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Posts posted by Yamyam

  1. Yamyam - there's nothing wrong with this particular North American car, lots of leg room for a goddess who enjoys it, and it does have some power. It also sounds great when displaying that power. I tend to find the driver to be the best part, naturally. :grin:

    I thought you might be keen on the driver, somehow :smile:

    But hey - I'm from Europe, and we're supposed to knock American cars. It's in the rules or something. But it is a nice-looking car, and if you two like it, then that's what matters.

  2. It will be a shame if you go, Maryanne. I can understand why, tho', as I've been on the recieving end of some fairly nasty comments too! I don't blame you, but I can only suggest that you stick with it! This whole electronic communication things sometimes lead to misinterpretation and nastiness out of all proportion. I try and bear that in mind when reading and posting. Hope to see you back, and it'll be a loss to us all if you really do go.

  3. and the woman wearing a see through top with only nipple rings :smile:

    You only saw one :grin: ?

    Calv's silver stiletto boots were pretty cool too; sorry I forgot to mention those. These fetish fairs really teach you to appreciate other people's ideas.

    True. And let's not forget Xaphod's thigh-length boots. I spotted people pointing him out to each other a couple of times :grin:

  4. Well, everyone's summed up the sensible stuff, so it only remains to mention the sillier bits of the day. A highlight for me was following Xaphod's hat all the way from Nuneaton to Birmingham, as it seemed to know where to go :smile: All right, we didn't know what Calv drove, and so all we could see on the road in front was a small car containing a large hat! Oh, and I got my first compliment on my heels ever! Considering I was last in a line of the five of us, me being spotted and complemented was quite a boost to the ego. All in all, an excellent two days, and well worth it. Perhaps we'll see some more people next time. Oh, and thanks for the sleep-over, Calv!

  5. I'm with FireFox. I just love to see a woman in a shorter skirt and knee boots with a medium or high heel. For some reason, I especially like the combination of a denim skirt and black or tan boots. Alternatively, I too also love boots and trousers. I once saw a quite attractive young lady in a pair of black trousers with kick pleats and a pair of gorgeous black ankle boots with medium heels walking down a road I was trying to drive down. I must admit I nearly crashed admiring her :smile: The Cardiff Shopping Story sounds interesting too, tho' :grin:

  6. Well, just my point of view, but those cowboy boots don't do anything for me at all. I think I'll carry on saving up, then. I think the ones in the picture are just out of proportion. They look odd. I've seen other styles in shops, and they're almost the first boots that I just don't see myself in. I have this odd sense of disappointment now. Heels that I don't like? Most odd.

  7. Agreed! I spend quite a lot of time looking for shoe stuff, and I can't remember where I found this board. Of course, that was nearly a year ago, but if I remember correctly, what I found was just an odd link off somewhere else. I remember being amazed by what I found here.

    So, there probably are lots of people looking, but not finding us yet. Oh well, short of advertising, I'm not sure what we can do.

  8. Black is definitely easier to hide things in, and for a man in heels, black wedges are quite subtle. So you'll often find me in black wedges. I'd love to wear some much spikier boots, and sometimes I do, but at the moment, it's black and only black. Plus I just love the look of black boots!

  9. Not sure I should be here, but I agree that when it comes to safety, then both men and women should wear appropriate clothes. However, when it comes to office work, then both men and women should present themselves appropriately. As for what 'appropriately' is, well, that should be left to the individuals, under guidance from management. I'll probably get flamed for this, but I think that in situations where respect is important, such as funeral homes, hospitals, and so on, then it is more polite and more respectful to adopt a more conservative position on clothing. I agree with Maryanne that this needs to cut both ways. I work in IT, and I regularly see men who look absolutely terrible! They should also be taken aside and have appropriate dress explained to them!

  10. Until about 1930, it would have been impossible to produce leather in a true black, it would have been either a very dark purple or an extremely dark brown. Sometimes the victorians overdyed green with red but unless this was done properly you would end up with either a reddish or greenish tint.

    Bring on the purple!

    (Damn, there goes my secret identity!)

  11. Many things the government or military do are not official. Officially we don't possess FAE but if that is the case why so many burnt Iraqi corpses buried in Kuwait? Officially the government aren't supposed to tap phone lines without a court order so why do we have GCHQ?

    Officially it intercepts communications from foreign powers.

    But, according to Amnesty &so on, the UK has the most secretive and restrictive government of any alleged democracy, if I remember correctly.

  12. You need to keep going to TK Maxx. Their stock turns over very quickly, and if you see something you need to grab it. I've just got a pair of 3.5" suede boots from there tonight. I paid UKP20, which makes them one of my more expensive pairs, but they're lovely and comfortable in socks, so I could probably wear them all day if I could. Another advantage of TK Maxx, for the shy, is that they sell everything, and their 'men's' shoes are in the same place as the 'interesting' shoes. (Is that right? Men's vs. Interesting? Damn, this alcohol is working)

  13. Whew! I've read and re-read Janise's post and still can't figure it out. I associate "racist" with race - the color of a person?s skin or disrespect because of ethnic background. I can't imagine, regardless of how I look at it, associating a man wearing high heels as being "racist." What has that got to do with it?

    OK, 'fess up. I'm not white. So, to the 'racist' argument. It's what's called a 'straw man' argument. Essentially, the way it works is this:

    You say something.

    I claim that this is exactly the same as the racist argument that funny-coloured people are inherently inferior, due to smaller brains, or being bred to be good at sports, or whatever.

    You wonder how the hell I got there.

    I accuse you of being a racist.

    You - well, you lose at this point, according to the book ("Proof techniques of the rich and famous", since you ask)

    It's a winner, every time. People not liking men in heels, well, men in heels are just like racists, really. Me not wanting my mobile phone stolen - well, proves I'm a racist, really. And so it goes.

    Back to the start. I'm not white, but I live in the UK. So I know about this.

  14. "and you got a boyfriend out of this to boot"

    More of a duff pun than a criticism, surely?

    Besides, posting is good. I don't do enough of that.

    What, our own hh goddess claims she doesn't do enough posting? My poor modem is doing all it can right now :grin:

    All in all, things are exceptional right now. :smile:

    That's one of those deliciously ambiguous comments I love. I'm having an 'exceptional day' too. I've just broken up with one of the loveliest people I've ever met, for one reason and another. That's exceptional, but not where I want to be.

    But don't let me bring you down. Laurie and Chris11 - best wishes to you both, health, long life and happiness.

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