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Posts posted by Yamyam

  1. On the not so good side, my best friend and I were out on Halloween and I saw a guy wearing heels. Made a comment to my best friend about it later... we saw the same guy last night and my best friend turned to me and goes "Isn't that the faggot that was wearing the heels the other night?" Kinda pushed back the schedule on telling him, although I have another friend (:lol: that I'll be telling soon.

    I don't think that should put you off too much. It's my experience that things like that stick much more in my head than anyone elses, purely because I'm more stressed about it than anyone else. My brother's made a comment to me about something, which he'd forgotten the next minute, but I remember to this day. That's just being human.

  2. lol Yamyam, I didn't catch that typo. Would that be a freudian slip or what? :o

    and btw, I probably was checking out their shoes :lol:

    Well, it was a Freudian slip there, which is why I thought I'd mention it :)

    And I know what you mean - I spend a lot of time these days watching films for the shoes (hey, it was the only way I lived thru the 'Rocky & Bullwinkle movie' :lol:

  3. less obviously biased? He's the only one who gets to see the extent of what I do! He'll be honest, because he has nothing to hide and no reason to lie about what I do in heels.

    I said "less obviously biased" as a reference to the fact that the two of you are going out, that's all. It was a gentle tease that didn't work over the web, I guess.

    Not that he'll tell everything, I'm sure. :(

    I'm sure too. But I'm looking forward to your further adventures. And if you can wash a car in heels, then there's really nothing stopping you :lol:

  4. I like women in skirt suits and hh pumps. Preferably just above the knee, but not mid-thigh or anything. That can be sexy too, but I find it kind of distracting if it's too short.

    Skirt suits and pumps are quite nice, on the right person. Makes visiting all those offices I have to go to bearable.

    I think I started liking women in suits because I watched a lot of lawyer shoes in the 80's :lol:

    Uh, did you mean 'shows'? Or did you watch a lot of lawyers and their shoes :( ? I know I shouldn't take the mick out of typos, but that tickled me.

  5. Well, yes, they are practical, I can do a lot in them. Four inch heels are the athletic height for me, I have run in them, though I am sure I don't look like a sprinter when I try it.

    Hey, after some time, with the right shoes, a girl can do anything.

    Just ask Chris...

    Perhaps I should ask someone less obviously biased :lol:

    But I can do quite a lot in my 4" heels too, and I'm just wondering how to move to 5". But then, I don't think I see myself on the street in 5", so I don't know when that'll happen.

  6. No need to worry about having old kit. My portble PC will soon be celebrating its 5th birthday, PII 266 MMX 4Gb disk, 96Mb RAM, Win 98 etc... it does what it needs to do and I could still develop software on an old 386 machine that would run on the fastest PC going! As long as you aren't seriously into Games/Media/DVD having the very latest/fast kit is not reality. The top of the range is aimed at business users and 12 months down the line the same will be offered to domestic users for a quarter of the price. Unless you REALLY need it NOW WAIT!

    Quite so! I'm typing this on a PII 266MMX, with 2x 2GB disks, and Windows 2000 (I'm allergic to Windows 98). I shudder to think how old my Alphas are. If I need power, I haul out my AMD Duron 950-powered laptop, and that's the fastest I've got.

    The only time I play games, where the serious performance is required, I'm either on a friend's PlayStation 2, or in a video arcade. (ObShoe: I've played Sega Virtual Karting in 4" wedgies!)

    So I'm happy with my elderly hardware.

  7. greb, grebo, greebo n. dirty, greasy haired, pos. dressed in dishevelled clothes, rocker-type person., pronounced gree-bo. Bands such as Zodiac Mindwarp and Pop Will Eat Itself were popular with grebo's

    So, kind of like grunge but a bit more electronic?

    (I'm sure I used to understand this stuff before I became a parent :lol: )

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