didn't fit. She had no response. The funny thing was that her boyfriend was there and he just looked at me with my boots and trying on heels... Hahaha.... Nothing though from him. Oh, I did get one response from this couple. I went into Debs, as I was leaving the girl looked and immediately told her boyfriend about the shoes. I didn't care though. She tried to prove it to her boyfriend though because she moved in front of me and I had to move differently, I guess for the boyfriend in back of me to see better. No big deal though. After that it was movie, and then a meal. Basically it was nothing about it. I can tell you that probably 100 people saw me with my boots, and nothing. The jeans really didn't hide the heel that much and they were really noticable. It's fun though. I hope you enjoyed this post. Cheers:wavey: Oh, I forgot. I did have one bad experience, but I basically don't care. When I got my new boots Naturalizers, I was at a Outlet store, and outside outlet store. I was walking when all of a sudden a big fat black family heard my heels and looked. They just started laughing. As I was laughing, the kid will point at me and laugh some more. The mother, who was bigger then an NFL lineman, was also laughing. Well, to let them have a good time, I kept walking right next to them and didn't pay much attention to them. I think after a long walk they just decided to go into one of the stores. But, before they went in, they did one last look and laughed some more. I guess I should've laughed at them for being so fat, but I didn't want to shrink to there level. I hope I made their day though, now they have a story to tell people about a man who wore high stilletto heel boots at the outlet stores. It was no big deal though. I will take that as a bad experience, but the attendants at the store was very helpful and polite... :smile: Have a great day.. Here's a picture of the boots I bought.




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I would have gone up to them and started a conversation, "What's up? Don't you like them?" and then asked them why they had a problem. If they responded in a rude way I would have taken great pleasure to lower myself to their level.

Graduate footwear designer able to advise and assist on modification and shoe making projects.

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1st of all I have a lot of very close black friends and niece is married to a black man with to beautiful little boys. Just to let you all know I am not being bias here. My wife's first experience with me in heels was when we were at Walmart. I was wearing my TommyHill knee high 4" stack heels. I went into the restroom and a bunch of black thugs noticed and started pointing and laughing behind my back as my wife stood there very embarrassed. That almost ended my heeling in public with my wife. This was the first time she went out with me in heels and was a little nervous anyway. We discussed it and as time went on and we went out in public more and more, she has learned to laugh back. My 1st embarrassing experience was in Cleveland at a mall a few years ago when my GF at the time went into the changing room and I was standing there in my leather pants and 4" stacked heel mj's. 4 or 5 young black girls,very immature, took notice and started pointing and laughing. It was one of my first times I can remember in public in heels. GF came out, the girls went on there way and we continued to shop through out the mall. I was very hesitant but didn't have a single problem after that all day. I believe this can happen no matter what color or race. Just seems to me blacks have more of a pfoblem with a man in heels than others. This is just my experience. What do you think or should we even go there? Don't let a few bad apples spoil the barrel.

real men wear heels

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Hi latindancer Great set of posts, I'm thrilled for you that you're having fun put in your heels. Long may it continue. Nice boots in the pic too ;o) As for the abuse, I have a policy never to argue with idiots as they drag you down to their level, then beat you with experience. Best just change your direction, 'cos to follow theirs is a road to misery. Let them suffer their misery alone. Thanks again

It's my opinion, no more, no less :wave:

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I believe this can happen no matter what color or race. Just seems to me blacks have more of a pfoblem with a man in heels than others. This is just my experience. What do you think or should we even go there? Don't let a few bad apples spoil the barrel.

I agree with your last sentence johnieheel. There's good and bad in all races, colours and creeds. Please let's not go all PC and open up a race debate?

It's my opinion, no more, no less :wave:

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i find it is usually the younger less mature people who find it hard to get there heads around men in heels, tho mistle that is teenage girls and pre teens boys. so just ignore it and enjoy your heels.:santa_hat:

the higher the boot, the higher the heel, the better the feeling!

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I agree with your last sentence johnieheel. There's good and bad in all races, colours and creeds. Please let's not go all PC and open up a race debate?

Absolutely. I do not want to open up a race debate and probably should have worded it differently but this has just been my experience and can be iceolated from many others. Just for the record, I myself, DO NOT see color in the human race. I have friends and family that are black, red, white, brown, indian and who knows what all. LOL.

real men wear heels

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Just seems to me blacks have more of a pfoblem with a man in heels than others. This is just my experience. What do you think or should we even go there?

Sadly, as an African-American, I have to agree with that comment. Of all the times, few though they were that I've had people toss negative comments or insults my way while out and about in heels, it's been blacks, primarily young blacks who've done the tossing, the usual horrid stuff like calling my sexual orientation into question and other snide and vulgar nonsense.

And this might come as a surprise, but young black females can sometimes be even more vicious than males, but in each case, they all lack anything in the way of tact, decorum or manners while in public, publicly laughing and pointing and shouting and generally acting like jackasses. So, yeah, this sort of thing does happen with blacks, and it annoys me no end since it makes my people look like raging fools to the world at large.

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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The man in high heels will find some folks who approve, and others who do not. It comes with the territory. We might think that few people notice, but in truth, most do. It is usually young white women, who take the trouble to offer positive comments about my boots. They are often very nice compliments. On the other hand, it is most often young black women who say they like my polished acrylic fingernails, especially when I have the glittery purple polish. A few weeks ago, I was out to a singles dance party, in suburban Minneapolis. Inside, I was talking with a woman. She said that when I walked into the crowded dance hall, "everyone" was looking. But then, I was wearing a skirt and tights, with my knee high stiletto boots plainly visible. So, I gave them a thrill. Big deal. The women do not seem to mind dancing with me, when I am in heels, most of them, anyway. There is one woman who I always see at the singles dances. She tells me, every time, that I should dress like a man, even though I never wear a dress. Her level of concern suggests to me that she is interested, albeit in an oblique and backwards fashion. None of this bothers me, as I have a fun time dancing, in my outfit. My manicure now, is glossy dark blue, with gold sparkles, and a hand-painted white snowflake, on each nail, from the Vietnamese nail shop. Tonight is another dance party. I'm ready, and I think I should go.

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Latindancer...Great stories you've shared here!! Thank you for posting your experiences!! Everyone else...This thread has taken a definite turn and I think it's a great direction...But I also feel it may warrant a whole new topic. The race issue is a fact of life. It will never go away unless we all become one ethnic group. We can all work to be tolerant and accepting of others but there will always be distinct differences between the varying groups. The various belief structures, ancestral history and general attitudes are historically stereotyped into everyone's psyche. This is both good and bad but I feel should be tolerated regardless. The same goes for heel wearing people out there. We all have our personal convictions and as mature adults, need to learn to look past this in daily life. It's a story of respecting and treating others as you would want to be. With that being said... I've found that black people are generally more expressive and less inhibited in public settings than most other ethnic groups. And it's not just in their criticism of people but in all manner of social interaction. They're just more willing to express themselves, especially if it is an expression closely tied to the group they're with at the time. The pack mentality is prevalent amidst a group but individually nearly everyone is scared to speak up. This goes for any race as well...There is power in numbers...And empowerment lowers inhibitions allowing for more raucous behavior. Hence they speak and act more freely - usually following what they KNOW the others in their group would accept and support. I've seen this mostly in less-educated and less mature groups specifically. It doesn't matter if you're a guy in heels, a CD/TV/TS, handi-capped or disfigured. You can quickly become a target for their expression...Especially if you're alone. With regards to heels I have found very little difference between the races in their reactions. I've heard both positive and negative from all ethnic backgrounds. Almost universally though, any negative or sheer laughter reactions are from the less educated/less mature group. They seem to be most shocked by a man in heels. When it comes to the best and most favorable reactions nearly all have been from older black women in all reality. It's like they've seen just about everything else so what's new?? Here's a neat story as an example... My younger son is 22 months and was due for his well-baby check-up. At the same time my older boy was sick. So we took them to the doctors office last Wednesday, Dec 26. I was wearing a pair of Jordache stretch-fit, flare leg jeans and a pair of 4.5" chunky heeled with 1/2" platform boots from a couple Payless seasons ago. Because the jeans are stretch fit I sewed a couple elastic straps in the bottom of the pant legs to help pull the pant legs back down after sitting. (It brings them back to the fashionable length for boots...) At the appointment no one said a word but some labs were ordered for my older boy. The lab was right upstairs so away we went. When we got into the lab there were two older (mid-40's) black ladies at the check-in windows. After the blood draws and x-rays we went into the reception office and had a nice little chat. One of the ladies immediately started with "I Love those boots!! I spotted them as soon as you came in here!" She asked to see them, commented on how great they were, etc... The other gal noticed the jeans and commented rather heavily on how they fit so nicely and how the overall look was great...(Except for the 9 month's pregnant look I've been sporting lately :santa_hat: ) Both of the women pretty much demanded to see the boots (they're both admitted boot lovers...), commented on how awesome the straps idea was and were extremely positive about the fashion choice I'd made. Their overall treatment of me was as if this was completely normal attire for a man. No questions. It truly went from 100% professional to friendly and warm once the conversation turned to fashion. I expressed to them how I can and do wear stilettos in private but, with my current figure, I don't like pushing too much. I think a lot (I mean a LOT!!!) of people are afraid to admit it looks pretty good as an overall look. They're usually totally overwhelmed at the initial image but get over it fairly quickly. (You can usually tell a person's maturity level by how long their initial reaction lasts.) And then there are those who just can't come to grips with anything outside their perceived norm. Those are the ones who scare me... I suppose my greatest fear are the gangster types and less mature/educated people when in group settings. Inhibitions are lower in a group setting as noted above. This is completely race neutral. I've seen this of all races and they all strike me similarly, especially when they're with their buddies. They're also more notorious for physical actions to any reaction to their comments. Therefore I do pick my heel wearing locations rather carefully (heck...even when NOT wearing heels there's certain parts of town you DON'T go to unless you BELONG there...) It must also be said that personal perception and the 'danger feeling' plays in here. If you suddenly lose all confidence and play into their game they'll verbally attack harder. The loss of confidence shows weakness and a group will exploit that weakness to it's fullest. Even though it is very hard you MUST maintain your confidence when confronted. ALWAYS!! Waver one little bit and you're a target. Even groups can fear...And lots of confidence makes them wonder what you've got up your sleeve. It's a fear of the unknown. (I know several people that I would NEVER pick a fight with...because I KNOW them...But someone who doesn't has no clue they're former Special Ops/Jujitsu masters/black belts/whatever. ) If you show no fear then that instills fear in them. OK..Enough...Must get sleep...Folks, this is a GREAT place to share the joys of high heeling with other like-minded people. I love the global experience and wonderful stories. You are all awesome!! Especially to read my rants :-) To all I wish you a very Happy New Year!!

"Heels aren't just for women anymore!!" Happy Heeling! Shoeiee

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Well, everyone. I've been away for awhile and haven't posted anything. I apologize for that. Well, I'm on vacation and am having a good time. I have told my brother and sister about my heeling and they seem to be supportive, my mother really doesn't want to hear but I believe she suspects. I am currently in Orlando, FL, and had to say that I am having a good time. I went the other day, in broad daylight to one of the outlet stores with my Naturalizer boots and no one said anything. I got a couple of looks but nothing. I walked the whole day and nothing. I think the only comment I received was because I was wearing a windbreaker and it was 84 degrees that day. Nothing about the heels. I was clicking along and I think a lot of people said "oh well". While at the premium outlets I went into Brand Name Shoes store and tried on some shoes. No one did nothing until an old hispanic lady couldn't believe her eyes and went next to me to see me trying to walk on size 10s, I'm an 11. Didn't fit but they looked good. She didn't say anything but from her non-expression, I think she was in shocked......:w00t2: I also went to downtown disney with my son. He doesn't know about this but I put on my heels and went into downtown. It was packed. A lot of people. I think a family noticed and just had a giggle while I was waiting for my son to finish his train ride. All of my heel was showing along with some of the boot. I really didn't care though. I have to say that I recently went to nine west and bought new shoes. I'm a little upset cause I thought it was a certain price but it wasn't. Therefore, I think I will return them. Just look at the picture and it's these put black and a 4" heel. I also went to the Limited and bought myself some pants. I wanted to try them on but it was a woman there. I'm not sure about a guy willing to try on clothes at an all woman store. Has anyone have any experience with this and how did it go? Oh, and one other thing. If any of you come to Orlando, there's a store called the Shoe land. It's cheap shoes with decent quality, nothing over $20, and the store associates are very helpful. Sizes upto 12, and a lot of styles; sandals, pumps, boots, and anything that's modern today. I bought 3 pairs. Take care and until next time. Keep heeling and be seen!!!!! :santa_hat: Oh, also for the people who are interested. I went to the Mall of Millenia. I went into Guess, Jimmy Choo's, Louie Vitone, and all these other expensive stores. I asked what was there maximum size shoe that they carried. Most only carried up to 10s, and most up to size 40. As everyone know's a size 40 is only a size 10 in america. It was funny cause the sales lady said that they can normally go to a size woman 12, which 40 is not a twelve. I just laughed and left. Hope this helps out about the expensive brands out there.


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I can relate to the issue of sales people at women shoe stores not knowing what the real size values are. I went to Aldo's at the mall. They have some very sexy shoes and tall heels. I love them. But they only go to size 10 womens. The sales gal told me that 41 was the same as size 11. I told her that 43 was that size and that they did not have any. She just wanted to make a sale regardless if they were the wrong size. I am glad that I have purchased european sizes in the past - Italian Heels - and know what fits. :santa_hat: The youth of today Bernheels

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Hi latindancer. A little off topic for this thread but since I'll be in the Orlando, Disney, area in early February, can you give me some updates? We've been driving down from Toronto for years and love the area. Has the rebuilding of the former Belz Outlet Mall at the end of International been completed? Are there good heel deals at the Premium Outlet Mall beside Dolly Parton's on I-4? Where is Shoe Land? Mall at Millenia..... $$$$$ but great pizza in the food court. I always like the selection at Baker's in the Florida Mall. If you're still in Florida in early February, I'll watch for the guy in heels at Disney, maybe getting one of the great sandwiches at Earl of Sandwich. Sorry it's off topic but it's always good to know where to shop for heels when traveling. Kris.

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Hi Kris, Please let me know when you are going to be here. We can meet for lunch or something. Belz is partially complete but still lots of traffic and construction. Shoe Land has multiple locations so google map it before you come for the closest. I haven't found much at the Premium Outlet Mall. Macy's at Millenia has some great sales with tons of shoes....and there is a secret. Don't worry about the size on the sale rack...just ask because they have most sizes in the back to match the styles on the rack. They always go to size 10 US but sometimes go to 11. DSW across from Millenia has some good sale racks too and go to 12 sometimes. I am off to Vegas for a week so I will check back when I return! CJ

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Kris, Well, let me tell you that the Old outlet stores are almost 80% complete. Most of the major stores are there. For, the good deals at the Premium outlet stores next to dolly world, well, as you probably know it's all the same from any other outlet stores. As for Shoe Land. I was told it caters to Afro/Latin personnel. If you don't mind trying on shoes around a lot of Latin people who will look at you strange, then the selection is great. I just went there and I noticed that mostly the highest is 11s, with a few 12s, but I do think that the best deals for heels are shoe land. Many selections and choses. It's on route 192 going south to Kissimmee. After you passed Walmart on the right side it will be on the left hand side. Just look for an outback and it's right behind it. Florida Mall is great cause you have a lot of choices. Bakers, Steven Madden, and many other stores which you can shop for heels. Have fun and good luck. Latindancer

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Thanks CassieJ and latindancer. The trip to Florida is a family vacation so all I can do is window shop. Since my wife does NOT approve (my heeling has twice lead to big problems), there won't be anything more than visual appreciation of the selections available. It's sunny today in Toronto (minus 11C) and I'm looking out at the 12 cm of snow that fell yesterday and can't wait to get to the south. Kris.

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Well, I'm back in Chicago and I decided to go heeling today. I went out looking exactly like the pictures shown below. As everyone can see, the heel was very visible. I love these boots though. Well, let me tell you about my outing. First, I went to eat at Taco Bell, then went Walmart, no comments and no responses, some double takes and smiles but nothing. Next, I went to the movie theater. There I got a lot of responses. I had tons of people giving me a double takes and some giggles from a group of 4 teenage girls. I had to wait 40 minutes for the start of the movie so I sat at a bench were everyone had to walk by. Picture what on the picture but the whole boot showing. I counted over 100 people looking but nothing. Tons of kids came out of one theater for Alvin and the Chipmunks and nothing. I did get one woman who had her some. She of course noticed my boots and then gave me an evil stare. She looked pissed. I just looked at her back and smiled. I wanted to go ask her why she felt threaten about a guy in black 3.5" stilletoe boots, but I didn't. While waiting most of the theater cleaner were going to movie theater to theater. They probably looked over 10 times. I counted 6 guys. Well, they were all gather together so I decided to ask them a couple of questions. I asked if anyone noticed anything different about me. Well, all said about the high heels. I asked what there initial thought was. All of them said nothing. Just a guy in heels. Surprisingly I asked if anyone first thought was that I was gay. All of them said no. I also asked them if they thought if it was weird. One said yes, but the rest said no, it's the norm to see different things, and 2 said that if you wanted to do what I wanted them do it. Most of these guys were in the range of 18 to 24, so it was a good group. I later went to Panera Bread, and sat down. No comments. Only response was 2 old lady, probably around the age of 50 couldn't believe and they had a giggle. They kept looking but that was it. I stood in the front of the fireplace, and I'm sure everyone had a look. I looked around and this old man 67 years old(I asked) and his friend 30 years old, was looking and couldn't stop. So, I gauge them on some questions also. First thought? It's different and funny. Gay? No, (young one) I thought that you were first a transvestite or crossdresser, but after a good look I noticed the wedding ring so no, it looked like a man just wanting to wear heels. Did you ask why was a man wearing heels? No, just looked at the look and it the thing happening right now, difference. Will it be accepted? It's starting to be due to everyone doing their own things. I intend to do this more and more therefore I hope this helps out the guys who are deciding to go out heeling. Just do it and you'll see that 99% of the time, no one cares. Latindancer:wave:



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In some black cultures, gay people not treated with any tolerance. I know wearing heels is nothing to do with being gay, but some people are ignorant enough to make the association, so you may find some people from certain balck cultures can't cope with it in a mature fashion.

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In some black cultures, gay people not treated with any tolerance. I know wearing heels is nothing to do with being gay, but some people are ignorant enough to make the association, so you may find some people from certain balck cultures can't cope with it in a mature fashion.

And that doesn't bode well for those of us that are of the black community, be it by birth or profession. Wearing heels is often made a bigger deal for me by others, than I make it myself. And it's my money/wardrobe/time/choices at stake, not theirs -- at least not firsthand.

Of course there are exceptions to every rule. Many of my female friends from several walks of life accept my heel-wearing. Then there are the sales people who are way more concerned with the company bottom line than they are injecting however they may feel about it into their line of work. Some of these sales people have even gone to great lengths to compliment me, suggest other looks that would work, even hang out outside of their workplace.

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken. - Oscar Wilde

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Hey everyone, just wanted to ask how everyone likes my avatar. I finally decided to get one and I think it looks good. So hers the question. Is it me? Yes, it's me!!! I personally think it looks good. I think maybe red nail polish would of made it better though. What do you guys think? Bootking - The boots are shiny leather. They feel great and look great. The only problem is Chicago, and all the salt build up so I have to clean them as much as I can. Oh, and yes my favorite heel is stilletoe. I think nothing is better then a stilleto heel. :santa_hat:

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Latin, Great story/observations. I'll have to take on some of the "noticers" - I'm hopeful here in Atlanta I'll get a similar response. I, too, love the look of the stilleto heel - though I'm sure it is a bit more noticeable. My errands today took me to the post office and Best Buy. The cuffed black Dockers are just a couple inches longer than my normal inseam to the heel is easily noticeable as I walk about. In fact, I sort of love the "peak-a-boo" effect you get as you walk. A almost walked right into somebody on my way out of the post office with my head turned to look at my stride reflected in the windows!

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Well, today I went out with my new boots from the previous post. I believe they are 4", well and I also went out in my new khaki demi fit "Limited" pants on. I went to a DSW, and walked around. No comments and no looks. Therefore, my curiousity came out. I asked a DSW employee 37 year old male, middle eastern who did noticed my boots some questions. Did you noticed? Yes First thought? Nothing, just interested in seeing a man in high heels, never saw that before. Anything wrong with that? No, people are allow to do what they want to do. Did you think "gay". No, maybe crossdresser. Next, DSW employee, girl 23, white, cute also. Did you noticed? -No (that was a shocker) First thought? -Cool, and interested new experience. Did you think gay. -No, just crossdresser. Supposedly a lot of transgender or crossdresser frequesnt this DSW. Will you date a guy in heels? -No, I'm close-minded about that. A guy can wear what he wants but I wouldn't like to introduce a friend to him if he's wearing heels better than me. Next a mother and daugther. Mother around 40, daughter 20, white, and I did this after trying on some $300 black leather 4" pumps and walking around in them. I have to admit, that if I had the money I would've bought them right there, boy were they comfortable. Did you noticed? (Mother then daughter for answers) -Yes, No I was concentrating on my own buy. (Both did say that the boots looked made for a man, therefore if I wanted to be looked at and noticed that I should wear sandels, pink, white or something with lace.):santa_hat: I added the boots again to the bottom. First thought? -None, None Did you think gay after that? -No, No Why no thought or comment? -A man should wear what he wants, if he's happy with that then go ahead and enjoy. Daughter basically the same. Did you think it was weird of a guy trying on the shoes here? -Yes, mostly I thought you would buy them and they later wear them, for the sake of being scared. Didn't care I was concentrating on buying my new shoes. Overall and interesting experience. Went to the mall and a few looks but overall nothing. I even went to the Limited there and the manager noticed and all she asked was if I needed any help. I said no, just looking for a good deal and buy. I'm sure she new my pants and shoes were women. I'm planning to go out more

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