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Post your recent heel purchases post....

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I decided to start a post for whoever wants to post a picture or comment about a really good deal or a great price that they got on a pair of heels that they really like and that they liked to wear for the price!

If you are like me, you bought them and then went home and checked around online to see if you 'did get a good deal!' So attach the web address of them if you don't have a personal picture of them on your website.


..........I was at TJ Max in Pittsburgh (if you don't know TJ Max, it is a discounter outlet type store for major brands...no boxes and on the shelf...) and I found a pair of tweed Steve Madden open toe heels that I wore to work today and loved! They best part is I paid $20 for them! Just under the $59 TJMax sticker was a $20 clearance sticker and I had to have them! ADVICE: get them 1/2 size smaller, because they run big and they have a wide toe, which is nice for wearing them too work all day, they don't smoosh them together...hehe

I went home and checked my favorite websites and Ebay and here's what I got....if you hate tweed...DON'T LOOK!





Does anyone ever Email anymore? Send me one! I like to chat!


PS....... I decided to post this on the 'FOR EVERYBODY' section, instead of the 'for her' section. That ius for the fun guys who are on here and we all know can post and reply.....that they might post the heels that they have got for their girlfriends or wives...or heck...even for themselves (who are you guys fooling!?) and they can post on here.... cheers! and hugs! Adeana

Does anyone ever Email anymore? Send me one! I like to chat!

  Adeana said:


I decided to post this on the 'FOR EVERYBODY' section, instead of the 'for her' section. That ius for the fun guys who are on here and we all know can post and reply.....that they might post the heels that they have got for their girlfriends or wives...or heck...even for themselves (who are you guys fooling!?) and they can post on here....

cheers! and hugs!


Adeana, they could also be my shoes :roll:

The best fashion is your own fashion!


I have just won the EBay bidding on these - original 80's Dynasty style mules - gold - 3.5" heels - total price - £21.00.

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Gorgeous aren't they?? They will be worn a lot.

"Good Girls keep diaries....Bad Girls just don't have the time...!:icon_twisted:"


I paid £80 for my latest pair of New Rocks, BNIB from eBay. Which I was quite pleased about because the one pair I saw in a shop was £145! Chris


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It was BOGO at Payless could not resit. :roll:

Hello, :wave: my name is Hoverfly. I’m a high heel addict…. Weeeeeeeeeee!  👠1998 to 2022!

  nigel said:

do you mean BOGOF?


Buy One Get One, or are you thinking somthing else?

Hello, :wave: my name is Hoverfly. I’m a high heel addict…. Weeeeeeeeeee!  👠1998 to 2022!


It's Buy One Get One Free in the UK, hence BOGOF, pronounced "bog off" which is a mild way to tell someone where to go. Promotes childish smirking every time I see it! Chris



This is what I got in a $10 bucks' sale three days ago at Payless:

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They're US Ladies 11W, 5" heels, 3/4" platforms and fit my EU43 perfectly.




I have always liked that heeled clog style. It is good to see a few of them around -- they have been conspicuously absent for a couple of decades.

Have a happy time!


The Payless sale was a BOGOHO -- buy one, get one half-off. They run them at least 4 times a year and it lasts a few weeks at a time. Generally at Payless.com, they have free shipping over a certain amount (I think $40). With the BOGOHO, that usually puts my purchase into free shipping territory. If there's only one style I like, I buy it in a couple sizes, keep the pair that fits best, and either return the other pair to a local Payless store, or sell the pair on eBay.


it's amazing the nice shoes you can get at the chain discount stores for just wearing and and stuff....! I like shopping at DSW

Does anyone ever Email anymore? Send me one! I like to chat!


I like the store LoveMyShoes! great discount place similar to DSW.. but in NY.. it's cheaper in cost and better in quality than DSW. Some nice pics in this thread. i'll have to post a shot or two of shoes I got for my lady. RPM


Adeana: I took a look at those new heels you bought at TJ MAXX, and all I got to say, ""YOU GO, GIRL!!!"" They are hot. If you wear them barefoot, they would look even hotter showing off you nice toes. I should go and find a TJMAXX around here.

  jmc said:

I have always liked that heeled clog style. It is good to see a few of them around -- they have been conspicuously absent for a couple of decades.

Me, too - I've NEVER been able to find them in my size!

  Mickey S. said:


This is what I got in a $10 bucks' sale three days ago at Payless:

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They're US Ladies 11W, 5" heels, 3/4" platforms and fit my EU43 perfectly.



I have two pair of those - got em on sale too. They're really comfortable. Mine are 13W


  Stilletto2004 said:

I have two pair of those - got em on sale too. They're really comfortable. Mine are 13W

Where did you find them in that size? I only found 12W and 13M. Even the website didn't carry the 13W. I wanted those so badly... I saw a pair of 12M's today and wanted to get them, but alas...

er um, wanna make a sale? :roll:

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken. - Oscar Wilde

  Danielle said:
Where did you find them in that size? I only found 12W and 13M. Even the website didn't carry the 13W. I wanted those so badly... I saw a pair of 12M's today and wanted to get them, but alas...

er um, wanna make a sale? :roll:

Missed your chance months ago, got mine in black, at Payless by luck. :wink:

Hello, :wave: my name is Hoverfly. I’m a high heel addict…. Weeeeeeeeeee!  👠1998 to 2022!


Thats the problem with the Payless website - It doesn't show all that they have in 13W which is pretty much all I can wear. As much as I'd like to hook a brother up, I have to keep em - I really enjoy wearing them.


  Stilletto2004 said:

Thats the problem with the Payless website - It doesn't show all that they have in 13W which is pretty much all I can wear. As much as I'd like to hook a brother up, I have to keep em - I really enjoy wearing them.

But you have two pairs =|

I always use the site as a gauge. If I see something goes up to 12W and 13M, I'll usually pop my head into a store to see if it also comes in the 13W. Back down south I'd usually have some success, but up here it's a crapshoot...

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken. - Oscar Wilde


I agree - Payless can be a pain in the butt. We have 5 stores within I dunno, 30 miles, and only 2 of them go to 13W. Yes - I have two - but as you know, Payless isn't known for quality, and I am positive I will wear the first pair out pretty quickly as I wear them ALL the time. :roll:



Yeah I'm around several stores and only one goes to 13. A couple others go to 12, and have a pretty decent selection there (I can wear most sandals in a 12), most either don't go to 12 or carry like one column of 12s. I'm learning to appreciate zappos.com and their free shipping more and more every day :roll:

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken. - Oscar Wilde


All the ones here decided to stop at 12, although they did do 13 for a minute amount of time. Even when they did, it was VERY slim pickings - makes me think they didn't want to chance chaps going in and exploding their very conservative minds here or something.......

SQ.....still busting societal molds with a smile...and a 50-ton sledge!


Look what I got in the Army & Navy for £10 on Friday. I thought I'd have a look expecting the sale to consist of expensive sandals.

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Hey it's exciting getting a new pair of boots!

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They're really comfy - and snuggy - I think they'll get a lot of wear and I don't think I can wait until it's cold!


Mrs. F went shopping in Crawley and came back with five gypsy skirts and two pairs of these beauties from Faith. I wanted her to buy a pair last year - but at least they were £10 each in the sale. BTW she bought a pair in size 5 and another in and 8. The size fives are pictured :roll:

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