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Posts posted by Yamyam

  1. I'm also planning my first trip to Rocky Horror fairly soon. I will do my best with the appropriate attire - but I'm not sure how much I want the people I'm going with to find out!!! We shall see, but I suspect it'll be a scream. Now, all I need to do is figure out how to smuggle in a water pistol, cigarette lighter and a piece of toast :lol:

  2. REALLY SORRY EVERYONE!!! I changed my name..I'm RolleyBas too..Well I asked her if I coud try them and she said yes! It was so fun, I was sitting in her room and she gave me a pedicure and then I put on her shoes..the have an open toe...I wanted to look good. We walked around the town a bit and I did get a few looks...being only 13 and a half my friends did crack at me, but the girl and I made a good excuse for it...NO COMMENT ON THAT...so wha do you think? Has is hppened to you? Oh and guy...pedicures are fun...expecailly when the are freeand your nails are painted pink!

    Gaah! Changing your name! The youth of today :lol:

    But nice one, hope this is the start of something great!

  3. I just remembered another treacherous object. Ever try to walk up a ladder in 6" stiletto heels? I have and it was scary. I had to walk up sideways to keep the sole and spike on each step. Even coming down was scary.

    OK, this is probably a dumb question - but why were you on a ladder in heels?!? I mean, I'm an enthusiast and all, everything I can do in heels I do in heels, but I'm not going to try that one :lol:

  4. I have just seen a rather nice pair of boots by Faith in one of those catalogs that you find in the middle of your Sunday papers but they only go up to UK size 8. I am UK size 9 but I can wear some size 8 boots. Does anybody know if Faith boots are a perfect 8 or if they can fit a bit larger. Any help would be greatly appreciated!


    Faith opens in Merry Hill soon. Perhaps we should check it out!

    Try Next. They go up to a size 9. In fact, I have some Next knee-high boots with a 2" heel that are too big! I may have to sell them :lol:

  5. My ex-wife seemed OK with my heels & stuff, and it wasn't a problem until we had our little one, which is when things started going wrong between us. To be honest, I think that heels wasn't the problem, but she wanted a handy excuse. I've told the couple of girlfriends I've had since. One was very positive, but things didn't work out, again for other reasons. The other was, well, okay about it, but again, things didn't work out. She said that it wasn't to do with shoes, and I didn't believe her then. I think that now I do, tho'. I'd still tell a new girlfriend about it, but I now I don't think I'd tell straight away, I thiink I'd give it a few weeks or so, just so that we can get to know each other a bit better. HTHelps

  6. WHOA! What size do you think they are?! UK53?! Those are SO cool! Where'd u find them? I wonder how easy they'd be to walk in? :lol:

    I MUST get one of those...


    Surely you'd need two to walk in them! But they are cool... But I think not for me.

  7. I've got a camera phone, but it's quite hard to be subtle with it... You should see FireFox in full-on photoing action - the next James Bond, I tell you! ObSighting: I spotted a lady in a wheelchair wearing 5" patent knee boots. OK, she wasn't walking in them, but it was still a pretty damn impressive statement. Sadly, I bottled out of going over there and saying 'hi!'.

  8. Next are good but expensive. They seem to do only leather shoes and boots, which is nice, but they are expensive. As far as I can see they're worth it, tho'. They also have some styles in sizes over your standard UK8, which is a nice change. There's a store called 'Next To Nothing' in Brum, where they sell off lines cheap. I've been in there a few times and had some major major bargains. Plus, I think AndyB managed to buy a pair in there, which he liked. I only ever go in there during sales, but if I could wear my heels much more often, you wouldn't get me out of there. Well, until Faith opens :lol:

  9. Hi guys

    Am free all day this monday, have just started out in public in jeans that show off all the heel of my shows, so very excited

    Cheers Highguy

    Eek! I'd need slightly more notice than that! Goodness me - I have to furtle time off work :lol:

  10. Welcome back! Glad to hear that things went well.

    Thank you everyone, for the warm thoughts and well wishing. It seems that I will heal up quite well and not have any further complications.

    If I can be indulged this one comment before someone beats me to it, but of course we'd expect you to heel up well :lol:

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