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Posts posted by Yamyam

  1. would that be a male BSH or female BSH?

    anyone want to give a size on BSH?

    :lol: I just thought about how big they'd be if a BSH was the size of my grandad's hand. He could hold a rugby ball end on between his thumb and forefinger :) EE's anyone?


    Of course, the beauty of it is that there's no standard, so you have to keep taking measurements :(

  2. would love to meet up with other guys in heels. Am located in the midlands, but can only do weekdays if thats any good to anyone.



    Depends on the weekday... I could be persuaded to take a day off from the office :lol:

  3. Yamyam hi,

    It was the Galleria in Hatfield. I think it would be nice to meet up and would be a great confidence boost for my friend but will have to ask him first.

    Thought so... I was there on Monday checking out shoes. I'd be happy to meet up there on a Sunday lunch or something. How's early March with you all? Seeing as I can't make SH's Nottingham Saturday.

    Please ask your friend - I know how much meeting FireFox helped me!

  4. I never forget completely that I'm wearing heels, but after an hour or so of wearing them it's no longer at the front of my mind. For instance, if I'm out with friends, then I'll put them on, and then just get on with what we're doing, and I'll forget until something reminds me, like having a go on a driving video game and having to remember how to drive in heels. But no, I never 100% forget, but then again, I never 100% forget I'm wearing clothes :lol:

  5. I don't have ADSL available, so it's Telewest or dial-up here. I use TW unmetered dialup, which works for me. As for ADSL, don't forget it's actually a contended service, with a 50:1 contention ratio. That means that up to 50 users are chasing that 2MB that you're promised, meaning that what you get on the day can be much less. Even business ADSL is 20:1 contended, meaning that there are times when it's on a go-slow. I'd personally go with Telewest cable, as that's the best for me. Ethernet interface, so that I can plug my UNIX computers in, and a nutrient drip so I never need to leave the house again :lol:

  6. It seems you attempt at a font size increase failed there, yamyam :lol:

    Yeah, made me look rather dumb...

    I got a new pair of boots yesterday, and both of the boots had two labels on... one saying the sale price, the other giving the size and normal price, and of course the obligatory bar code. All was removed swiftly once I got them home, thankfully without too much effort. The non-sale stickers were a little more tricky to remove, but I managed it. Unfortunately they left stick marks, but being on the inside of the arch, I'm not too fussed. It's not outwardly visible or offending, so I'm happy :(


    As long as you managed to get them removed, that's the main thing!

    I hate those damn labels!

  7. thank you all for all your messages and your welcoems to the board!!

    Well, welcome, welcome and welcome!

    Is there any place to chat with all of you ?Melanie

    Have a look around the board. You'll probably see where to say what you want to say somewhere. And don't worry about making a mistake, we're all fairly tolerant of mistakes. Oh, and as for worries about parents, I'm one. I'd echo TallSwede's comments about being careful on-line, but otherwise, enjoy the ability to talk to people from all over the world! I'm in the UK, for instance. I wish this kind of thing had been around when I was 14. It'd have helped me no end.

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