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Posts posted by Yamyam

  1. Good achievement yam yam, but don't forget I was away 2 weeks skiing, 5 weeks ocean sailing, 2 weeks catamaran sail instructor and 2 weeks holiday in Cuba during that one year, no internet during almost 3 months. In the meantime I calmed down so you all are going to catch me but I don't care, I get older and just enjoy my life in heels but have already written down so much about it people can find everything in the older threads. Instead of posting I now sit at a terrace enjoying good Belgian beers in my heels. Have fun with whatever you do, Luc

    Hadn't forgotten, I was just hoping that no-one else would remember, so I could claim one achievement at least. Oh well, back to the drawing board (typing board?!?)

  2. Nice one, Big D! Three miles for one's first outing is a heck of a long way, tho' - that's got to be quite brave. But well done on the day, anyway. Do Garage have a web site? I'm curious as to what your boots look like!

  3. As I've said elsewhere, they're not men's or women's, they're mine! And to be honest, I've never had to say that to anyone, where ever I've been. But, SH, if you are planning a long day in heels, make sure that you don't overdo it :lol: . I nearly killed myself once during an evening out, where I couldn't sit down due to a shortage of chairs, and thus spent about six hours on my feet in my London Wedges. The next day I was rather sore, but buzzed from the achievement.

  4. I like my fridge catagorised logically, as opposed to being in alphabetical order! (Or as the Americans say: "alphabetised" - which isn't actually a word)

    I just like mine full, which doesn't happen that often :(

    And I don't do the ironing! :lol: So that's me outta that one! Do you find you have to adjust the height of the ironing board depending on what footwear you're wearing?!

    I just stick the ironing board up to the maximum height and go for it. Sadly, mine was designed for people much shorter than I am, so it's actually quite uncomfortable to use it for long periods, heels or no, as I end up bending over all the time. Same with washing up at the sink.

    Darn it all to heck.

  5. Where exactly do you put the L plate?! On your back? Your tits? Your arse? Forehead?!

    SH - you have tits? My goodness!

    How do fat legs help with fitting more stuff into the boots?! :lol:

    That's it! No more drinking and posting! I think I was trying to say that you can squeeze more things down your thigh-highs if you don't have bony legs. Probably. Oh, I don't know. Look, we're talking about smuggling pieces of toast into a theatre with an L-plate strapped to your tits and you're asking *me* to make sense :(

  6. Some of the autobahn network is really badly smashed up. I co-drove to Austria in January, and some of the German roads were quite bumpy, even in my brother's Audi limo. There didn't seem to be many people in heels in Germany and Austria, not that we stopped that much. But just about everyone we bumped into in Germany spoke good English. My brother and I decided that I'd do French and he'd do German. So I spent a couple of days wrestling with French. When we crossed the border into Germany, he just spoke English most of the time and got away with it grrr... :lol: And there are huge benefits to not living in London, such as no congestion charge, reasonable house prices, no problems with essential workers being squeezed out, and so on :( Oh, and low commute times. I managed to chafe off some people today because I live three miles away from my office, so my commute is about fifteen minutes. I know people who commute 4 hours a day!

  7. Aren't you supposed to have a piece of toast for the scene where Frank shouts 'A toast?' I'd have thought that a bag would probably be taken off you straight up. But you could conceal a heck of a lot in a pair of thigh highs... Especially if you've got fat legs, like mine! When I go, I'm planning to ask a lot of questions of my mate Andy :lol: And I may go for the 'L'-plate option.

  8. Nice one, Julietta & PolishUser2002! "The look" sounds good, but I hope you don't mind if I don't fit in with it... eek! I'm happy in my jeans and tee-shirts :lol: I'm actually going to be around Hatfield (well, close enough to pop in) on Thursday night - is that any good? Otherwise, like I always say, Sundays are good with me, so let's pick one of those during March. Oh, and Jay, I can probably give you a lift if you trust my driving :(

  9. So you don't think that 13 is young?????!!!!! :lol:

    It's one of the truths about mankind (and womankind, I think).

    "Young" = about five years less than me.

    "Old" = about ten years more than me.

    And so I can quite see why a 13-year old doesn't think he's young, whilst us elderly dodders who quote our ages in hex can barely remember a time that long ago :(

  10. I think there's a thread on this somewhere else on the board. As for me, I've no idea, it's always been with me. These days I get to wear them around my house, and sometimes out with friends or when I'm shopping in a strange town away from home. Every so often I go for a big 'push the envelope' thing, which is always a giggle. I'm dead jealous of the people that can wear their heels anytime, but then I wouldn't change the reason that I don't want to. And before anyone mentions that that doesn't make sense, I know. I'm happy not making sense sometimes :lol:

  11. As I get more confident, I'm loving people noticing. The more times people notice, the happier I am. All that I've ever been asked is 'why are you wearing those shoes?'. I reply 'because I want to' and that's that. The last time I went out with lots of mates, I ended up chatting to a lovely young lady in knee boots (of which I wrote some earlier...) She asked 'Why?' I said 'I like to' and that was that. We spent some time talking about shoes, but it basically wasn't an issue, and we spent the rest of the evening talking and drinking (apparently :lol: ) At the end of the evening, a friend said to me 'well, if you wanted to come out with it and let everyone know, you've done it with style!' And that was that - another wall kicked down, and more power to my elbow!

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