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Posts posted by Yamyam

  1. Driving in high heels can be interesting! I'm not sure I'll do much more driving in heels, now that I'm cool with walking around in them. Just as well, really, as I'm not sure if I'll be able to drive my BMW in heels... it's got the clutch from hell, and one of those BMW-style organ-pedal loud buttons*, and so there's nowhere for a heel to go under it. * I think that's known as the 'gas pedal' in other parts of the world :lol:

  2. My g/f knows about the heels and hose, and also knows that it is part of me and that it won't go away. I don't wear them outside as I am way to nervious.

    However, since the birth of our first child, she has become a lot less tolerant, and even sees it as threatening. We have made a comprise, in that I will only wear them when she is not home, and if I want a "session", she can disappear for a while.

    I had a similar experience with my (now ex-)wife. I can see why - this kind of thing isn't only about us parents, it's about the children as well, and that makes it hard. It's definitely hard for me right now, trying to balance the halves of my life.

    I'll see what the future holds, and I hope that she will become more comfortable.

    Does anyone else wear their heels and/or hose around their children ?

    Not now. Perhaps later, when he's old enough for me to explain properly. I'm very lucky in that me and my little one have a very good relationship, and I think we always will. So I think it'll be relatively easy to tell him (but not easy).

    Good luck with it all!

  3. ...Or your sister is the same size and you're buying her a present. (Doesn't work with size 12UK though!).

    That'd be a big sister!

    But yeah, I just say that they're for me, and no-one minds. As has been said elsewhere, you're paying for them, your money is as good as anyone's, and you should get the same service as anyone else.

    The key to the whole thing is confidence. Once you can fake that, you're sorted :lol:

  4. I think that a small platform can enhance the look of a shoe. Something like half an inch or so, perhaps. But anything much more than that looks out of proportion, and ugly. I've got a pair of 'Son of SQ' big platforms that I bought for the 7" heels, but I don't wear them often, as I'm not so keen on the platforms any more.

  5. Well, perhaps they noticed, perhaps they didn't. I've noticed that most people don't look much beyond the end of their noses. I spent part of Saturday night playing around in a pair of 4" thin heel boots in a busy city centre pub. No-one apart from the few people around me seemed to notice anything at all. Of course, I'm saying this, I don't wear heels in my home town, as I wonder about possible reactions that'd affect my family. But when I'm away, I'm there! And at Christmas, you can go anywhere, buy anything, and do whatever you like in shops. Everyone else will either assume you're being marvellously creative with Christmas presents or won't notice as they're too busy shopping for Auntie Nellie. Go for it. Run free (well, after some practice, it isn't as easy as some people make it look :lol: )

  6. Perhaps I'll have to take it all back. I've just been out with friends and met a really cute young lady in 2.5" knee boots. I was wearing a pair of 4" ankle boots which she admired, and I gave her my phone number. She's promised to call next time she's near my place, so who knows? Oh, and I swapped boots with another woman there, who claims she doesn't wear heels because she'd be 6' 3" in my 4" heels. She liked my boots, and kept asking where I bought them. More news as it breaks :lol:

  7. Lucky you! As I've said other places, my mother doesn't know, and I'm not sure if I should ever tell her! However, we seem to be getting on better now than ever before, so perhaps... But my Dad and Stepmom know, and they're cool about it. I don't think I want too much encouragement, so for me just knowing they're cool is what I want.

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