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Posts posted by Yamyam

  1. On 2002-02-28 17:15, hoverfly wrote:

    Sounds like a good time for the two of you to intergrated your love for shoes together. Having a common interest in a relationship helps strengthen it. If your BF hasn’t established a style of shoes for him self, why not look around and suggest what you think you like to see on him? Maybe you don't think stilettos and satrappy sandals are your idea of a man's high heel shoe. Maybe boots or closed shoes with a chunky or not so chunky heel? Maybe start with a lower heel? This might help you get comfortable with the idea of him wearing heels. I bet you love to shop for cloths as well? How about shopping outfits for your BF to go with those heels? Jeans, t-shirt, and heels may not go over well. But a sharp dressed man? You might not be so focused on his shoes then.

    Interesting advice there. Well, (being as I do know who 'anonymous' is in this case :smile: ) I hope we'll be able to give it a try.

    And yes, I'll bear with you, coz you're worth it! (sound of hundreds of registered users thinking that's really soppy)

  2. Yup, it's great to be in here reading and talking. I'd spend too much time in here but for the fact that my EPM's monitor our web usage quite closely, and I'm not ready for that conversation. Especially as it'd probably go something like this: Me: Hello? Them: You're fired. So, it's only when I'm near a phone line :smile: . But sometimes, I'll spend a while reading, then post a couple. According to my profile, I've managed 1% of the total posts, tho', so I must be talking more than I thought B)

  3. Well, as some people have said, if you're complimenting a woman's appearance, she's not likely to complain. And fortunately for us guys, women seem easier with this kind of stuff. It's like all those great shopping trip experiences, where the female assistants will really help you out. I must admit, I've not asked someone yet where she got her shoes (other than my SO) but I don't see why I wouldn't.

  4. First time for me, I wore my 2" wedgies through a motorway service station. I went to buy a drink and then straight back to the car. I died of terror every inch of the way there and back, but it turned out OK. No-one batted an eyelid. Not long ago, I was halfway across a petrol station when I realised I still had my heels on :smile: . Oops. No-one batted an eyelid then either. Fortunately for me, the guy who read my name &c off my fuel card couldn't see my boots through the counter. It's all about confidence. Once you can fake that, you're sorted.

  5. Love 'em. I have a couple of similar pairs. My total fave pair is like that, but a bit plainer, from Schuh.

    Posted Image

    How many times did I have to edit this :smile: ?

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Yamyam on 2002-02-25 14:25 ]</font>

    <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Yamyam on 2002-02-25 14:26 ]</font>

  6. I've just met a new SO. After plucking up the courage, helped by her showing off her latest purchase (how jealous was I?!?) I told her. Her initial reaction was "Oh." Since then, she's said she doesn't mind, as long as she doesn't have to see it at the moment. But who knows how things will change. She is mad on shoes too, and so my fingers are crossed :smile: . But whatever happens, I'm glad I told her.

  7. Well, I'm an IT consultant, so I generally have to wear a suit and tie. However, I do have some sites where I don't need to. One place I was at said 'Wear whatever the hell you want', but even though I had my fave wedges with me, I bottled out B) .

    But then, I need this job!

    Good luck with the interviews, you lucky sods :smile: .

  8. Up here in t' frozen Midlands, and other places in my experience, 'gay' is just a generic term of abuse, especially for anyone even slightly different. I have a (small) standing joke along the lines of "In the Midlands, a gay man is one who prefers women to football" :smile: . But no-one's ever shouted anything at me. Actually, given what I look like, the kind of people who'd shout abuse at me are probably trying to sort out whether to shout homophobic or racist abuse first. But as long as they keep quiet, I don't mind B) .

  9. Well, if only this site had been here when I was off to university!

    I have a slightly different problem, in that I have a young child. They're at an age where they will notice and comment, and likely tell lots of other people about it. I am separated from his mother, who sort-of knows about me and heels, but I don't really want it broadcast to the world. I've no idea what to do, so any suggestions are welcome.

    So, while I sympathise with the 16-year olds, I'm in a predicament too. And this one's not easy either. I would say, tho', that it may be easier when you're younger. I nearly had a conversation with my parents at 17, but now that I'm rather older, I think the moment may have passed.

    Like others would probably say, 'Go for it!' Actually, just like shopping, you may find that the reality is nowhere near as bad as the terror :smile: .

    Now, if I can just learn to take my own advice B) .

  10. On 2002-01-31 01:06, Calv wrote:

    I think the place Francis mentions is the Kettering branch of United Footwear. Theres a big branch near me, in Coventry which is only a retail place but they do have a large range of styles, mostly only go up to a size 8, aprt from the fetish plats which go up to a size 11 or so. They have branches all over the midlands. Let me know where you're based and I'll find a branch for you.

    Most stuff is imported from the far east and is pretty cheap (in price and quality)

    I'm just west of Birmingham, so I'm about 35 miles from Coventry, but with Brum and the M6 in the way. Is there a web site link?


  11. On 2002-01-09 14:51, Francis wrote:

    Quite often, though, I go to the local warehouse, where I can buy shoes and boots at wholesale prices. Distinct advantage of living in cobblers county (Northamptonshire).

    I try them in the shop side of the warehouse and but them on the trade counter (they don't let you try them on in the warehouse)

    Blimey - where's that then? Northampton is not all that far from me. Worth a shopping trip for something special, anyhow.

  12. Name: Yamyam

    Age: 0x20

    Gender: M

    Location: Midlands

    Occupation: Computer Technician

    Height: 5'8"

    Weight: Too much

    Shoe size: 8ish

    What's your favourite heel style: Wedge or stiletto

    What's your favourite shoe style: Ankle boot

    Do you wear your heels outside: Yes (rarely)

    What is:

    (a) Your favourite heel height: 4"

    (:smile: Your highest heel height: 5"

    How often do you wear:

    (a) Your favourite heel height: Most of the time I am in heels

    (B) Your highest heel height: Occasionally

    Do you wear socks, hose, stockings or bare feet with your shoes: Depends, usually socks or popsox, depending on how tight the boot is

    Anything else you wish to add:

    Oh, if only more shops went up to a size 9!

  13. Well, I'd like to wear some trousers that would hide the heel a bit, but I'm struggling to find a style that will work. I bought some 33" jeans, which should do it, but the leg holes are too small, so I just look like I've crumpled at the ankles B) .

    I know I should shop for jeans with my heels on, but if I was brave enough for that, I wouldn't need the longer trousers :smile: .

    What's a chap to do?

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