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How to get her into high heels ?


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Hi everyone, i have a problem and I hope I get some help from both the girls and the guys. I have gone out a few times with this girl that works in a bar called the winghouse. It is like a hooters but better. Anyway, I herd her make a comment before I knew her about highheels. A girl came in with some real nice looking heels on and was standing by the door. The girl I am going out with made the comment that those shoes are silly. Every time I have gone out to a club with her she has on a very low heal shoe. So how can I get her to work up to a very highheel ? I guess she will need to start low and work up to a extreme heel. But I don't even know how to get her mind set to make it a goal for her. Before I joined this forum I was going to just buy her a pair and have them show up at her door. And I would just pretend I know nothing about them. But after reading a thred on here it sounds like she will not be able to wear them right out of the box. So thanks to the forum I will not do that idea. Sorry for the rambiling.. Mike

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Hi Mike. To be truthful she just not be the type to wear high heels. I know this may be disappointing but she may just not be a fan of high heels. I suggest that you proceed in this relationship with a great deal of caution. If she doesn't like high heels there may be nothing tbat you can do to change her opinion.

Shafted, the boots that is! View my gallery here http://www.hhplace.o...afteds-gallery/ or view my heeling thread here http://www.hhplace.org/topic/3850-new-pair-of-boots-starts-me-serious-street-heeling/ - Pm me if you want fashion advice or just need someone to talk to.

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I would recommend open, candid, and honest communications. Tell her what you like in women's footwear and offer to go shopping with her to buy her a pair of 3" heels so she can build up her foot and leg muscles to get used to higher heels. If she protests and refuses to wear anything like that, get yourself a different girl with a more positive attitude to heeling. You two are already very far apart on this issue, and I'd be surprised if you come closer together, but it's worth a try. Don't buy her any expensive designer shoes yet! For what it's worth, if you like to wear heels yourself, consider telling her early in the relationship. If that issue is a no-go with her, dump her sooner rather than later. It's a lot less painful. Life is too short to get entangled with a woman who hates what you like. Just my 2c. Hope it's helpful. Good luck! Steve

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I agree with Wood&metal. In fact I am appalled that you should even think this way!

You are obviously seeing her for reasons other than her choice of footwear so get over it. Suppose she wanted you to wear a suit every time you saw her or an style of clothing more often seen on old men? I'm guessing you'd dump her pretty quickly.

My boyfriend is much like you, he loves women in heels but seeing as I love to wear heels (apart from the very long walk to and from the bus stop ouch) I am more than happy to oblige.

Don't push it. But, there is a chance that if you make it obvious that you like girls in heels she just possibly might oblige on special occasions or in the bedroom. Forcing her to wear heels in any way will have the opposite effect and will shorten your relationship considerably!

Graduate footwear designer able to advise and assist on modification and shoe making projects.

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Just keep staring/quick look you know what guys do in checking out women just look at the ones in heels say nothing be subtle and see if she changes her mind to at least try on a of pair heels. If not your out of luck let it be and enjoy everything else about her.

Hello, :wave: my name is Hoverfly. I’m a high heel addict…. Weeeeeeeeeee!  👠1998 to 2022!

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My female friend only wears high heels to weddings or formal occassions, and they are maybe 3" high heels. She doesn't like to wear them and she will take them off when she has the chance at these events. When she dresses up and wears high heels, I have told how pretty and sexy she looks and especially wearing high heels, and she just smiles and takes them off as soon as possible.

I would have to agree with Shafted, wood&metal, and Dr. Shoe. If she absolutely doesn't want to wear high heels, she isn't going to wear them no matter how much you "hint" to her. And if you can't or won't accept this from her, move on. Good luck to you on whatever you decide.

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The only advice I can give is the same as every one else, if she doesnt like them, no way will you change her mind, even if you do she will end up resenting you for it. First hand experience talking.

Best of luck anyway.

I'd agree with this as well as most of the other similar comments.
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The only advice I can give is the same as every one else, if she doesnt like them, no way will you change her mind, even if you do she will end up resenting you for it. First hand experience talking.

Best of luck anyway.

This. Spot on.

"Good Girls keep diaries....Bad Girls just don't have the time...!:icon_twisted:"

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I didn't quite like the first comments, about "leaving her for someone 'better'". Definitely DON'T follow that! Basically what everyone seems to have said: ease her with the idea. If she objects, then let it be. I mean, it's not murder to the relationship; course, in your case, it damn well might as well be close! Still, can't hate her [or leave her] for the lack of tastes. Or you can. Totally up to you. But a guy like me wouldn't, especially if she accepts Me, a guy, in heels already. Now Those kind of girls are few in many!

Formally "HHDude"

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I didn't quite like the first comments, about "leaving her for someone 'better'". Definitely DON'T follow that! Basically what everyone seems to have said: ease her with the idea. If she objects, then let it be. I mean, it's not murder to the relationship; course, in your case, it damn well might as well be close!

Still, can't hate her [or leave her] for the lack of tastes. Or you can. Totally up to you. But a guy like me wouldn't, especially if she accepts Me, a guy, in heels already. Now Those kind of girls are few in many!

Things are looking better right now. We took a walk tonight at the mall doing some window shopping.. And she pointed out a pair of Oxford type shoes with my guess a 2.5 inch heel. She said they looked so stylish. So I asked her if she wanted them. She said no I have a pair of heels at home that are still new in the box. So I went snooping when we got back and found the shoes she had. It looked like a regular pump but a 3 inch heel.

She is starting a new job at some kind of marketing office on Monday. She said she has to put some outfits together to wear.

I guess I will see what comes of this.

And I have no plans on leaving her even if she go's out and buys some flats to wear.

Fingers crossed : )

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Seems to go a nice way!

But let me ad my opinion and experience:

At first, it would be very nice to have a partner that shares your likes and dislikes. But there always are differences, but this makes a mixture why people fall in love.

Very often a new partner will do almost everything for the other.

Maybe despite disliking some things.

But keep in mind, there will come times, when the first fire is going down. Then the habits change back to your personal feelings. This is beginning at first with the things you had done ONLY for the other person.

Be happy, if you had found your personal mate and you are absolutely on the right way, when the Heels are a additional "nice to have".

To me it happened two times:

I brought a girlfriend to heels by making a bet and then always bought additional heels i liked.

Years later she told me, that she disliked these shoes, but to get me back before she was always in Heels when there was only a little possibility that i could see her in a bar, a restaurant or the cinema where i often was.

With my wife it's almost the same. She has a shoe cupboard for about 50 pairs of shoes, almost all heeled shoes i had bought for her, but now in 25 of 30 days she's wearing any trainers or other flat shoes (and always with socks).

If there would be be the other 60 to 80% in your relationship fine, it wouldn't be a reason to leave her.

Keep it up, and good luck!

Have a nice day,... an admirer of beautiful ladies and girls, their shoes and the content of them...

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Here is a little update. She is going to buy a few new outfits for work next weekend. She is going with two of her girl friends to pick things out. I know one of the friends wears heels to work for her job. So maybe she will come home with some new shoes. I can't see her wearing the same shoes everyday. No girl does that I know of. I am just taking a back seat and watching what happens. I have to admit she did not seem to have it down as to walking in the heels she has already. I did not see the confidence that some women seem to have when walking in heels.

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It takes time and practice but posture is important as well, tuck in the butt pull back the shoulders, don't exaggerate the two. With those two in mind stand up straight then relax a little. If she finds a perfect pair of heels the center of gravity should be felt in the center area of the arch, extreme pressure should not be either on the heel or the foot. If she can not find it don't worry, it took me years to find a pair that did that.

Here is a little update. She is going to buy a few new outfits for work next weekend. She is going with two of her girl friends to pick things out. I know one of the friends wears heels to work for her job. So maybe she will come home with some new shoes. I can't see her wearing the same shoes everyday. No girl does that I know of. I am just taking a back seat and watching what happens. I have to admit she did not seem to have it down as to walking in the heels she has already. I did not see the confidence that some women seem to have when walking in heels.

Hello, :wave: my name is Hoverfly. I’m a high heel addict…. Weeeeeeeeeee!  👠1998 to 2022!

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Hi Mike. I hope u will success. For me its easier cause Im 6'8" so any girl I meet must wear at least 7 inches. Grow up to mine size and it would be easier :)

Good luck!

Ha Ha, I am 6'0 and she is 5'6. The dress code is not the same for her now with the new job. I know she will not be wearing sneekers to work anymore. If she puts on heels maybe me and her will see eye to eye ..lol

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Buying heels is not easy as well, as at the begining you might not know how to choose the right pair, and what to check to try if they fit correctly.

Well I guess she or her two friends will know how to fit her in shoes. Time will tell. She has not complained about sore feet so I guess she is doing ok with the shoes she has. She just needs practice walking in them.

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Well my girlfriend just left to go shopping at the international mall in Tampa. It's nice place http://www.shopinternationalplaza.com/ . Anyway just before she left she was massaging her calf muscles. I guess they are being effected from her wearing her only pair of heels all week. She said her calfs don't hurt they just feel tight. She will be gone most of the day.

So is that a good thing or a bad thing ? Will she come home with nice heels or nothing ?

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If you started jogging every day without taking a break every other day, how do you think your calves would feel? Wearing heels is an exercise regiment the more you wear them the more you get use to them, BUT you can overdo it just like when you are exercising.

Well my girlfriend just left to go shopping at the international mall in Tampa. It's nice place http://www.shopinternationalplaza.com/ . Anyway just before she left she was massaging her calf muscles. I guess they are being effected from her wearing her only pair of heels all week. She said her calfs don't hurt they just feel tight. She will be gone most of the day.

So is that a good thing or a bad thing ? Will she come home with nice heels or nothing ?

Hello, :wave: my name is Hoverfly. I’m a high heel addict…. Weeeeeeeeeee!  👠1998 to 2022!

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Well she came home with a few outfits and 2 pairs of shoes. Some black flat shoes and some black pumps that look just like her other pair. Same heel hight. She said that she wants to get some boots. I never liked basic looking boots on women but if she wants them so be it..

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I am not sure why. But my girlfriend seems to walk much better in the new shoes. Maybe the other shoes did not fit her right.

... or she is practicing to move on higher heel! Be optimist, one day she will wear them. Treat her well and maybe she will say thank u in many different ways. U never know :smile:

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