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Posts posted by Yamyam

  1. excuse much, anal or something? Worrying about whether virtually transparent labels are on the outside on the instep or arch of the shoe...Give me strength

    Bah! Virtually transparent labels, I'm happy with, especially if they have that 'squashed gerbil' symbol on. We're talking about the huge, 1 inch square labels they put on shoes here, which shout <font size="+6">yuk!</font> at you with every single step!

  2. Well, Squirrelheels, the summer slacks idea is a good one. Of course, you could always rely on the fact that everyone will be used to your shoes by the summer (3rd week of June, if I remember correctly - drat this country) and just go for it! And I saw a car sticker the other week which said 'I dress this way to p155 you off' - oh, was I tempted to get that :lol:

  3. I also quite like those ankle strap sandals and closed-toe styles. But I haven't found a pair with a high enough heel in a UK8. Darn. Also, I'm not sure if I'd take them outside, and I'd quite like to stop buying shoes that I only wear indoors.

  4. Good advice.

    Start with what you are confident with and move towards more elegant styles. The most important thing is to walk with confidence in what you are wearing.

    I was told when doing presentations that the most important thing is not falling over. You can always fake the confidence, but pretending that you meant to fall over might be tricky :lol:

  5. I've seen many girls and women struggling with push-chairs and heels. I have been known to go and help, purely out of sympathy, mind. Also, I've seen one woman bravely pushing a wheelchair in her heels, and making a pretty good job of it. I was impressed. Otherwise, it's just the usual running across an open space in the rain, which is also quite sexy.

  6. Oh, and speaking of comedy, does anyone watch Father Ted? I have BBC America here in California, and we get all sorts of British shows. I've been waiting to see the new Fater ted season, yet all we get is repeats of old shows. :lol:

    Sadly, the chap who plays Father Ted died not long ago, quite suddenly. So the repeats are all we get.

    I was never that into it when it was on, but I discovered it not long ago. All together now: "These are small, and those are far away!" :(

  7. Hummers are nice, but I doubt I'll ever have one at European petrol prices :lol: At the moment I'm enjoying about a million smiles per gallon in my M325i... Next up, I want the soft-top version. And when my little one is big enough, we're going off-roading! I'll get either a Toyota Hilux pickup or a LandRover 101FC, with the turbo-diesel conversion. Woo-hoo! Actually, my favest car before that was a Lada Niva 4x4. It was built like a tank, so it was slow as moo, but it was absolutely untouchable off-road. I put up with four months of urine extraction over it, then I towed a friend six miles home with it. He never said a word after that, oddly!

  8. One more thing do Brantano do many styles of boot in sz10 or just a very small selection?

    You could always go look :lol:

    But they have a quite reasonable selection in that kind of size. Alternatively, there's Evans, but they're a clothes shop with shoes, rather than a shoe shop. They cater for more cuddly women, hence the larger sizes in nice shoes. They're on most high streets, too.

  9. Not me. I sometimes wear basic black knee-highs under boots, because I don't like the feeling of boots on bare feet. Otherwise I wear normal socks. I don't ever go out with hose showing, so it doesn't matter to me. Plus, I think with two layers of tights plus trousers, I wouldn't be able to bend my legs, and I'd just fall over. Without doing any :drinking: :lol:

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