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Perceived slowness?!


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I thought I'd just pose this question to give me some peace of mind. When I wear heels I know that my natural stride is shortened considerably, and to me, I feel that I am walking absurdly slow. When you see a woman passing you on the street, do you notice if her heels are slowing her down? It is even possible to walk at a really brisk pace in 4+ inch heels? I'm also pretty petite and have short legs, so maybe this is a contributing factor. Anyway, please comment, am I being paranoid? Or do I need to practice walking some more? :smile:

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There is nothing wrong with you or your legs or your stride. The higher the heel you wear, the shorter your steps will be. It's a matter of balance and anatomy as to how your feet, knees, and legs react to you wearing higher-heeled footwear. I don't know too many people whose stride doesn't shorten when wearing high heels. You are perfectly normal.
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I agree with everyone here, wearing heels does indeed shorten your stride, and, in my opinion, there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. I mean, why rush to get anywhere, just slow down, relax and enjoy your outing in your heels.

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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Thank you for all the input, it made me feel much better. I think It's because I work in NYC, everyone seems to be in a hurry. I feel like I'm clogging up the sidewalk sometimes. But then again, I guess going slower gives people more time to admire me as I glide past :smile: hehehe

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Thank you for all the input, it made me feel much better.

I think It's because I work in NYC, everyone seems to be in a hurry. I feel like I'm clogging up the sidewalk sometimes.

But then again, I guess going slower gives people more time to admire me as I glide past :smile: hehehe

Now THAT'S the spirit!

I don't want to LOOK like a woman, I just want to DRESS like a woman!

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Thank you for all the input, it made me feel much better.

But then again, I guess going slower gives people more time to admire me as I glide past :smile: hehehe

If you have perfected the "Glide" stride - you are very correct; there is no need to hurry. That stride is truly a ballet of controlled beauty to enjoy yourself and share with others. It seems so few have developed that talent.

Just a bit higher to to delight - low enough for healthy foot comfort and great beginning.

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I naturally walk pretty fast in my flats, and I really like that I slow down in my heels, the elegance and care with each step makes me feel more calm, in control and enjoying the moment instead of rushing around everywhere. It's like you can watch all the craziness going on around you in slow motion. Don't worry Nielle, just enjoy feeling gorgeous!

If you like it, wear it.

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It's funny but I think I actually walk faster in heels.

Shafted, the boots that is! View my gallery here http://www.hhplace.o...afteds-gallery/ or view my heeling thread here http://www.hhplace.org/topic/3850-new-pair-of-boots-starts-me-serious-street-heeling/ - Pm me if you want fashion advice or just need someone to talk to.

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I find I do the same too! I do feel like I'm clogging up the corridor/sidewalk and blocking people quite a lot of the time. :smile: I've noticed girls in heels who walk as fast as I do without them... but I guess since I'm 5'1", I have a naturally shorter stride. Add heels into the mix, and I probably walk every bit as fast as a granny! Ugh. I tried wearing 4"s to the shopping mall for the first time today but chickened out because I was walking soooo slow. It isn't a large shopping mall (even though it's the largest we have here) so the corridors are made for only 4 people abreast or so, and the bf and I took up half of it. People kept pushing past us. :wave: Maybe I'll just stick to restaurants from now on?

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That's pretty much how I was feeling too! But I think I'm realizing that I THINK I walk a lot slower than I am. My New Year's Resolution is to suck it up and forget what other people think. If granny can walk slow, I can walk slow too! haha

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Nice comment Amanda like it lots! Take your time it's your pace that you become comfortable with and that will vary for different heights. I can really pace out in 1.5"/2" heels and feel more comfortable for longer walks. My mile and a half walk to work I'm about 5 minutes slower in 4" heels than flat work shoes (trainer style safety shoes) And no I don't run yet! unless I need to get out of the way of busses. Al

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I like the way how this article deals with slowness :

There's a drawback, of course: these heels aren't made for running. But what the hell? A man in heels doesn't run, anyway. He walks, or rides, or jumps out of planes. He does his thing, and lets the world come to him.

Found here :


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