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Posts posted by Yamyam

  1. Right now there's about a couple dozen bottles of fine wine that could use all that cork! :-D

    I'm going to have to disagree with you there, JeffB. The best thing to do with bottles of wine is to remove the corks. Then pour into glasses, and check the quality of the wine. Sometimes, I find, you need a second opinon. And possibly a third. And so on. This works for me until somewhere near the end of the night, when I tend to have a 'thud' opinion, as I fall over :lol: .

  2. I quite agree, Stellah. I must admit, tho', while I love the challenge of walking in stiletto boots, I think they're quite 'dressy' for me. I'd wear chunkier hh boots more, if I could :lol: and save the spikes for nights out. I've just bought a nice pair of boots from Barratts, in a UK9, with a nice chunky heel, for all-day wear (as and when!) As I may have mentioned elsewhere, I'd put wedges in the acceptable on men category, as they're a bit more stealthy. I also have a pair or two similar to your third example, and somehow they do seem 'girlier' but I'd never really thought about it before.

  3. A great tip I have is to try your local Asda store, the George department, you can pretend you are doing your normal weekly shop and slip into a nice pair of 3"s quite easily. Further more most stores are 24hr if you get a bit nervous wait until the early hours.

    Staying up half the night to buy shoes?!? Isn't that an entry for 'You know you're an addict when...' :lol:

    For me, I tend to shop in Asda anyway, so I'd leave that one. Plus they're also limited to about a UK7/UK8, and they don't do my kind of shoes. I think the Brantano experience is still worth it - you could always pretend you got left and right mixed up. Alternatively, TK MAXX has some top bargains, and the shoe section is all mixed together, so you can just wander around.

  4. Everybody, do not be shy!

    Just reply, I am waiting for you!

    Surely to goodness, if you've had a look around here, you'd have noticed that there's a lot of bold discussion of topics. As Laurie says, we're not shy. OK, we can't all be goddesses (of course, I'm disqualified for one fairly major reason :lol::(:) ), but we're not shy.

    Looking forward to seeing you join the fray!

  5. I think not wearing heels while going out to buy them makes the difference.


    To be honest, I can't say I've noted that much difference. I buy heels whether I'm wearing them or not. Having said that, I've only been out shopping for heels whilst wearing twice. They were pretty good experiences both times, tho'.

  6. Actually, I find that asking for help generally works well. Most of the assistants I've encountered have been really happy to help. In fact, in one shop I was buying a pair, and the assistant and I ended up chatting for quite some time. She also said she liked the pair I was taking off to change into the new pair. So - why hide? I must admit, I tend to go shopping when the shops are a bit quieter, so that I can have a good browse without tripping over people. Otherwise, go to it, and good luck!

  7. Well, Nyghtfall, that sounds like it didn't go as well as you'd hoped. On the other hand, you and your father still have a strong relationship, and that is the most important thing in the world. I'm sure that what's happened is you've given him one heck of a shock, and he needs to get over it a bit. Well done on telling him - I know it's not easy to tell a parent. (As I have written elsewhere, I've told my father and step-mother, but not my bio-mother - and I don't expect I ever will). I don't know your father, but I'm one, and I like to think that whatever my child tells me won't change how I feel about them, nor that they're my child. And I would always be there for my child, whatever. I guess that when your father's had some time to think, then he'll come around. Perhaps he'll never be happy about it, but I'm sure that he'll accept it, in time. My fingers are crossed for you. I'm sure it'll work out.

  8. It has an excellent park and ride system. I usually park at Peartree and the buses leave every ten minutes or so. You can be outside Debenhams ( :lol: ) within 20 minutes of parking.

    I know! I lived in Oxford for four years. The Park&Ride was known locally as the Park'n'Gone :(. To be honest, the more I think of it, the more I'm up for going there again. I'd have a bit more arranging to do, tho', but it's worth it.

  9. I've never thought of this either. I suppose I'm just in the 'buy them, wear them' camp on this. I don't think that I'd ever want to do this kind of analysis, or give my shoes code names, or anything. I suppose that the most analysis I've done is realising that I have just about every possible variation on 'black high heel ankle boot' and that's about it. Oh wait - online catalogues beckon...

  10. Goodness! Stuck in 4" heels! I'm not sure I'd like that, but there's no danger of it happening to me. I think I can see the attraction, tho'. The advice you've had sounds sensible to me from my position of almost total ignorance, tho'. Go for it, and let us know how you get on!

  11. I'd prefer Swindon or Bristol, as my family lives not far from them, and I can get my little one looked after more easily. Oxford is a do-able, but a bit more of a trek. Plus I used to live there, and I might - oh, what the heck. There are some very nice pubs in Oxford, as any Morse fan will know. However, IIRC, it's not much cop for shopping in, as it's a bitch to park there, and everything is crammed. Swindon has the Great Western Arcade plus a town centre, which I think is okay. I've never been shopping in Bristol, but there's an out-of-town mall there called 'Cribbs Causeway', which probably boasts some decent shops. So, Swindon or Bristol for me, please. I'll try and sort out a weekend when I can make it, but sometime end of Jan or end of Feb is best for me. I'd also just like to agree with FireFox's comments. I've been to a meet where it was clear that some of the chaps there knew each other quite well, but AndyB and I were a bit new to it all. It's certainly helped me put names to faces, and feel much better about it all, and I think AndyB feels the same way. So, yeah, let's have more meets. Should be easier as the board grows!

  12. Thanks Doc! Have you got any advice on the best way to stretch a boot? I'm a little clueless in this area!

    Now you're asking!

    Actually, on the subject of sizes, I've some pairs marked as UK8/EUR41, and some marked as UK8/EUR42. Eh?!?

    For me, I have wider feet, so a square-toed style tends to fit better than a pointy style. Perhaps you might find the same, Jay.

  13. Nice one, intoskirts. I´ve had a similar reaction when I was in Logo for Less, a clearance shop. As I walked in, a woman and her boyfriend were just leaving. She pointed to a couple of pairs lying down on a seat and said "You can try those if you like - they´re size 8". I thanked her and carried on, ignoring the look I got from her boyfriend. I think he was as much surprised as annoyed I was talking to her :lol:

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